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Mexico retaliates for US wall. What?

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posted on Dec, 22 2005 @ 09:07 PM
Hey hey, not all supporters of the wall are white. My parents are immigrants to this country. Yes, LEGAL immigrants. It's sad how in the news, illegal immigrants are referred to as plain immigrants nowadays.

[edit on 22-12-2005 by k4rupt]

posted on Dec, 22 2005 @ 09:13 PM
this whole thread is a joke!!!
i mean you are living in a stolen country (i think the red indians were the owners before you exterminated them all), i hope the mexicans come in swarms and take all your jobs, you guys have to learn to share ,you have to live and let live!who says its your god given right to live in a nice cushy country while others suffer??? you should count yourself lucky you weren't born in Iraq!
and one other thing, an ancient indian piece of wisdom is that no man owns anything, eventually we all go back to the land and we can't take nothing with us

[edit on 22-12-2005 by 33degreesknight]

posted on Dec, 22 2005 @ 10:19 PM
Why is it when the U.S. southern border concerns are discussed, the media always seems to neglect to mention Mexico's southern border policy.
Yeah, quite a hypocritical situation.

I say they mount the "pain ray", to cover the entire length of the border. Put them on a motion tracking, heat seeking, aiming system, and hit anything that moves.
Give them a month to figure out that it's impassable, then turn the rays up as high as they can go.

Lastly, I like to think of the U.S.A. as "my house".
If you want to come into my house, there is many methods this goal can be achieved. There is a right way, and many wrong ways.
Follow the proper method, and we can be chatting over a iced tea. However, if I happen upon someone attempting to gain entry to my house, via a method that is bypassing my screening at the door, and not legal in the eyes of the law, I am not going to offer said perpetrator NOTHING.
I would give em something, something to remember.

When you find your house violated, your belongings tainted by the hands of a lawbreaker, do you think of the criminal's hungry kid?
Does the kid's hunger justify the crime?

Food for thought

posted on Dec, 22 2005 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by 33degreesknight
this whole thread is a joke!!!
i mean you are living in a stolen country (i think the red indians were the owners before you exterminated them all), i hope the mexicans come in swarms and take all your jobs, you guys have to learn to share ,you have to live and let live!

You are foolish as you are ignorant. America as a nation was first founded over 200 years ago and non native have been living there long before that so how about people stop living in the past and join us in the present. In the present the reality is that America is a country of immigrants who came here legally and pay taxes and do their civic duties. How would you enjoy it if you did all of your duties around the house only to have your neighbor come over and clean out your refrigerator and make a mess he asks you to clean up.

In a very simplified way that is what happens with illegal immigration. The benefits of this country are being used by people who did nothing to earn them.

I don't know if you live in America but if you don't then if your so willing to share how about you take a boatload of illegal immigrants and share your great home with them.

Unless your a native american quit acting like what they experienced in the past gives someone a right to walk into our country and make a mess of it today.

posted on Dec, 22 2005 @ 11:41 PM
Westpoint, I was speaking of the one poster who said that Mexicans like to have babies at 15 and park their cars on their lawns, I'm sorry if I came across as labeling everyone who doesn't like IMs as racist, that simply isn't the case, as Im one of those people who don't like IMs, and I like to think I'm not racist.

How about an arguement to prove that Americans have not become complacement? It took a catastrophe the size of 9/11 to force people to recognize the threat of radical Islam. The threat was there long long before, but as long it isn't killing Americans it didn't seem to matter. We cared when the embassy was seized. Hostages are freed, few years later - "Huh, what do you mean terrorism?". We paid for that later, didn't we? 3000 innocent people and two shady wars later, we are still paying for our complacency and failure to deal with the threat when it was present for such a long time.

Show me how that isn't becoming complacent?

It's the same case with the IMs, the problem has been going for much much longer than most people care to know, but now that they're stealing your jobs, now that they're taking advantage of the system, you suddenly jump to arms and say Why didn't we do something before it got this bad?

I sincerely ask anyone to prove me otherwise, and again, I deeply apologize to those who misinterpreted my labeling of one poster as racist as applying to everyone, that really wasn't my intention and I should've been much more clear.

[edit on 22/12/05 by Conquistadork]

posted on Dec, 22 2005 @ 11:49 PM
I do understand the fact that it's not cool that these people are breaking the law by comming here...i'm not arguing that or even saying that it should be condoned. What i'm saying is that people get so hostile about the illegals, but i dont think they relize that these immigrants aren't living like kings. A lot of them live as poor, second class, or even 3d class citizens. they dont come here and live wealthy lives and take jobs from americans, usually they are piled 9 deep into a small apartment and have to work very hard to survive. And the fact that the US is so lazy that they just decide to build a wall is offensive and doesn't even solve the problem because people will just find new ways in. The problem is that the US doesn't want to spend money to properly accomodate these people, and they also dont want to find a real solution such as better border patrol.

And for the people who say "oh well we cant keep living in the past.." and stuff like are the whole reason i said the thing about the racist comment. Racism just doesnt have to be hating of another race, it can just be an ignorant double standard attitude when it comes to fair and equal rights in this country. You say dont live in the past, but i see something wrong with the idea that we cant make amends for the past, today. People think that time heals all wounds and we cant attone for thigns our acentors did many years ago, but i say we can and we must.

White americas whos decendents came from the settlers really shouldnt get all patriotic and make this country out to be some great thing earned by trust or something. I'm not saying white people are evil or anything so dont get it twisted, but it always burns me up when they are like "lets just forgive and forget". Whoever said the thing about the mexicans/native americans comming and taking over all the jobs i kind of agree with him. America was founded on lies, dishonor and bloodshed. And belive me, things that happend 200 years ago affect us now. Look at george bush. The actions of people 200 years ago, slowly paved the way for him to be president and screw up our country the way he's doing now. And the reason the crime rate is going up in areas where illegals live, and the places look like slums is because america doesnt care about helping the people, only themselves. They dont really want them here in the first place, so instead of creating more jobs and trying to accomodate them, they just build a fence to keep them out.

Look at the drug situation in poor black communities...america knows about this, but does nothing about it to really solve the solution. They take the easy way out by locking everybody up, and spouting the same "oh you just have to get a good education and not get caught out in the street" usless BS that probly drives a lot of them to sell drugs harder. To me, this whole wall situation is no different. It's taking the easy way out, but unfortunatley that's what america does best.

[edit on 23-12-2005 by Spawwwn]

posted on Dec, 22 2005 @ 11:54 PM
Very true Spawwwn, very very true.

I'm glad you bought that up, because most of the people here are making it seem as if they get treated better, or for that fact, live better than most Americans here. As you pointed out, that simply isn't the case.

Although, I must agree with the others when it comes to how unfair it is for them to take advantage of the system the way they do, and in the end that makes all of our standards of living that much lower.

Again, my sole stance throughout this entire thread and when it comes to this subject is that the building of a wall is absolutely ludicris, and as you pointed out, there will always be other ways of getting in.

posted on Dec, 22 2005 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by Spawwwn
A lot of them live as poor, second class, or even 3d class citizens. they dont come here and live wealthy lives and take jobs from americans, usually they are piled 9 deep into a small apartment and have to work very hard to survive. And the fact that the US is so lazy that they just decide to build a wall is offensive and doesn't even solve the problem because people will just find new ways in. The problem is that the US doesn't want to spend money to properly accomodate these people, and they also dont want to find a real solution such as better border patrol.

Ok thats part of the problem with illegal immigrants. Since they can't get many jobs due to their illegal status they don't make enough money to not live in high density housing. The byproduct of this is neighborhoods full of high density housing that usually feature high crime levels and squallid conditions. It's not the U.S fault they can't get a job to make enough money not to live in abject property its their own fault for not coming through the front door of immigration.

And now let me get this straight since they snuck in here and are forced to work low paying jobs illegally we should somehow reward this and accomadate these people?!!!

In a word thats absurd!!

Thats the whole problem with illegal immigrants and people like you who support them, you don't understand that illegal immigrants suck this country dry and give nothing back while hard working citizens and legal immigrants cover their ass

I'm still at a loss for words why on Earth we have to accomadate law breakers.

posted on Dec, 23 2005 @ 12:08 AM
So far the most popular method of dealing with this problem seems to immediately construct a wall and put guards in certain intervals to patrol it.

I'm wondering for those that don't support the wall, myself amongst one of them, what other solutions would you ask people to consider? I posted a few of mine a few pages ago, just curious to see if all of this arguement is really going anywhere. While I enjoy it, I'd just like to see some real thought put into this rather than the No, you're wrong, heres why that we've all been doing, including myself.

Even those that support the wall, do you think there was anything else we could do that you consider just as effective as a wall, and better yet, more cost effective than constructing, mainitaining, patrolling a wall?

posted on Dec, 23 2005 @ 12:09 AM
I just dont see how they "suck this country dry". They live very hard lives and usually stay to themselves. IT's not right for anyone to come into another country illegally, but these people arent' taking anything from anybody. I know there's been a huge increase in the past 5 years where i live of mexican/latin immigrants. I dont know if they all are legal, but i know the jobs that they do. A lot of them work as grass cutters, which i never saw anyone doing in the previous 5 years that i lived where i lived. They probly get paid 20 bucks a lawn (if that) and theres usually at least 4 or 5 of them. I use that as an example, because these people that you hate so much..are usualy the ones making your life easier at the end of the day. Just cause they come here illegally doesnt mean they're bad. The fact that they actually want to come here and WORK is more than i can say for a lot of people. I'm just sick of people demonizing them like they are tearing the society apart.

posted on Dec, 23 2005 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by Spawwwn
I just dont see how they "suck this country dry". They live very hard lives and usually stay to themselves. IT's not right for anyone to come into another country illegally, but these people arent' taking anything from anybody.

Have you been reading the posts in the thread? When they get injured and go to hospitals since they are uninsured its the government that pays for the medical care. When they commit crimes its your tax dollars that house them in prison, I know thats what happens with every criminal but those criminals pay tax dollars too. When illegals have their kids go to school its the government that pays for it.

By living in America they use our social programs that hardworking Americans and resident aliens pay for with their tax dollars.

So yes in fact they are taking from people.

I'm just sick of people demonizing them like they are tearing the society apart.

In some regions of high density housing there are high levels of crime and sometimes this crime affects legal residents of the country. So if a group of people are coming to a country and draining money from tax payers and hurting them with crime then I would just go out on a limb and say they are tearing society part in some way.

Got any other reasons why we should accomadate illegalsother than "oh they live in horrible conditions"? Which I pointed out is already their own fault

[edit on 12/23/2005 by Agent47]

posted on Dec, 23 2005 @ 01:35 AM
I completely agree with Agent47's point of view.

Personally I wouldn't mind if we just took a page from Israel's book...and build a wall.

But since those are a bit of an eye sore, I would prefer using landmines, having some be shown, and some hidden, across the whole US/Mex border, and have it be 1 mile thick, making the odds of one person making it to the US about a million to one.
Just want to point out I have no problem if they get into the us legally.

Several areas through out our border is a disgrace, and if they dont put up a wall, or a landmine barrier...then I hope they put more manpower into sealing up the border, like using UAS's and Airships (w/ night vision), or have a shoot to kill policy on people entering illegally.

this is just pitiful:

posted on Dec, 23 2005 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by namehere

Originally posted by HowlrunnerIV
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.

are you joking because this shows ignorance of the history of such an evil idealogy.

This is a poem about Nazi Germany, fool.

When you know what you're talking about...well, give us a call.

posted on Dec, 23 2005 @ 08:02 AM

You are foolish as you are ignorant. America as a nation was first founded over 200 years ago and non native have been living there long before that so how about people stop living in the past and join us in the present.

well that didn't seem to matter that the jews hadn't been living in israel for 2000 years, you 'americans' kicked out the residents on 50 years ago!

In the present the reality is that America is a country of immigrants who came here legally
in other words as in iraq you legally kill all the original residents and then stick in a new 'legal' goverment

and pay taxes and do their civic duties. How would you enjoy it if you did all of your duties around the house only to have your neighbor come over and clean out your refrigerator and make a mess he asks you to clean up.
a bit like you cleaning up all the oil in the middle east

In a very simplified way that is what happens with illegal immigration. The benefits of this country are being used by people who did nothing to earn them.

thats exactly what the indians think about you bunch of crooks!

I don't know if you live in America but if you don't then if your so willing to share how about you take a boatload of illegal immigrants and share your great home with them.

Unless your a native american quit acting like what they experienced in the past gives someone a right to walk into our country and make a mess of it today. past: israel???? haha you need to get some 'facts' on life

posted on Dec, 23 2005 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by Spawwwn
IT's not right for anyone to come into another country illegally, but these people arent' taking anything from anybody.

Hmm, OK. Answer me this then. I've just enlisted in the Army. The Army is a branch of the military. The military is run by the Department of Defense. The DoD is a part of the government. The government is paid for by taxing the citizens. Every governmental employee's salary, including mine, is paid for with tax money. See where I'm going with this? If you cross my border illegally, live in my country illegally, work in my country while getting paid under the table illegally, and then send that money back to Mexico without paying a cent in taxes...

Well then it seems to me that actually you are taking something from some one, me. But I don't hate Mexicans for being Mexican. That's not a crime. There are plenty of very wealthy caucasians born here in America that don't pay taxes. They're called CEOs. But I like to refer to them as Republicans. Ha, Leftist political humor, will you ever lose your potency? Nay, I think not.

posted on Dec, 23 2005 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by 33degreesknight
this whole thread is a joke!!!
i mean you are living in a stolen country (i think the red indians were the owners before you exterminated them all), i hope the mexicans come in swarms and take all your jobs, you guys have to learn to share ,you have to live and let live!who says its your god given right to live in a nice cushy country while others suffer??? you should count yourself lucky you weren't born in Iraq!
and one other thing, an ancient indian piece of wisdom is that no man owns anything, eventually we all go back to the land and we can't take nothing with us

[edit on 22-12-2005 by 33degreesknight]

They did not kill all of us (Red Indians)!
They tryed to do to Fear. That's a joke in itself, and I do not wish to start in about that in here.

Please don't talk about wisdom when Your name would be Man-knows-little.
I am for putting up the wall or at lest stoping ALL people (more like putting your finger in a dike) from getting over here that have not gone thru the system. I am to
about what was said to say more on this at this time.

[edit on 23-12-2005 by Mr101Hazardous]

posted on Dec, 23 2005 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by Conquistadork
Considering the land was theirs and we forcefully took it from them you can't neccessarily deny them the right to return to what was originally theres.

If you use that logic all us Americans should go back to were our ancestors came from and give the land back to the Native Americans, and Mexicans.

But why stop there, once we relocate to where they came from pre discovery of the new world, lets move them once again to were the lines were drawn up before the Romans concurred most of the known world back 1500 years ago.

Lets not stop there and give back the middle east back to the Egyptians before that was concurred by the Arabs.

Lets go a step further and give it back to the Jewish people before that.

Where do we draw the line and stop giving back. What happened in the past is just that.

Our entire human history is based on conquest. We would all be living in caves and mud huts if not for expansion. And sorry to say the strongest, smartest and most devise people are the ones that came out owning the land. As terrible as it is that is how the world works, so Mexico can not say they have a right to move back to the US just because several hundred years ago the lived here.

If they want the territory back then they need to invade and try and take it back.

I generally don't get involved in debates like this but how long is the politically correct machine going to keep rolling.

They have their country and we have ours, If they want to move here do it legally like my ancestors did it.

posted on Dec, 23 2005 @ 09:53 AM
Closing the border with wall is not complete solution. Better one would be - fine every company and individual employing illegals 30 000$ per illegal. I can assure you in one year there will be no demand for illegal work in States.

posted on Dec, 23 2005 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by bpletcj

Originally posted by Conquistadork
Considering the land was theirs and we forcefully took it from them you can't neccessarily deny them the right to return to what was originally theres.

If you use that logic all us Americans should go back to were our ancestors came from and give the land back to the Native Americans, and Mexicans.

But why stop there, once we relocate to where they came from pre discovery of the new world, lets move them once again to were the lines were drawn up before the Romans concurred most of the known world back 1500 years ago.

Lets not stop there and give back the middle east back to the Egyptians before that was concurred by the Arabs.

Lets go a step further and give it back to the Jewish people before that.

Where do we draw the line and stop giving back. What happened in the past is just that.

Our entire human history is based on conquest. We would all be living in caves and mud huts if not for expansion. And sorry to say the strongest, smartest and most devise people are the ones that came out owning the land. As terrible as it is that is how the world works, so Mexico can not say they have a right to move back to the US just because several hundred years ago the lived here.

If they want the territory back then they need to invade and try and take it back.

I generally don't get involved in debates like this but how long is the politically correct machine going to keep rolling.

They have their country and we have ours, If they want to move here do it legally like my ancestors did it.

so you agree with me that america should stop 'liberating' other countries, ie giving back Israel to the jews only 50 years ago even though they hadnt lived there for Thousands of years, haha and the indians were only in 'your' country 200 years ago

[edit on 23-12-2005 by 33degreesknight]

posted on Dec, 23 2005 @ 10:21 AM

Closing the border with wall is not complete solution. Better one would be - fine every company and individual employing illegals 30 000$ per illegal. I can assure you in one year there will be no demand for illegal work in States.

Yes you could do that (I proposed stiffer penalties) and it would help slightly, but it would not stop illegal immigration, it also would not do anything about the illegal immigrants already in the US. They will just keep on coming until they are physically unable to cross the border, not until they are unwanted. They could care less, they know they can live on food stamps and through other means.

Refer to page one to see my ideas of what needs to be done.

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