posted on Dec, 17 2005 @ 12:33 AM
Haha, professional? Not quite. That was a cheesy beatloop from a collection i got, recored with a $20 radioshack mic in a room with bad acoustics
and much feedback. I mixed down in Fruityloops and added the explosions and laserbeams and stuff, tossed it together in about 2 hours. Very far
from anything resembling studio work or real production effort, i even created it on a computer i rescued from a trashbin, how's that for keepin' it
real ghettostyle?
The vocal track i have probably isn't clean enough for remixing, but if you want i can email it to ya, just u2u me with your @ddress.
Majic G, come out the projects and bring it.
For those interested, check out Audacity. It's the FREE multitrack software i used to do it up. It allows a lot of freedom when using it to
multitrack and has a nice clean interface. That, and it's free. Then all you need is a mic and download some free beats or buy a beat/loop cd.
If you use Fruityloops and are dope enough, you can make your own beats on your PC. Also check out Rebirth from Proprllerheads software, it's a
synth pack with twin 303's an 808 and a 909 with step/real sequencer in one cool software package. Mostly i use fruity and audacity tho, those are
my favorites.
Thanks for listening guys, at first i was afraid it would be a waste of time to post but it seems there's an appreciation for conspiracy related
weird ass hip hop here.