posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 10:05 AM
And just in case anyone gets involved in a particularly
technical debate, here are
DCAPES = Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and Execution System
CTIS 3DS = Command Tactical Information System Digital Decision Display System
CTAPS = Contingency Tactical Air Combat System Automated Planning System
ARIDPCM = Adaptive Recursive Interpolated Differential Pulse Code Modulation
ASSET = Aerothermodynamics/Elastic Structural System Environmental Tests
5D = Demand Driven Direct Digital Dissemination
RAMTIP = Reliability & Maintainability Technology Insertion Program
PSIDS = Prototype Secondary Information Dissemination System
PCMCIA= Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
JINTACCS = Joint Interoperability of Tactical Command and Control Systems
You just
never know when abbreviations like this will crop up. As an added plus, you can bewilder your friends when you get into an argument
over which country's beer is better
Oh, plus, I learnt this in chat yesterday: '