posted on Oct, 1 2003 @ 09:35 PM
LOL, Gazrok... they don't usually talk about GUT in physics classes (not normal ones anyway) except they might mention it as a goal for science.
e-nonymous... it's E=MC^2 (C squared... not C/2... C divided by 2) sorry.. just want to make sure no one gets confused.
A true GUT (Grand Unified theory) by definition would have to explain how ALL forces, particles and time (I think that's included)... etc...
interact. You will KNOW we're getting close to a true GUT because the world around you will drastically change. We'll know about gravity for one...
what causes it, and likely how to manipulate it... etc...
That is, provided it is discovered in pieces (as it likely will be) and properly released to the public as it should be (also likely since as the
pieces are discovered, the individual scientists/groups will seek fame for them) and ALSO provided the governments don't suppress them... which is
POSSIBLE... but I don't think too likely if it's discovered in pieces.