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Australian Freemasons win lawsuit against 'whistleblowers' site

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posted on May, 5 2006 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by vestri
I don't know anyone at gaiaguysnet, I'm just going by the evidential information I read at gaiaguysnet.

Hi Vestri,

You've been caught lying. You don't know anyone at That's funny because on the FIGU board you're corresponding with, a.k.a. Dyson Devine and you're discussing this thread. Liar.

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 02:03 AM
I'm not sure we can trust someone who is at "intellectual fool level".

You're off my Christmas card list, Terrax...

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by TerraX

Originally posted by vestri
I don't know anyone at gaiaguysnet, I'm just going by the evidential information I read at gaiaguysnet.

Hi Vestri,

You've been caught lying. You don't know anyone at That's funny because on the FIGU board you're corresponding with, a.k.a. Dyson Devine and you're discussing this thread. Liar.

That's exactly what I thought,TX, when I did my "spy" work at FIGU. It's pretty evident that Vestri and Dyson are talking to each other. Maybe that doesn't equate "knowing" someone, but, but, but how does Vestri get out of this one?

posted on May, 10 2006 @ 03:54 AM

Originally posted by TerraX

Originally posted by vestri
I don't know anyone at gaiaguysnet, I'm just going by the evidential information I read at gaiaguysnet.

Hi Vestri,

You've been caught lying. You don't know anyone at That's funny because on the FIGU board you're corresponding with, a.k.a. Dyson Devine and you're discussing this thread. Liar.

I'm not lying TerraX, its just that you made a careless mistake reading what you had read about Dyson and myself at Figu forum, because of your dumbness. Here let me show you and please check/verify everything I am about to say to you and also check all times of postings too.

Firstly please reread my first post I had posted here in this ATS thread, posted on the 5-4-2006. In my post there, I was giving my opinion on the topic of this thread of yours here called "Australian Freemasons win lawsuit against whistleblowers site" -

Now go and reread what I had said to Dyson in my number '2' post in this thread at Figu forum, which I had posted on the same day that I posted my first post here in this thread.

You should quite clearly see there in that number 2 post of mine that I am introducing myself to Dyson there at Figu forum and that I had never spoken to him before that time either, and also see that that is the first thing I had ever said to Dyson there at that figu forum too -

Vestri quote - "Hello Dyson, I think your gaiaguysnet website is one of the most informative website's around and it's been my favourite for the past year now since I had first stumbled across it."

Please check to see if I was talking to Dyson there in that post about anything to do with Freemasonary, or if I had mentioned anything to Dysaon about to do with this thread here too or anything to do with me defending Gaiaguysnet here also? No, I made no mention of anything to do with Freemasonary or anything to do with this thread here.

Now go to the next page there at Figu forum and reread all of Dyson's posts to me there to see if what we were discussing there had anything to do with Freemasonary or to do with this ATS forum thread here. Nothing, all comunicate between us was all in relation to something else, and the first time that there was any talk between us of anything to do with Freemasonary or to do with the topic of this thread, was in Gaiaguysnets/Dyson post number '143' on this page, posted on the 19-4-2006. Here is the only thing that Dyson had mentioned to me in that '143' post that had anything to do with anything related to Freemasonary or to do with topic of this ATS forum thread here -

Quote Gaiaguysnet/Dyson:

"Hi again Vestri,

You're very welcome. Glad to be able to help.

Incidentally, thanks very much for the defence on TerrarUBICON's "Above Top Secret" thread about us. ("

So now you know TerraX that I had never known or communicated with Dyson from Gaiaguysnet website till after the time that I had posted my first post here, when i had given my opinion here on the topic of TerraX's thread here called "Australian Freemasons win lawsuit against whistleblowers site"!!!

TerraX, in simple terms that means that you can take back what you said about me here and stick it back up your ass -

Originally posted by TerraX

You've been caught lying. You don't know anyone at That's funny because on the FIGU board you're corresponding with, a.k.a. Dyson Devine and you're discussing this thread. Liar.


[edit on 10-5-2006 by vestri]

posted on May, 10 2006 @ 08:06 AM
Alright, now that that's settled, lets all take a deep breath and move back onto the topic under consideration.

posted on May, 10 2006 @ 03:28 PM
[edit on 10-5-2006 by TerraX]

posted on May, 10 2006 @ 04:24 PM

It makes for an arresting topic heading, but DID the OTO or Freemasons actually win one dollar from Gaiaguys?

Unless there's been some new development, Gaiaguys were stating as of six months or more ago that despite the argy bargy being attempted by the OTO and others, the OTO failed to pursue the issue to its claimed intended conclusion .... BECAUSE Gaiaguys were able to PROVE conclusively that their 'crime' consisted simply of publishing the OTO's OWN 'mission statement'.

And as most of us are aware, it's NOT defamation/slander/libel IF IT's TRUE.

If the OTO publish information to the extent they eat and worship cane toads (for example) and someone else repeats that same information ... then it is NOT defamation.

When it launched professed legal action against Gaiaguys ---- wasn't OTO actually announcing to the world that it had 'connections' within government and legal circles? Didn't OTO in fact EXPOSE the fact that members of the legal fraternity were either members of, or sympathetic to, the OTO?

So didn't OTO 'out' its own members within government and legal circles? Didn't OTO make complete idiots of its own members and associates within legal and government circles? Certainly seems that way and the public has been grateful to OTO for revealing just who --- within the judiciary and government --- is affiliated with or member of, OTO.

So it seems that all OTO accomplished was to waste a lot of peoples' time: people who were not at all happy with OTO for involving and exposing them. Gaiaguys came out smelling of roses, in the public's estimation.

And didn't certain judges FAIL to pursue Gaiaguys for the money OTO nominated as non-existent 'damages' ?

Did not certain judges instruct Gaiaguys to attend court --- only for those judges to CANCEL and POSTPONE proceedings --- repeatedly?

Gee, those judges must really have a lapse in confidence if they weren't prepared to proceed or pursue OTO's case. Seems very much as if the OTO didn't HAVE a case and their friendly judges were well aware of that and were desperate for the whole thing to go away.

So what's all the rubbish topic heading about 'Australian Freemasons win lawsuit' ?

What did OTO actually 'win' .... apart from a heap of unwanted and damaging exposure for itself and its government and legal associates?

And OTO did it all to itself. Maybe it should sue itself. That's a case it might actually 'win'.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 01:44 AM
Vestri, your quote "I don't know anyone at gaiaguysnet" was made in Post Number: 2162652, dated 4-5-2006 at 12:24 AM, on page 7 of this thread. Your correspondence with Dyson on the FIGU board is dated almost a month earlier namely Wednesday, April 05, 2006 - 02:45 pm.

That would suggest Vestri that when you made that quote you were being misleading since you were already corresponding with Dyson a month prior to that. Liar.
Get your facts straight for once. I'm no moderator here, as you first implied and I'm no freemason. You on the other hand seem to be conducting a personal smear campaign.

But lets get to the heart of the matter. You planned this right? You came here on this board and the first thing you did was to aim your sights at me. You said you knew of the gaiaguys site for almost a year. I just happen to know that a few months ago Dyson asked for help on the FIGU board in dealing with me and another Yahoo board where I am a moderator. I think you read that and mixed up my moderator position, that would explain why you came barging in here saying I should be sacked as a moderator in this place. Again you screwed up.

But I'm wondering about if we've met before on another board. Your sentence structure and choice of words remind me of another character who like you hardly could discuss content and rather quickly played on the person with dumbwitted remarks. So my question is, have we met on another board? That would explain your grudge.

Nevertheless Vestri, lets discuss content. That's what discussionboards are for. Maybe you can make a case where O.T.O. members or freemasons are directed responsible for the crimes they allegedly made as the gaiaguys site suggests.


posted on May, 11 2006 @ 05:56 AM
Dock6, or anyone one else.

If you find something compelling on that site, post it and say why you feel it's compelling. Then let the discussion begin.

Originally posted by TerraX
Vestri, your quote "I don't know anyone at gaiaguysnet" was made in Post Number: 2162652, dated 4-5-2006 at 12:24 AM, on page 7 of this thread. Your correspondence with Dyson on the FIGU board is dated almost a month earlier namely Wednesday, April 05, 2006 - 02:45 pm.

Errr.... 4-5-2006 is April 05, 2006

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by Dock6

And as most of us are aware, it's NOT defamation/slander/libel IF IT's TRUE.

Gaiaguys claim that O.T.O. members are pedophiles. If O.T.O. members are not pedophiles, then this is obviously libel and defamation of character.

When it launched professed legal action against Gaiaguys ---- wasn't OTO actually announcing to the world that it had 'connections' within government and legal circles? Didn't OTO in fact EXPOSE the fact that members of the legal fraternity were either members of, or sympathetic to, the OTO?

No. From what I can tell, O.T.O. has no "connections" to the Australian government. In fact, in following their late leader Crowley, most O.T.O. members I've known have been anti-government, anarchist types. This is one of the reasons why O.T.O., since the 1950's, has primarily attracted hippies and beatniks.

Secondly, gaiaguys keep confusing O.T.O. with Freemasonry, which is possibly the cause of their confusion on the goverrnment issue, as some government employees are probably Masons, but probably none are O.T.O. members.


posted on May, 11 2006 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by Masonic Light
In fact, in following their late leader Crowley, most O.T.O. members I've known have been anti-government, anarchist types. This is one of the reasons why O.T.O., since the 1950's, has primarily attracted hippies and beatniks.

Very good point, thanks for bringing that up! I'm kicking myself for not thinking of it myself.

While it's very hard to typecast Thelemites to any particular political system (There are many that seem to be ordinary democrats) Anarchist/Libertarian/etc.. viewpoints are (IMHO) Thelemic political systems. The whole NWO thing is so far from the basic tenits of Thelemic beliefs that there can be no way a group like the O.T.O. could in anyway support the typical NWO goals.

For example I give you James Wasserman's (He is a high ranking O.T.O. member) book "The Slaves Shall Serve, Meditations on Liberty" The topics it covers reads like many posts here on ATS, things like Waco, 9/11, The Constitution, anti-gun control, and a ton of anti-UN stuff. In other words it reads like a Libertarian manifesto.

Another book is "Freedom is a two edged sword" by John Whiteside Parsons, but in this case as there was no such thing as Libertarian, he uses the name Liberal, Much of this essay is set against the red scare and McCarthy Hearings in the 50's

More later if there is any interest. But I think it's going a bit off topic.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by TerraX
Vestri, your quote "I don't know anyone at gaiaguysnet" was made in Post Number: 2162652, dated 4-5-2006 at 12:24 AM, on page 7 of this thread. Your correspondence with Dyson on the FIGU board is dated almost a month earlier namely Wednesday, April 05, 2006 - 02:45 pm.

That would suggest Vestri that when you made that quote you were being misleading since you were already corresponding with Dyson a month prior to that. Liar.

TerraX, thats irrelevant what your saying there, it don't make no sense in relation to what I said to you before. I quite clearly said in my prior post to you that -

Originally posted by vestri

Now go and reread what I had said to Dyson in my number '2' post in this thread at Figu forum, which I had posted on the same day that I posted my first post I posted here in this thread.

You should quite clearly see there in that number 2 post of mine that I am introducing myself to Dyson there at Figu forum and that I had never spoken to him before that time either, and also see that that is the first thing I had ever said to Dyson there at that figu forum too -

I had given my opinion here on the topic of this thread on page 5 before i had ever spoken to Dyson -fact.

Also have you noticed yet why i had said before on page 7 : "I don't know anyone at gaiaguysnet, I'm just going by the evidential information I read at gaiaguysnet." ???

It was in relation to this -

Originally posted by vestri

Originally posted by Masonic Light

Originally posted by vogelfire

Who told you that TerraX was an ATS moderator? My guess is that it was gaiguys himself (Dyson Devine) who has recently been recruiting internet pawns to attack TerraX on various forums, an indication to me that Dyson is highly jealous and threatened by TerraX's intelligence and expertise.

Why are they attacking TerraX? I sort of had a sneaking suspicion that Vestri was one of those gaiaguys, the way he's been prancing around here plugging them.

Maybe this time we've discovered a real conspiracy, this time against TerraX by gaiaguys.

I don't know anyone at gaiaguysnet, I'm just going by the evidential information I read at gaiaguysnet.

I said that because one person suggested that I was Dyson's internet pawn and because another person had said that I was most likely one of the guys from Gaiaguysnet website, which is totally untrue. I said hello to Dyson in a post at a public forum, and then in a few post later conversed a couple of brief questions to him about a topic which had nothing to do with OTO/freemasons or anything to do with this thread. Does that mean that I now know Dyson as a friend because I briefly spoke to him in a few posts on a public forum??? Hardly, i don't know him from a bar of soap just like I don't know you from a bar of soap and I spoken to you more in this thread more then I ever spoke to Dyson. And the only time there was any mention of this thread here between me and Dyson was when he posted this out of the blue to me at Figu forum -

Figu forum Quote Gaiaguysnet/Dyson:

"Hi again Vestri,

You're very welcome. Glad to be able to help.

Incidentally, thanks very much for the defence on TerrarUBICON's "Above Top Secret" thread about us."

I was surprised when Dyson said that to me there because I never knew he read (posted anything) this thread and is why I never brought this thread up with him. I never knew or spoken to Dyson before the time I had first posted my opinion here (page 5) on the topic of this thread, so I was right saying before: "I don't know anyone at gaiaguysnet, I'm just going by the evidential information I read at gaiaguysnet." to defend myself from you and your fellow masonic light mate calling me a liar (in quotes above) saying that I am Dyson's internet pawn or that I am a guy from Gaiaguysnet website, or even that I know Dyson too. I don't know Dyson from a bar of soap!

Check all the dates of the posts that I mentioned in prior post to you, and how about you go and get all your facts straight here, and not me like you say there, because I know what the facts are in what we are both discussing here.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by Cug
Dock6, or anyone one else.
If you find something compelling on that site, post it and say why you feel it's compelling. Then let the discussion begin.

Originally posted by TerraX
Vestri, your quote "I don't know anyone at gaiaguysnet" was made in Post Number: 2162652, dated 4-5-2006 at 12:24 AM, on page 7 of this thread. Your correspondence with Dyson on the FIGU board is dated almost a month earlier namely Wednesday, April 05, 2006 - 02:45 pm.

Errr.... 4-5-2006 is April 05, 2006

No Cug. The second digit is the month, first is the day. Check page 7 and go backwards, you'll see the month change to 4 (April). That means that 4-5-2006 is the 4th of may.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 10:03 AM
I think that this is the funniest thing that anyone has posted here in this thread -

Originally posted by vogelfire

My guess is that it was gaiguys himself (Dyson Devine) who has recently been recruiting internet pawns to attack TerraX on various forums, an indication to me that Dyson is highly jealous and threatened by TerraX's INTELLIGENCE and EXPERTISE.



posted on May, 11 2006 @ 10:06 AM
Sorry, TerraX, I was looking at his first post, not the one where he said he didn't know him.

So vestri,

You just ignoring me?

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by TerraX
No Cug. The second digit is the month, first is the day. Check page 7 and go backwards, you'll see the month change to 4 (April). That means that 4-5-2006 is the 4th of may.

What are you talking about??? The dates show that i had posted my first post here in this thread and my number '2' post to Dyson at Figu forum both on the same day!!! Are you blind????

Read and follow my second prior post i posted before this post here and the posts in question are my first post I posted here in this thread on page 5 and my number '2' post i posted to Dyson at Figu forum to say hello to him. You don't get it yet do you TerraX?? I posted my opinion on the topic of this thread here (page 5) before I had ever spoken to Dyson at Figu forum. And even after i did briefly say hello and speak to Dyson at figu forum after posting my first post here in this thread, I still don't know Dyson from a bar of soap. I communicated with you here in this thread more then i have ever communicated with Dyson, which means that theorecticly I unfortunately know you more then i know Dyson!!

[edit on 11-5-2006 by vestri]

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by vestri
TerraX, thats irrelevant what your saying there, it don't make no sense in relation to what I said to you before. I quite clearly said in my prior post to you that -

So, it's irrelevant now?
But you evaded my question of "have we met before?" Someone with a grudge perhaps? And btw, you seemed to accept Dyson's 'high IQ' right away for someone you 'didn't know', yet I'm put in the lowest category and you didn't know me? This is all a coincedence, hm?

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by vestri

Originally posted by TerraX
No Cug. The second digit is the month, first is the day. Check page 7 and go backwards, you'll see the month change to 4 (April). That means that 4-5-2006 is the 4th of may.

What are you talking about??? The dates show that i had posted my first post here in this thread and my number '2' post to Dyson at Figu forum both on the same day!!! Are you blind????

Vestri, maybe Dyson can give you some IQ tips huh? Let me spell it out to you one more time.
Your quote of "i don't know anyone at gaiaguys" was made almost a month after you started corresponding on the FIGU board. You did "know" him. Do you want to discus content or is that to difficult for you?

[edit on 11-5-2006 by TerraX]

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by vestri
I think that this is the funniest thing that anyone has posted here in this thread -

Originally posted by vogelfire
My guess is that it was gaiguys himself (Dyson Devine) who has recently been recruiting internet pawns to attack TerraX on various forums, an indication to me that Dyson is highly jealous and threatened by TerraX's INTELLIGENCE and EXPERTISE.


Oh Vestri. Gaiaguys did ask for help on the FIGU board. I'll look it up later, you can count on it.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 10:21 AM
read my prior post before this one TerraX because i edited it for you and your high intelligence brains.

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