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posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 03:48 PM
Does anyone know of the spiritual qualities of this?

The art of transforming one substance to another is linked to Africas' Egypt and the land of Khem... ultimatly where K/Chemistry came from.

*don't move this thread plz, just delete it if trying to turn lead into gold isn't paranormal enough for anyone.*

posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 05:41 PM
Alchemy, is an ancient and mystical practice of early and modern cabalists which combines all sorts of practices into a single form of science. The subject itself is too broad to put into a single post, so here is a rather lengthy Wikipedia article.

posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 06:07 PM
theres this cartoon i watch called full metal alchemist..its a japanese the show,theres this kid who knows alchmey,and he uses it to fight his enemys,...he can make almost anything happen by clapping his hands together...he talks alot of about equivelent exchange,,which i think is something can be sawpped for another,unless it is the same....idn just wathc the show,,its on adult swwim!

posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 07:46 PM
There's a lot of information on Alchemy on these websites:


That second one has a whole library of Alchemical texts dating back to the 16th century and before.

Fullmetal Alchemist does have a lot of good information on Alchemy, though it's not entirely correct. It wouldn't, of course, be humanly possible to transmute things by just drawing a transmutation circle, or array, and willing it to change. There are a lot of references to true things about alchemy though, and certain bits of the show, such as a certain scene where Ed is holding a book, contain excerpts from real alchemical texts.
The Philosophers Stone, is something that was truly mentioned in actual alchemical texts as well, though known by many names.

Alchemy also has a deeper, philosophical side to it, often known as 'Spiritual Alchemy', as opposed to 'Practical' or 'Physical Alchemy', among other things.

All in all, Alchemy is a very complex combination of science and philosophy, and the most interesting thing I've ever encountered. If you're really interested, those two links have a goldmine of information which is really worth the read.

Be warned, a lot of those texts are written in old english, or are otherwise cryptically written, so be prepared for a headache.

I hope this all helps you out.


[edit] to change the second link to the home page of that site.

[edit on 20/12/2005 by Kitsunegari]

posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 07:51 PM
Yea i figured some of the show may be based of actuall principles of alchemy....this whole topic is very intresting,but im not sure if i will do any reseacrh on it

posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 11:00 PM
Those are some very informative links, Kitsunegari.

And here is the Wikipedia article on Alchemy which I forgot to include in my previous post

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 01:28 PM

So its all about clapping your hands and promoting change through thought patterns!

Isn't it obvious that khemistry is magik? All the mixing of chemicals to taste like bluberry fruit juice for example... its exactly what witches would do in a covern! Even the Internet, codes that create images etc.

The Hypocrites.

Do any of you guys practice it? Theres a rap artist called MF DOOM, well cool he wears a metal mask cause hes got something wrong with his face. In his music hes the evil doctor doom that had a mishap while attempting to create a potion.

''I once met DOOM yeeears ago - when he wanted to be alone - alone to practice his experiments - one day... !!BOOM!! - ''my face!.. It is Hideous!'' - he walked the land, trying to find a cure for his disfigured face''

Its brilliant! Especially as he always wears his mask like it really happened or something.

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 02:08 PM
Do I practice it? Not at all. But after reading through both of those web sites Kitsunegari provided I have exposed some interest in it

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 02:12 PM

If you learn how to turn ugly women into confident beings with long legs and symmetric structured faces let me know!

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 03:22 PM
Alchemy requires the union of positive and negative energies in order to transform base metal into gold. This symbolism, that is so common in ancient Hermetical texts, is speaking of the sacred union between a man and a woman that will dissolve our psychological defects (base metals) into marvellous solar bodies (gold.)

This is a thread on ATS talking about the practices of Alchemy:

Kundalini and the Serpent of Fire!

If you wish to learn the authentic practices of Alchemy, then the links Tamahu provides on that thread should be checked out.

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 04:43 PM
Bravo! I'm glad you have a scientific mind! BUT, rather than turn Lead into Gold, how about turning Lead into a metal that's useful in all those applicatons where Lead was banned? (Metal-based paints is the best example. They last YEARS longer than synthetic paints...but ya can't use Lead, which was the best candidate.)

posted on Dec, 22 2005 @ 10:35 AM
for a proper read and book about alchemy would be The laws of Thelema.

It talks about what alchemy is and practices. it is more then just turning base metal into gold and mixing some ingredients to create an energy drink.

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 02:42 PM
Other than the website at, what you will find is a corpus of ancient texts, with a bunch of modern authors saying,

"I know the real secret of alchemy, it's actually ___ (fill in the blank)______, which you can find all about by going to my website, or buying my book, etc. and etc."

Which begs the question; if they did have genuine insight, why bother to sell books, when they cold make their money "the old fashioned way." ( talk about a fiat currency! )

One of the ways to get around the obvious fact that they lack any such insight is to sagely proclaim that alchemy is an allegory for a mystical, spiritual state; a process of becoming.

All of which lets them make references to ancient wisdom, while letting them off the hook for not having any legitmate results to reveal.



posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 03:21 PM
The "turning" base metal into gold is just to keep "fools" from the real Great Work. After all just look at the Gold Fever as excample, people who only focus on material wealth are way to shallow and only focus on that aspect. such way it is also described in many ancient texts. Alchemy involves a lot of symbolic meaning behind it's teachings. If you take such lessons literally...well...You'll end up being more then dissapointed. Alchemy is all about symbolism and imagery instead of actual texts, the ones produced after the 14th century anyway. Same for the Philosopher's Stone which is also more easily understood once you actually understand the teaching, symbolic messages.

I've been studying it very intensely for a while and already found the answers. So it isn't that hard. Cept for having to brush up on some ancient languages in order to understand the texts. In short...if I can figure it out anyone can
and no i haven't written any books or website.

The same system can also be applied to Metalurgy, Freemasonry etc to modern day job activities which resemble old fashioned tasks. Basically everyone does the same in their own way, with their own symbolism and terminology

[edit on 25-2-2006 by Enyalius]

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by Enyalius
The "turning" base metal into gold is just to keep "fools" from the real Great Work. . . If you take such lessons literally...well...You'll end up being more then dissapointed. . . Alchemy is all about symbolism and imagery . . .

Thank you for so eloquently proving my point.

Originally posted by Enyalius
I've been studying it very intensely for a while and already found the answers. So it isn't that hard. Cept for having to brush up on some ancient languages in order to understand the texts.

Really? You've found the answers? And those answers are that it's all "just allegory," right? The ancient authors of those texts certaintly didn't think so, and wrote very meticulously about their belief in practical alchemy. But they were wrong, and you know better?

What "ancient languages" have you "brushed up on?"

What original texts have you been reading? I mean originals, and not modern abridged translations on some website?


posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 02:31 AM
Alchemy is about 2 parts.

1. the scientific aspect
2. the psychological

study and figure it out yourself instead of having people chew it up for you

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by Enyalius
Alchemy is about 2 parts.

1. the scientific aspect
2. the psychological

Impossible to argue with that statement, since you haven't really said anything at all. Your two categories could be equally be applied to the evening news, or repainting your home on you summer vacation.

Originally posted by Enyalius
study and figure it out yourself instead of having people chew it up for you

If I'm unenlightened, then you're hardly the one to chew my food for me.


posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 06:01 AM
There are many different kinds of alchemy. Perhaps one of the least thought of is the kind of spiritual alchemy that the great psychologist Carl Jung talks about. Google "Jung + alchemy"
The basis of alchemy is this:

To take 2 opposite things and forge them into one unit.

One example is in 2 people becoming 1 through marriage. It is this process of combining the 2 elements (whatever they are) and TRANSFORMING them into one thing that contains the best qualities of the 2 elements. An important aspect of this is the act of putting the 2 elements into a container (like a cauldron), turning up the heat and burning away the dross, or waste. Right when it seems that the contents of the cauldron are about to overheat or explode, that is when the change happens and the Mystery occurs, when the 2 become one.
The 2 elements can be anything, metals, spiritual work, people, conflicts, etc. I have used it in my work as a psychologist. When the client feels a conflict between 2 different aspects of themselves, such as a part of one's self wants to stay in a stable, secure marriage and another part of one's self wants to travel and have adventure. We talk about what it would be like to do both things and then try to find ways in which the 2 can be combined, i.e. take the spouse with you, take a year off from work and travel. This is a very simplistic example, but you get the idea, I'm sure.

Alchemy is never about transforming only ONE elements, it must involve 2, usually very different things. It sounds like the events in this anime film are not at all like true alchemy, though I haven't seen it so I can't comment further on that.

-Forestlady, an Alchemist

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by forestlady

To take 2 opposite things and forge them into one unit.

One example is in 2 people becoming 1 through marriage. . . . that is when the change happens and the Mystery occurs, when the 2 become one. . .

The 2 elements can be anything, metals, spiritual work, people, conflicts, etc. . . .

Alchemy is never about transforming only ONE elements, it must involve 2, . . . .

-Forestlady, an Alchemist

Jung's seminal "Psychology and Alchemy" certainly uses alchemical imagery in the way you describe. And I don't disagree that this imagery is a very useful tool for personal integration.

On the other hand, alchemists themselves would certainly disagree with you. After all the prima materia, the substance worked on, is universally referred to as "one simple thing."

Now, we moderns have taken alchemical terminolgy and have made it into something else, a series of mental images, and we like to pretend that it still has some recognizable link to the alchemical tradition.

Yet the alchemists of yore, from 3rd century BC China to 16 century Germany, were using real laboratories with real substances. They weren't just sitting in their armchairs and imagining chemical reactions.

For every text of "philosophical" alchemy, there are one or more texts of "practical" alchemy. But the practical side is ignored by our age, and present-day "new-age light-workers" feel that they are "practicing" alchemy by merely using their imaginations.

Take for instance the writings of one of the leading authors of alchemy in the late roman empire, and the founder of one of the leading schools of alchemy: Zosimos of Panopolis, an egyptian of the 3rd century AD. While his "Peri Tou Omega Stoicheiou" (Concerning the letter Omega), is one of the classics of philosophical alchemy, and one of the sources Jung relied on, it is also true what he considered his most important works dealt with physical transmutation of substance. In 1996, one of Zosimos' lost texts was discovered in an Arabic translation: "The Keys of Mercy and Secrets of Wisdom." Along with philosohical musings about the nature of the cosmos, this work contains . . . instructions for building sumblimating vessels, heat baths, and even a prototype for a "modern" fractional condenser!


More tellingly, some of the ancient alchemists sometimes claimed to have succeeded in physically transmuting lesser substances into gold. They even agree among themselves as to who was or was not a fraud, who was an unsuccessful alchemist, and who had succeeded in the alchemical quest.

"Good Trevisin" was a classical alchemist who was universally pitied, as an honest alchemist who spent his family's wealth in a vain quest for alchemical gold.

On the other hand, here is the prayer of the "Last Will and Testament of Basil Valentinus:"

O Lord God Almighty, merciful gracious Father of Thine Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ, who art only the Lord of Sabaoth, the principle of all things that are made by thy word, and definite end of all creatures above and below; I, poor miserable man and earthworm, return thanks with my babbling tounge from the innermost center of my heart, who hast been pleased to enlighten me with the great light of Thy heavenly and earthly wisdom, and the greatest mysteries of the created secrecies and treasures of this world, together with Thy divine saving word, by which I learn to know Thine Almighty power and wonders. To Thee belongs eternal praise, honour and glory, from eternity unto eternity, that Thou hast bestowed on me health and livelihood, strength and ability to be helpful to my fellow Christians in their necessities and inflicted infirmities with these mystical healing medicines, together with such spiritual comforts, to raise the drooping spirits. Lord, to Thee alone belongs power, might and glory, to Thee is the praise, honour and gratefulness, for all the mercies and graces Thou has bestowed upon me, and hast preserved me therein to this my great age, and lowest comforts, be not angry with me that I deliver up to Thee, mine eternal Creator, the keys of my stewardship; wrapped up in this parchment, according to the duty my calling and conscience calls for; with these Thou did suffer me to keep house the most of my time till now, Thou hast called and foreseen me to be thy servant and steward, and hast graciously afforded, that I should enjoy the noble sweet fruits which were gathered in thy almonary to my last instant, and which now O Lord lieth in Thy power. I beseech Thee for the dear merits of Jesus Christ, come now, when Thou pleasest, enclose my heart, receive my soul into Thy heavenly throne of grace; let her be recommended unto Thee graciously O Thou faithful God, who hast redeemed her on the Holy Cross with the most precious tincture of the true blood of Thy holy body: then is my life well ended on this earth, grant to the body a quiet rest, till at the last day, body and soul join again, and are of a heavenly composition: for now my only desire is to be dissolved, and to be with my Lord Christ: the which Thou, Almighty, Holy, and Heavenly Trinity grant to me, and all good Christian believers. Amen.
(emphasis added by dr_strangecraft)

My point in quoting this passage is to give an example of an alchemist who invokes his faith in Deity as evidence of his honesty, and claims in the name of his God that he has succeeded in the physical quest of alchemy. While it can always be argued that Valentinus was either mistaken or self-deceived, it's difficult to argue that he is a fraud, since he so profoundly invokes God as his witness, something a devout Christian would not be likely to do.

While the valid psychological work of authors like Jung may draw on the writings of genuine alchemists like Zosimos or Valentinus, it ceases to be alchemy when their original ideas are edited out and replaced with a modern sensibility; namely, that all alchemy was or should be is an allegory.


posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 08:51 AM
practical alchemy is used in psychology as well as various sciences such as chemistry. everything else, like the philosopher's stone is spiritual aspect of alchemy

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