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Bush says Constitution is just a GD piece of paper

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posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 09:33 PM
Even, if this is true, which I doubt slightly I personally think Mr. Bush was perfectly justified in saying, "Stop throwing the Constitution in my face, it's just a GD piece of paper."

The reason he said this might not really be that he hates the Constitution but is so sick of his political opponents using it to hide behind and using any even remotely possible interpretation to block the laws he sees as necessary.

You'd be pretty unhappy if someone was doing that to you.

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 11:03 PM
If this was true the NY Times, the Post, and many, many others would have it on page one, above the fold.
In the link provided, the "author" mentioned that all members of Congress, the Senate and house of reps must take the oath of office. This was the most honest part of the entire piece. I wonder if he did a similar article when ex-president pantload was in office?

By the way, there are over 150 Dem. members of the "progressive caucus" in our government, and if you believe what they believe (for the future of our country), THEY lied when they took the oath of office, most definitely.

By the way.... the North pole has lost about 10% of its magnetic power over the past 20 years; It was either president Bush's fault.... or it was global warming; I know you'll believe that, too.
(edit to add comment)

[edit on 14-12-2005 by zappafan1]

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by zappafan1
If this was true the NY Times, the Post, and many, many others would have it on page one, above the fold.

[edit on 14-12-2005 by zappafan1]
No they wouldnt.
Its a nasty comment, curses God, and its our president (after all) and they would not put this little story on their pages. They (the publishers) have class and wouldnt resort to repeating what the hick said.
Its not worth it.

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 08:54 AM
Whoa, whoa...whoa.

You peeps get on here and just attack me? Funny how you do that instead of addressing what I said, which was that this story MIGHT NOT BE TRUE!! And I should be ashamed of myself?

Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves for pulling the wool over your own eyes and following this wannabe dictator. Even if the statements aren't true, Bush still has no respect for the Constitution, and I stand by that statement, unabashed.

You Bush-lovers disagree? What part of the USA Patriot Acts do y'all not understand? Which amendment that this piece of crap violates do y'all also disagree with?

I laugh at you who bashed me, but it really is sad how people blind themselves. But, I still laugh at you...

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 09:11 AM
i say we harness the power of franklin and adams rolling in their graves to lower energy bills!

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by truthseeka
Whoa, whoa...whoa.

Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves for pulling the wool over your own eyes and following this wannabe dictator. Even if the statements aren't true, Bush still has no respect for the Constitution, and I stand by that statement, unabashed.

REPLY: It is you, my friend, who are among the "sheeple". Obviously you haven't researched the Executive Orders put in place by Clinton, as seen below.

You Bush-lovers disagree? What part of the USA Patriot Acts do y'all not understand? Which amendment that this piece of crap violates do y'all also disagree with?
REPLY: What part of this do YOU not understand?: 99% of the Patriot Act are laws that have been on the books for DECADES, and not enacted by the Bush administration.

Much of what is presented here, and in many other threads, are those things that people WISH to be true, with the expected back-and-forth among members.
Of course it will not happen, but a forum discussing factual things would be a nice change.
As mentioned, above:
What are Executive Orders? They are laws established by U.S. presidents. These laws are not passed by the House or the Senate and create an end-run around the Constitution.

These executive orders are simply printed in the Federal Register. After 30 days, these orders become law and carry the full impact of any laws passed by Congress. These laws are unconstitutional, because the Constitution does not afford any person the right to create laws by himself that negate the Constitution.

Executive orders:

10995: Seizure of all communications media in the United States.

10997: Seizure of all electric power fuels and minerals, public and private.

10999: Seizure of all means of transportation, including personal cars, trucks or vehicles of any kind and total control of highways, seaports and waterways.

11000: Seizure of all American people for work forces under federal supervision including the splitting of families if the government finds it necessary.

11001: Seizure of all health, education and welfare facilities, public and private.

11002: Empowered the postmaster general to register all men, women and children in the U.S.

11003: Seizure of all airports and aircraft.

11004: Seizure of all housing and finance authorities to establish Forced Relocation Designated areas to be abandoned as "unsafe".

11005: Seizure of all railroads, inland waterways and storage facilities, public and private.

Signed June 3, 1994, by President Clinton. Encompasses all the above executive orders

10995) The Department of the Treasury
10997) The Department of Justice
10999) The department of Defense
11000) The Department of Commerce
11001) The Department of Transportation
11002) The Department of Energy
11003) The CIA
11004) The FBI
11005) FEMA.

Now THERE'S someone who cares not for the Constitution.... all FACTUAL and verifiable. It will be interesting to see what Exec. orders President Bush contemplates at the end of his term, and to make a comparison. I doubt his pardons, if any, will include someone on the FBI's top ten list, and around 14 or 15 convicted coke dealers/distributors.
(edited for spelling)

[edit on 15-12-2005 by zappafan1]

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 09:55 AM
"No they wouldnt.
Its a nasty comment, curses God, and its our president (after all) and they would not put this little story on their pages. They (the publishers) have class and wouldnt resort to repeating what the hick said.
Its not worth it."
You can't be serious...... it would sell papers like crazy. Oh yeah... they have lots of "class". And you believe that the major media aren't mouthpieces for the Dems, too, don't you.
Of course, I've only been following economics and politics for 40 years.... what do I know. And, no.... I'm right smack dab in the middle.

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 10:05 AM
".... I personally don't think he is of sound mind, it's evident from his appearance, behaviour and speech he is usually drunk or high on something. And if he's normally like that, well wow".

Hmmm... I don't see here in the Constitution where a prerequisite for being president includes being eloquent in speech, body language, or having specific facial features..... could you please point that out for me if I'm somehow missing it? All you post implies is a rather petty impression of people. Do you base a persons intelligence on how it compares to.... say.... how YOU look?

I'm sure it was Clintons nose that was rebuilt from doing so much coke.... at least that was what the doctor said that did the surgery....

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 11:15 AM
So, what, zappa?

Them Exec orders ain't nothing new to me. Clinton was pretty dirty himself. From selling missile secrets to China to doing the crap Bush is doing, he was no better. Funny thing is that Clinton was attacked when he tried the stuff Bush is doing.

And, what difference does it make that the laws were already on the books (assuming what you said is accurate)? That just further shows this whole agenda is bigger than Bush. But, as Bush supports the Patriot Act, he cannot support the Constitution. What part of that doesn't make sense?

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 01:45 PM

Look, lets just say the comment "sounds" like something Bush would say.

Can we all agree with that?

Did he say it? No one is absolutely sure

Did it sound like something he would say? YES.

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by zappafan1

Signed June 3, 1994, by President Clinton. Encompasses all the above executive orders

So if Clinton and his Jack booted thugs said it was ok that makes it automatically right for Bush to do the same?

I guess we should be glad Clinton didnt condone murdering a bunch of women and children......oh wait he did (Waco, Ruby Ridge) well I guess the Bush worshipers will say its ok for Bush to murder women and children....after all Clinton did it.

When will you people stop playing the shell game with these crooks and relize they are ALL a bunch of crooks that should be tried for TREASON.

Republicans and Democrats both.

and now back to our horse and pony show

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe

Look, lets just say the comment "sounds" like something Bush would say.

Can we all agree with that?

Did he say it? No one is absolutely sure

Did it sound like something he would say? YES.

Oh, damn, that was a good one.

It's funny, for once Amuk and I agree on something. You gotta admit, though, Amuk, the left-right paradigm is super effective.

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka
It's funny, for once Amuk and I agree on something. You gotta admit, though, Amuk, the left-right paradigm is super effective.

We agree? I must be wrong there somewhere

I dont believe in EITHER party, both are crooks. I honestly believe that the entire congress, past and present along with every president still alive should be tried for treason. Both parties have ZERO respect fopr the Constitution, whither they say its just a GD piece of paper or not.

posted on Dec, 16 2005 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
Yeah, that sounds like Bush alright when things don't go his way, his temper tantrums in the white house has become legendary.

What are you talking about? I've never seen Bush have any of these so called "Outbursts." I'd like to see a video of him saying that it's just a GD peice of paper. People saying people have heard him say it doesn't really mean much.

posted on Dec, 16 2005 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by zappafan1
".... I personally don't think he is of sound mind, it's evident from his appearance, behaviour and speech he is usually drunk or high on something. And if he's normally like that, well wow".

That was in reference to his "outbursts" see link to the searches I was comparing this to, hence my hesitation to dismiss this outburst as being false.

My opinion of that man is based on his actions, how dumb/drunk/high he looks just compliments it.

posted on Dec, 16 2005 @ 07:03 AM
You know, we can all laugh and argue till we are blue in the face, but this is all very sad.
The very fact that we are being spyed on, us, the citizens of this great nation is very sad indeed.
Some of you may not care, some of you may think this is alright.
Let me tell you, this is not alright.

*Same old rant*: I left a communist country when i was little for less than this...I know what its like to have no liberties.

Keep backing all this- Mr. Bush needs those on the extreme right to help do his bidding.

This is going to lead to a lot of tears and grief.

Mark my words.

posted on Dec, 16 2005 @ 07:22 AM
My Country Tis of Thee
Samuel F. Smith

My country, 'tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty
Of thee I sing;
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrims' pride,
From every mountain side
Let freedom ring.

Let music swell the breeze,
And ring from all the trees
Sweet freedom's song;
Let mortal tongues awake;
Let all that breathe partake;
Let rocks their silence break,
The sound prolong.

Our fathers' God to Thee,
Author of liberty,
To thee we sing,
Long may our land be bright
With freedom's holy light,
Protect us by they might
Great God, our King.

posted on Dec, 16 2005 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Amuk

So if Clinton and his Jack booted thugs said it was ok that makes it automatically right for Bush to do the same?

I guess we should be glad Clinton didnt condone murdering a bunch of women and children......oh wait he did (Waco, Ruby Ridge) well I guess the Bush worshipers will say its ok for Bush to murder women and children....after all Clinton did it.

The Politics of Personal Destruction Propaganda has permeated even the usually sound minds of Libertarians:

***Ruby Ridge happened under Bush the First (August of 1992 to be exact).

It is important to remember that Clinton had been in office less than a month when the stand off started, and the action had been planned in advance. Reno was not even AG until March, and certainly had not had any time to even place her own people in charge. While the right wing likes to portray Waco as Clinton's fault - and Reno's - the truth is that the team doing the ground level work consisted of Reagan-Bush people, and at key points, it showed. Reno took full responsibility, which is what the person in charge should do - but let's not kid ourselves, ground level bungling made Waco what it was, and the people on the ground had not been put there by Clinton or Reno.

Fascist Scum from fascism's First Family, Herr Busch I & II, are responsible for the above, the China Nukes and the overall state of the World today


The movie ran through me
The glamour subdue me
The tabloid untie me
I'm empty please fill me
Mister anchor assure me
That Baghdad is burning
Your voice it is so soothing
That cunning mantra of killing
I need you my witness
To dress this up so bloodless
To numb me and purge me now
Of thoughts of blaming you
Yes the car is our wheelchair
My witness your coughing
Oily silence mocks the legless
Ones who travel now in coffins
On the corner
The jury's sleepless
We found your weakness
And it's right outside our door
Now testify

Now testify
It's right outside our door
Now testify
Yes testify
It's right outside our door

With precision you feed me
My witness I'm hungry
Your temple it calms me
So I can carry on
My slaving sweating the skin right off my bones
On a bed of fire I'm choking on the smoke that fills my home
The wrecking ball rushing
Witness your blushing
The pipeline is gushing
While here we lie in tombs
While on the corner
The jury's sleepless
We found your weakness
And it's right outside your door
Now testify
Yeah testify
It's right outside our door
Now testify
Now testify
It's right outside our door

Mass graves for the pump and the price is set
Mass graves for the pump and the price is set
Mass graves for the pump and the price is set
Mass graves for the pump and the price is set

Who controls the past now controls the future
Who controls the present now controls the past
Who controls the past now controls the future
Who controls the present now?

Now testify
It's right outside our door
Now testify
It's right outside our door

Of course Bush said it's just a piece of paper - the man has cursed, thrown on aire temper tantrums and belittled individuals in public exchanges - when surrounded by the 1st Reich of fellow Fascist, what makes you think for a second that he would suppress his C0kk of the Walk arrogance and curtail an iota of what he'd say!?!?!

[edit on 16-12-2005 by Bout Time]

posted on Dec, 16 2005 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by Bout Time

The Politics of Personal Destruction Propaganda has permeated even the usually sound minds of Libertarians:

While all will testify to me being a Libertarian the sound mind part is a bit more shakey......LOL

***Ruby Ridge happened under Bush the First (August of 1992 to be exact).

You got me there I would have sworn it was under Clinton, just goes to show you what age and moonshine can do to you

It is important to remember that Clinton had been in office less than a month when the stand off started, and the action had been planned in advance. Reno was not even AG until March, and certainly had not had any time to even place her own people in charge. While the right wing likes to portray Waco as Clinton's fault - and Reno's - the truth is that the team doing the ground level work consisted of Reagan-Bush people, and at key points, it showed. Reno took full responsibility, which is what the person in charge should do - but let's not kid ourselves, ground level bungling made Waco what it was, and the people on the ground had not been put there by Clinton or Reno.

This I will dispute. I have been in Managment and the Buck stops here. Just as Bush is responsable for what happened under his watch, no matter how much some would like to blame Clinton, Clinton is responsable for what happened under his.

posted on Dec, 16 2005 @ 02:36 PM
Reno took full responsibility.
The big dog in all of it who had full trust which was squandered & full discretion which he's repeatedly proved himself to be unworthy of? Mr. Louis "It's a Slam Dunk and no Arabs are learning to fly without landing fire that field agent who said so" Freeh.

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