Ahh, Im with Colonel, Ill need a Ber and an hour for this one.
But Ill give it a start.
1. He was part of the murder of 3000 innocent Americans, and has sent hundreds of soldiers to thier deaths in a second episode of Vietnam.
2. He is a link in the chain of #ed up corrupt presidents who have been pissing out this coiuntrys future, doing nothing to release us from the chains
of debt and foreign resource dependance that continue to stunt us.
3. He cares nothing for the environment, and pretty much is a patronizing prick, he has yet satisfactorily addressed many touchy issues like the
envoronment, and his total lack of concern for it.
4. The cabinet he elected is ten times more evil and scary then he will ever be. Ashcroft makes me ill just thinking about him holding any power.
Rumsfeld is a trigger happy war monger eager to bomb the # out of any country that looks at us wrong. Cheney is a fat smirking rat chuckling behind
his desk as he is counting his new fortune from Haliburtons exploits in Iraq. Rice is a stupid traitorus #, who knew something nasty was gonna happen,
and made sure to warn her buddies, but # the rest of us before 9/11. Powell isabout the only one in his admin that isnt a suspicous shifty dickwad,
and he is pretty much oput of favor and made inefefctive.
5. he has no shame. He has been caught lying to the public about Iraq, and doesnt even have the human decency to pretend to be a bit embarrased.
6. He is a stupid 80 IQ retard mother #er who looks like a chimp and cant chew pretzels and thinks Finland is the capitol of Holland, which he wasnt
aware was the same country as the Netherlands.
7. He is another link in the chain of leaders who wipe the constitution on thier hairy asses. thge patriot act, guantanamo bay, ect.
On Killilluminatis points, id have to disagree with a few.
1. While we did have a budget surplus,. that didnt mean we had extra money. That budget surplus was something that should have been used to get us out
of debt, yet wasnt. For this reason, and many others, i think Clinton was a piece of # president who deserves to be tried as a traitor for this, as
well as Filegate and China Gate.
2. The world hated our guts long before Bush, they hated US during the regan years, the Bush SR years, the Clinton years, and now, the Bush JR years.
This is nothing new, no matter who is president, the world will always hate us, but because of Bush's actions, they have been uniting themselves
better under the KILL USA banner.
I could go on and on about Bush, but #, thinking about him and people who actually think hes #ing dandy has made me so ill i need to go grab my motion
sickness pills.