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I CUP: Cameras in the bathrooms

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posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 12:53 PM
To me, this is yet another goody brought to you by the "post-9/11 world."

The insane, twilight zone country we are living in now is ridiculous. I thought it was only perverts and peeping toms who do this type of thing (you ever watch Maury?) And, it's always bad when they do it. But, apparently, when the govt and people tied to it do it, it's ok. Behold...

Court Okays Police Cameras in Restrooms

So, it's ok to put cameras in bathrooms to fight those evil gays. The sodomites are going to kill us all, we have to stop them!
Notice that straight men were not harassed at all, even though some of them walked around with their goods on display. But no, it's those damn gays, for sure.

Student Finds Camera in School Bathroom

Now, I heard Alex Jones interview Cynthia Champion twice about this. Basically, her son was suspended after he removed a camera in the school bathroom. How DARE he!! How dare he not want to be videotaped while relieving himself! I don't know if the transcript is on Alex's site yet, but in the 2nd interview, the lady said that the camera was actually OVER THE URINAL!!

The principal had it installed, yet none of the teachers knew about it. Of course, he said it was to stop vandalism. You know how vandals LOVE to write on or near the urinals!

Hidden camera in boy's bathroom

You know what I don't like about this one? The kid's mom is all, "yeah, he was wrond, yeah, he should be punished." This lady needs to take notes from Champion. This kid is gone for the year. Little punk, how dare he take down a camera in a bathroom. So what if it's in the ceiling and might see him use the john. It's all about stopping vandals.

What is this country coming to?

posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 01:38 PM
Henry was in the restroom for a total of 47 seconds on May 9, 2001. The tape shows Henry entering, standing at the urinal, and leaving the restroom.

But at the trial, prosecutors convinced a jury that because Henry stepped back from the urinal before fastening his pants, his conduct could have been interpreted as masturbation by someone walking into the restroom.

First of all 47 seconds? thats got to be a world record right there, Second, So basicaly now, we can get in trouble for not actualy doing anything wrong, but doing something which can be interpreted as doing something wrong?

What a great country we live in, Ya know i used to brush off remarks of Nazism in America, But, the stuff im seing happening these days, Its remarkably similar to how the Nazi Germany started...

[edit on 20-12-2005 by C0le]

posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 02:05 PM
I think public bathrooms are a bad place for a romantic rendevous...
these cameras are neccessary precautions and are positioned so that they can't see "any genitalia"
good for them... make them think twice before they take a dump on the floor, or forget to wash their hands...

On the other hand... if I found a camera that was positioned to see genitals or other personal parts... then they better hope that the police get to the camera installer before i do...

it is all about the placement... if it is a "traffic counter" and identifier, then fine. If it is for pervy reasons, then that is a top offense.

posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 06:11 PM
That's frightening to say the least

You should also look into the cost of these sorts of systems. I did so myself sometime ago for a school research paper - it has been proven time and time again that the cameras installed to prevent "crime" and ensure your "safety" cost far too much to justify their effectiveness. Many precints and agencies that install these have testified to this - but I suppose wasting money that isn't theirs isn't a problem when it comes to the government is it?

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by Conquistadork
That's frightening to say the least

You should also look into the cost of these sorts of systems. I did so myself sometime ago for a school research paper - it has been proven time and time again that the cameras installed to prevent "crime" and ensure your "safety" cost far too much to justify their effectiveness. Many precints and agencies that install these have testified to this - but I suppose wasting money that isn't theirs isn't a problem when it comes to the government is it?

I would have to disagree slightly... Do they stop crime

is there a way that people can spend more money than they are worth? Yes

BUT... if a consumer grade system (about $400-800) is used, and put on a time lapse VCR/hard drive, then they are relatively cost effective. (these are also slightly more visible)

If they are a high quality proffessional system, with human monitors, then it can get quite expensive... and is usually only done where a loss would be catastrophic.

insurance savings will often pay for a security setup of the former type.

BTW...if these were "hidden" camera types, then it was most assuridly for perverse reasons.
Any security personel will attest, the main benefit of cameras in preventing crime, is visibility...
the main benefit of the hidden type camera, is that people wont find it and know you are watching them.
if they wanted to STOP the crime/actions, then they would prefer the more visible ones.

I cant remember if the principle was using the hidden type or not... but if he was, then the police should search his house.

[edit on 21-12-2005 by LazarusTheLong]

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 10:30 AM
Yep, couple of weeks ago in my school a kid in my class asked to go to the bathroom. When he came back he told the teacher there were cameras in the bathroom! And there were! And this is Ireland! Ireland!..........

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by Atomix
Yep, couple of weeks ago in my school a kid in my class asked to go to the bathroom. When he came back he told the teacher there were cameras in the bathroom! And there were! And this is Ireland! Ireland!..........

What part of Ireland, as I would like to know, I live in Ireland also.

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 10:48 AM
Dublin, What part are you in? And do they have cameras there?

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
I think public bathrooms are a bad place for a romantic rendevous...
these cameras are neccessary precautions and are positioned so that they can't see "any genitalia"

Are you serious?

Did you even read the first article, not to mention the other ones? The first one said that STRAIGHT men's privates could be seen in some cases. And, as for the you have kids? How would you feel about your little tyke being filmed doing their duty? Oh, it's ok if it stops graffiti...

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 03:08 PM
This is especially wrong w/ the removed privacy walls. Did they remove them "to get a better look at the crime"? Sounds about as logical as asking girls to drop their pants for a thong check.

Messed up!

Another thing, lets go through this senario(sorry if its a bit graphic). Sitting on the john, you realize there is no TP(and you used the last seat protector so thats out).

Your options are to 1) ask someone to hand you some, 2) tough it and have soggy panties, or 3)come out and go into another stall with your pants at your knees

When nobody else is around, number three can be appealing. A camera is not a person. So they can watch you (ruling out #3) and cant help you out (ruling out #1).



posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 03:23 PM
I've been wondering lately what in the name of God would possess my school to remove the privacy walls between the urinals. It's friggin bizzare, and to say the least very creepy. Much worse is the Urinal itself, it's designed more like a bowl rather than something you lean into. You're completely exposed! Part of the reason I never use them, don't know who would, but the cameras in the bathrooms would explain this.

I go to Buffalo State, in NY, if anyone knows what Im talking about. I'm back home for christmas as it is, so I can't provide any pictures of them, but if I remember to when i got back I'll look into it - and any hidden cameras!

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 03:42 PM
I used to work for a big security outfite and know that there is Cameras in more places then you think. They have been doing this way before 9/11.
Cameras are made to look like all kind of things! Oneway mirrors or a big thing to. To find out if you are looking into one just put your finger to it and if you see just 1/2 of it looking back or not at all..... someone may be looking at you!
Read all the paper work you put your name on when you get a job. They try to weed that in there under small print.
I don't care if someone looks me over at work or at home for that matter.
I like being on TV

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
I think public bathrooms are a bad place for a romantic rendevous...
these cameras are neccessary precautions and are positioned so that they can't see "any genitalia"

Are you serious?

Did you even read the first article, not to mention the other ones? The first one said that STRAIGHT men's privates could be seen in some cases. And, as for the you have kids? How would you feel about your little tyke being filmed doing their duty? Oh, it's ok if it stops graffiti...

I think you need to read my comments again...
I agree with you on all counts, except for when a camera is positioned to ONLY COUNT TRAFFIC AND ID FACES... (meaning that it can't see anything remotley described as sensitive) unless you are ashamed of your bald spot...

and you might read my specific comment about the pervs that put these in kids bathrooms... and the motives of the different types of cameras.
I am saying that in certain public bathrooms, there is a reason for cameras in certain nonsensitive areas...

posted on Dec, 22 2005 @ 01:55 AM
Cameras should not be in any public restrooms. People deserve a right to privacy when they are going to the restroom. This is just common human decency.

posted on Dec, 22 2005 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by zerotime
People deserve a right to privacy when they are going to the restroom.

I'm Pretty Sure the Right To Privacy in a Restroom is in the Federal Codes somewhere, isn't it?

posted on Dec, 22 2005 @ 04:42 AM
IMO i think this is just the lastest adding to the GRID system that is quickly coming into place world wide.. from cars with tracker boxes, RFID tags, cameras, hand scans, eye scans, cell phone tracking, listening to the phones and emails, smart refridgerators that tell u when u are low on a product, super market discount cards, that thing we had to sign at the doctors that says they can release our medical records at request of the gov. ect ect ect when this is all in place and all linked together there will be nothing u do that wont be known or stored in some data base. can't wait till we all have to get chipped


posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by atomic811
IMO i think this is just the lastest adding to the GRID system that is quickly coming into place world wide.. from cars with tracker boxes, RFID tags, cameras, hand scans, eye scans, cell phone tracking, listening to the phones and emails, smart refridgerators that tell u when u are low on a product, super market discount cards, that thing we had to sign at the doctors that says they can release our medical records at request of the gov. ect ect ect when this is all in place and all linked together there will be nothing u do that wont be known or stored in some data base. can't wait till we all have to get chipped


Couldn't have said it better myself. Looks like you're pretty informed...but you're also bad. You're bad because you don't want the chip. Come on, guy, get chipped. What's wrong with it?

posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 08:44 PM
HAHAHAHA YES! i cup i havent even thought about that since elementary school.

I personally as a 24 year old guy dont really care who watches me go to the bathroom or naked or anyhting. However staying on someone like me (not thinking about children or women or those not open with their bodies) it will make it much more difficult to go skiing since the bathroom was the place of choice in clubs and other plces for that activity only place u can be sure of privacy (yea i like to go skiing, take ur paternalistic laws, rightous attitude and piss off). Plus here in the city many other things happen in the restrooms do to our confidence in them being private i.e. no cameras.

Maybe its just another attempt by the powers that be to see how much they can push us and take away our freedoms before the people will rebel and take the power back. So once again we have no one to blame but ourselves if we allow this to be done.

I for one think this community is the perfect place to find those of us who are willing to work for and make sacrifces for in taking the power back (ala martin luther king style).

I will be moving to LA in early Jan for work weather and oppurtunity. So if there any of you out there who would like to get together to discuss and figure out what we can do please let me know. For the rest of my fellow community here on ATS lets start making some real progress in changing things instead of just sharing our opinions/facts and other non-advancing writings. If not much is going on in that aspect i will take the initiative myself once im out west in a couple weeks.

Much love to all of you

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 10:04 PM
Cameras in restrooms. How revolting. Does the filmer get a ( repulsive) kick out of seeing sex being performed in a restroom ( even more repulsive )? Or is it a matter of simple voyeurism ( still repulsive )?

Oh, they help prevent crimes. I see. What types of crimes, exactly? You mean like removing privacy walls? Now that should be considered a crime.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 09:11 PM

...[A]t the trial, prosecutors convinced a jury that because Henry stepped back from the urinal before fastening his pants, his conduct could have been interpreted as masturbation by someone walking into the restroom.

[Pate] and Henry have 30 days to file an appeal with the Ohio Supreme Court, and will decide in January if they will do so. "We’re still swinging the bat," said Pate.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Was this supposed to be a pun?

[edit on 2005/12/29 by GradyPhilpott]

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