Seeing how more men commit suicde than women do, "seizing life" is hardly the "manly man" thing.
In some other cultures, suicide is the "manly" thing to do.
Allt his crap about seizing ones life is absolutely silly. Ones life more often than not, is not within ones own control. You have genetics, being
born into one culture, a childhood one cannot control, certain factors that might block ones ascension to ones dream, ect.
And suicide is not always about not being able to cope with life, or a lack of success.
There are more reasons people commit suicide than you can imagine. There are numerous descisions to end ones life.
But, it is not a pussy way out. To say such is misleading, and sugests a person who either contemplates or does it is somehow "weak".
It boils down to awareness of ones situation.
regardless, what causes ones desire to commit suicide must be carefully examined. In the case of infinite, it is simply young, 17, and he is growing
up in a sick, depraved, and inhuman world that would truly terrify any normal thinking teenage or person of similar age. In a society with almost
little value for family, family support, ect, kids get lost. They become numbers, more meat to grind through the system. Thier ideals of life as an
adult is based on the nonsense that adults around them engage in, they see the petty pointlessness of adults "seizing the day" which often keads to
a sense of emptiness after they have seized it.
Thus, infinite, I suggest, dont look above you or around you at the idiots and what they have wright with thier own lives. Often, they are simjple
minds who have done thinsg without thinking, or whose scope on reality is limited and puny. T=You still have time and energy and can avoid the same
trap they have fallen in. The emotions you feel within are your own. Your life is one that only you know. But know, being under the thumb of your
elders, or being caught in one trap doesnt have to last forever. You still can get out of it and see for yourself what reality is. If you look hard
enough, youll find a piece of life, forgotten on some back road, untouched by the everyday idiocy, that can be all yours, and will find it much worth
living for.