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British fighter pilots encounter UFO 1990

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posted on Dec, 18 2005 @ 02:33 PM
Found this interesting story while browsing.

Apparently In 1990 while flying over dutch airspace 2 British Tornado's encountered a very large UFO there is a recording of the conversation between the British pilots and Dutch military air traffic control just thought I would put this out there and see If anyone knew anything more about it!

Here's a response from Nick Pope concerning the report

Edit to correct link!

[edit on 18-12-2005 by Whiterabbit29]

posted on Dec, 18 2005 @ 04:14 PM
From the first link...

Right after publication of this webpage on December 16, 2005, we received valuable additional information on this case from various investigators. The information strongly suggests that the observations by the fighter jet pilots were caused by a Russian rocket stage burning up over Western Europe. We are still receiving details on this. We hope to incorporate all new information into this page before Christmas.

posted on Dec, 18 2005 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe
From the first link...

Right after publication of this webpage on December 16, 2005, we received valuable additional information on this case from various investigators. The information strongly suggests that the observations by the fighter jet pilots were caused by a Russian rocket stage burning up over Western Europe. We are still receiving details on this. We hope to incorporate all new information into this page before Christmas.

Ye I did read this but If you read the report given by Nick Pope the pilots of the fighters say

Quote: "UFO appeared in our RH side same level. We were travelling at
Mach point 8. It went into our 12 o'clock and accelerated away.
Another 2 Tornados seen it and possible idented as a stealth

Now I'm no expert but pieces of falling rocket ship don't accelerate away from you! That said I just thought It was interesting and maybe it was a rocket stage although you would of thought that the British MOD would have filed a report confirming as such???

posted on Dec, 18 2005 @ 06:07 PM
Sometimes pilots make mistakes like everyone else. If this was a rocket stage, no doubt it was much further away than they realized (higher) and was probably already travelling much faster than they thought so any perceived acceleration was probably just an optical illusion.

ICBMs travel at 15000 miles per hour. If it was sub-orbital it would have been travelling around 3000 mph. I've seen a few pieces of space junk burn up and the brighter they burn, the closer they seem to be. At times I've thought it was a burning plane about to drop in my backyard, only to find out the next day it was 600 miles away from me..

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