posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 06:04 PM
You are not being ignored. No one is. Think about this. We are on the verge of unleashing a technology in this world that will make it possible to
travel faster then the speed of light. Our history travels at the speed of light. All of it. Think of the lonely man sitting in his room typing a blog
that he is unsure if anyone will ever read. Someone will, inevitably. Tomorrow we have faster then light travel, the next step will be sensors. By
placing sensors 2000 light years away, we can see the distinct earth originated energy signature. We can see if Jesus was really God. We can see the
actions Osama Bin Laden took leading up to the devastation of 9-11. We can see our own births. History is changing hands from the recorder dictating
what happened, to the witness who digs through the energy signatures of the past and watch what actually happened. Warping 2000 light years away is
only one sensor. We can’t wait for another two thousand years to get the truth. Warping the information back is the next step. Setting up stations
all along a starry route, we can totally understand evolution as we detect our own energy signatures and warp them back to earth, disassemble them and
identify them as separate signatures for each life form, for each power supply, for each snapshot of humanity. In the future the watchers of time will
even be able to identify your single thoughts. Each thought leaves a unique addition to the world’s energy signature. One day we will know what the
thoughts going through your mind as you read this are. You may be paranoid that you are being watched and judged. Good. Our final judgement is going
to happen and the judgement will be, “That, I can do nothing about”
You may think your thoughts or actions are not important enough to be monitored. People are paid thousands of dollars a year to listen to chatter
going on right now, someone might even read this to make sure there is nothing violent in it, there will be a reason to account for everything,
whether it be to track the progress of humanity, or to set the track for the future of humanity or whatever else transpires. Some things go unnoticed
right now, but nothing goes unnoticed indefinitely, whether future humans, a god, or your own integrity guide you to act humane, remember hind sight
is 20 20, now look back at the first time you heard it, or ask someone else.