After world war 2 Australia decided it needed to boost the number of emigrants if the country was going to survive and grow into a major power.
Projects like the snowy mountain hydro electric scheme bought many europeon people into the country along with major industries like Australia's
steelworks in Newcastle and Wollongong. These emigrants were called "New Australians" or "wogs" by the previous inhabitants. These NA's were
employed into low skilled and factory labour, the dirty jobs as such that no-one else wanted. These migrants worked hard doing double shift and triple
shifts and even though noone wanted these extra shifts the hard work ethics of the NA"s was ridiculed and scorned by others.
Enclaves soon sprang up around these industries in low cost housing areas. For example in Wollongong, a large industrial city one hour south of
Sydney often called "Wog City" by residents and people all over Australia, These NA's were forced by situation to buy housing in areas like
Cringila and Port Kembla and Warrawong that immediately surrounded the steelworks. The housing was low cost because of the proximity to the steelworks
and the heavily polluted area that no one else wanted to live in. NA's fruit and vegetable stores and corner shops soon sprung up in these areas and
became meeting places for the NA's to chat and gossip.
As the emigrants worked hard the money came in. Many of the NA's didn't drive and saved every penny of their money. Soon newer houses sprung up.
Huge Italian, Eastern and Greek style housing of the like Australia had never seen before. The Ango Saxon Brits frowned on these huge
"monstrosities" as they were called, jealousy ran rife. Children were born and started schooling. But they were wogs. The poor ones. White Australia
scorned the NA's and the children were not allowed to mix with the Previous emigrants, the Brits. The children were laughed at because of their funny
names, like Zoran and Lupe and Snezana and Zvonko. They were laughed at because their dress code did not conform. Australian children wear school
uniforms and the NA's childrens were always slightly different. A blue shirt instead of a white one, long socks instead of trendy short ones.
Sneakers instead of shiny black shoes, Long baggy dresses handed down instead of neat cute short ones.
Such minor differences earned the NA children such derision from the Brits. teasing began, your dads a dirty wog. Your dads a garlic muncher. Your
mums a black witch. It was encouraged by the brit parents, the NA's were not invited to parties for fear of difference and did not extend invitations
for fear of shame of their mothers wearing the traditional black mourning outfit. Many of these children could not speak english, more terms for more
derision. And it worked both ways. the NA's were discouraged from mixing with the loose morals of anglo sax society.
The children were a minority at the time, many classrooms in middle class areas only had a sprinkling of NA's. These children were always left out
and not socially accepted. Mothers groups scorned the parents of these children. Class meetings went unattended by parents who could not speak
English. P&C clubs were left empty of these NA's as the parents did not speak english and the fathers were too busy working their "dirty jobs" in
double shifts and triple shifts. No efforts were made to reconcile the races. The countries of origin were a mystery to the Brit children, the
education system only taught British history.
As time went on and the children grew more ostracised from the Brits they naturally looked to other children in similiar positions. They formed groups
where it was not uncommon to find Greeks, Italians and Yugoslavs all "hanging out" together. They understood each other, they knew what it was like
to be the object of the Brits ridicule. Silence grew between the races. As the children reached teenage years the separation went further. Traditional
heritage was kept and romances between the races discouraged highly.
Children followed their fathers into the low paid positions and the manual labour. But they wanted more, they had seen their fathers working hard all
their lives, only never to gain the respect of the Brits. Here and there in pockets a few children mixed.
Game parlours and pool halls became the "hangout" for these children. Brit parents would not allow their teens to go there, its a bad place that. As
the seventies marched on and turned into the eighties drugs became more prevelant and the drug trade was seen by some NA's as a way of earning good
money fast. They had seen their parents work all their lives, be overlooked for management positions and still slave away at the same job they started
off in. Soon the NA's took much of the drug trade off the Brits, manyvof the NA's would not indulge themselves but had no compunction against
selling the products to the Brits. The pool halls and pinball parlours became a rife money making expedition.
Gangs were formed. Interracial marriages between the Brit children and the NA's was discouraged by both families. "Your not going out with a wog"
"your not bringing a loose moralled Australian home to meet momma". Fine upstanding matriarchial church going Brits turned their backs on many an
offspring who had the misfortune to choose a NA as a partner. Many of the NA's were encouraged to go back and find traditional brides from the old
country, many marriages were arranged. "I am going back to Yugoslavia and finding a nice woman who has never seen TV before, she will be so grateful
that she will come here and marry me and be the proper wife to me forever".
Brit children of the female variety had been taught more equality in the sexes and less traditional roles. NA' women were taught to cook and clean
and keep house. But a funny thing happened there, more and more NA children had seen the light, they saw how the other half lived. The girls saw the
freedom that Brit children were allowed and started to buck the system. They wanted more, the boys wanted more than to become their tired old father,
too tired from working all his life with nothing left but to fall over and die of a heart attack from overwork, leaving a black dressed widow with no
english to speak. Fathers had worked hard and many NA's were able to get a better education and the ones that wished to do so worked hard.
The few who crossed the divide were ostracized now by both sides. Romances had both sets of families up in arms. "Your not having a dirty wog baby to
that, who know what you will breed". "Your not having a dirty brit child by that how do you know it will be your she has probably slept with half
the city". For traditional nations who prided themselves on strict codes and virginity before marriage the sexual revolution had done nothng to bring
the races together.
About this time the middle eastern migration began in earnest as families of refugees from war torn areas flooded the country. More differences, girls
wearing headresses and boys taught strict moral codes had no time for the sexual revolutionized anglo sax women. The dirty wogs and the loose immoral
Brits. The middle easterns were treated the same as the previous Wogs, they were just a new type of wog.
Australia had a code of family migration so soon families were joined by uncles cousins brothers grandparents. Because of lack of money and tradition
whole families lived together in one house. Three bedrooms sleeping up to 20 people. Many a bedroom slept mumma papa and offsrping with cousins next
door and granparents on the other side. This was frowned on by the Brits. Asians soon came in large numbers too and took control of other areas of
drugs, the heroin trade at Cabramatta by the Asian soon grew into horror proportions.
The Europeons and then the Middle Easterns and Asians controlled much of the prostitution and drugs as well. They saw ways to made money out of a
need. They were overlooked for standard high paid positions, had large families to fed so they got rich quick.
Then the next gen, this gen, the children of hollywood movies and fast cars, bored youth. By now the separation of the races was signed stamped and
delivered. Whole family groups "owned" the drug trade. Unless you were family you didn't stand a chance to get in on it. More friction. The brits
were the main buyers of the product, the NA's the main sellers.
Oh there was exceptions on both sides, but thats it small exceptions, by large this was the way it stood. Except for marijuana many of the NA's did
not partake of the drugs, fine to sell it but bad bad to take it. The gangs grew from father to son. sometimes three generations being involved. Not
unusual to ring a dealer and have his son deliver.
But this was not all over, many of the NA's were still strictly moral but had long learned to keep to themselves. The money started flowing. In a
traditional family based culture everyone shared. It was all about family, thats all these people had. As time went on more and more boutique drugs
were introduced and to tell the truth yes it was controlled by the NA's because the Brits would often fall victim to the product they were selling.
Also the strict family code ensured a cone of silence. You couldn't break in if you tried unless your street credentials went abck to childhood.
This caused further divide, the NA dealers were loooked at jealously as scum by the Brits but what is failed to be noticed is that in business, any
business, you can only sell a product that is wanted and desired. The middle easterns were accepted into the drug trade as they had a product that
eveyone wanted. At the time most police were white, it became and us and them culture.
So as much as everyone can sit there and point fingers a these NA's for being the drug dealers, Im afraid the finger must also be pointed at the
Anglo's that partake and buy the product. These NA people were taught from an early age that money talks in this society. After living with meagre
toys as such, the NA children of this gen pride themselves with their fast hotted up cars, spiffy dress sense and national pride to the home country.
Circumstances forced them to be here and lack of acceptance furthered the divisions. This is what children on both sides saw growing up, going back
three generations. It all started after the war. A new silent war began that is only just now seeing the products of that war. The riots in Sydney.
It's late in the piece today to start reconciliation, it is something that should have taken place many years before, when it first began. Back then
though tensions were still running hot from world war 2. Fear of something new was a large part of our society. The New Australians were called that
for just that, they were new.
More should have been done to teach tolerance back then, to share each others cultures in understanding and knowledge. To accept difference was not
the done thing back then. Pity help you if you were a gay part aboriginal part middle eastern person, your life was hell. As the numbers grew so did
the balance, the minorities together are now a majority in many areas. Generations of divide serve only to further divide. Is it too late to join
together as one and be the nation that Australia could be? Has it gone on for too long now? Can we all take a step back and gain the positives from
being a multi cultural society? We can only hope.
This is just a condesnsed version of a bigger story. Im sure that many will argue these points of view and so be it, everyones entitled to their
opinion. This is mine from living it, watching it and learning it for many many years.
Related Discussion Threads:
The ORIGINS of racist mob violence in Sydney.
The ORIGINS of racist mob violence in Sydney.
NEWS: Racial Riots Erupt In Sydney Australia
[edit on 16-12-2005 by Mayet]