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Are you still on the same Earth you were born on?

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posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 09:24 AM
No – I’m serious…this is the FINAL and ULTIMATE CONSPIRACY but it’s so incredible and terrifying you may reject it outright rather than face the reality of it being true. This is the UNIFIED THEORY OF CONSPIRACY

It explains Alien sightings, UFO abductions and the incredible rise in apocalyptic horror and conspiracy revelation.

In fact, you may ALREADY have been WORLD-SHIFTED and you have YET to realise it. This maybe your first wake up call.

What I’m really suggesting is that you may no longer be on that same earth you though you were on.

Look around you…see how things are changing and not for the better…look at how you live - what your 'into' now as as pose to even just ten years ago...


It wasn’t like that when you were a child was it?

Is the occult, demonology, and new forms of evil, war, horror, terror, and political corruption accelerating and playing an ever increasing role in your REALITY?

Was there really as much DEATH-WORSHIP in the media when you were still young and ‘innocent’?

Did the video games you used to play require endless shooting and slaughtering in the name of fun?

Do you REALLY trust the ‘third-gen’ super consoles that are being released – even subsidised! - And do you really think 10 consecutive nights of 6 hour ultra-realistic slaughtering rampages will have zero affect on your ‘state of mind’?


Where they’re ever so many movies about serial killers, monsters, and terror from other dimensions? Every time you go to blockbuster does it seem like they managed to materialise about a hundred new and ever more shocking horror movies from somewhere!

Are unreachable corporations poisoning your environment, your food supply?

Didn’t you used to eat good food all the time and enjoy lots of family days out in nice places like woods and fields and beaches?

Did you used to actually enjoy the TV series ‘Happy Days’ but now think it’s ‘junk’ and would much rather watch something ‘darker’?

In short - Is a highly organised collective projecting soul corrupting information, ideas, images and ‘lifestyle clues’ into your mind night and day by incredible technological media systems in order to INVITE and SEDUCE YOU INTO ACCEPTING AND ENTERING A TERRIFYING ALTERNATIVE PARRALLEL DIMENSION?

Is this then creating a 'feedback' loop of supply and demand, so that the general public as the 'mirror' are accelerating this effect.

Didn’t TV used to be fun, enjoyable and exciting instead of endlessly creepy and weird?

Do ‘friends’ send video clips to your mobile phone showing you real-life atrocities in order to de-sensitise you to visual trauma?

Has your ‘tolerance’ for gore become so vast that you can even watch real-time death and no longer be shocked or traumatised?

Are you in fact capable of ‘waking up into a BETTER OR WORSE Dimension EVERY DAY depending on how you LIVE YOUR LIFE and what your ‘soul’ desires.

It is said that what you do in your ‘dreams’ is what your ‘soul truly desires’. If it’s receiving programming during your waking hours what kind of changes are taking place in you over the years? Aren’t YOU responsible for ‘monitoring’ what is injected into your subconscious – are you making good choices ?

Sounds incredible, but its only DANTE’S INFERNO in’ real-time’.

How do you live your life?
Do you love life and things that celebrate life, help life?
Do you consciously ACT to remove suffering from those less fortunate around you or have you been seduced by the DARK SIDE and have you slowly slipped into a technological vortex of selfish greedy indulgent behaviour and probably unknowing death worship ?

Perhaps each night your soul is weighed and balanced and it determines which reality you occupy. If you’ve been good you might slip a few degrees back towards a ‘happier nicer place’ if you’ve ‘indulged in the dark side’ you may slip a few more degrees towards a place filled with terror and more horror.


Do you know which SIDE YOUR REALLY ON?

Have you consciously chosen yet or are you allowing ‘THEM’ to ‘trick’ you?

I think it’s time to TAKE BACK ‘GOOD TIMES’
Seek Happiness today while you still can!
Do ‘your bit’.
CONCIOUSLY SEEK OUT A BETTER WORLD because you know deep down in your heart that there are THINGS out there that want you to SLIP AND FALL INTO THEIR WORLD.

Do you really want to wake up to find the world your inhabiting in your so called ‘entertainment fantasies’ has become REAL!.

Think about it…very carefully….

You were born INNOCENT – remember that!

[edit on 14-12-2005 by KnightStrider]

[edit on 14-12-2005 by KnightStrider]

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 09:36 AM
Not a bad point, imho.

I agree to one mans heaven is another mans hell.
There are points that I don't agree to, but t could be my way of reading, that i misunderstand, as well as your point not always coming through. That would be due to the fact that it will be VERY hard to describe the change of dimensional planes, which for us, are experiences as the same one, all the time.

We tend to hang ourselves up in 'feelings'. My question is what are these feelings actually a catalysator for? Are they the means of controlling us, Yes, I think so, because we, ourselves can very rarely really control them. We very often act, THEN think.

Fascinating, what you brought up in your post!

Edited typos

[edit on 14-12-2005 by Ulvetann]

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by KnightStrider
This maybe your first wake up call.

But, KnightStrider, I just wanna sleep 10 more minutes!

Look around you…see how things are changing and not for the better…look at how you live - what your 'into' now as as pose to even just ten years ago...

Ten years ago I was 10 years old. I lived with Mommy and Daddy, my first little brother was just born and the second was on the way. I was into swimming, computer games, camping, astronomy and just starting to like girls... Today I'm 10 years older, I moved out of Mommy and Daddy's about a year and a half ago but still remain fairly close to them. My brothers have grown up a considerable amount. I'm still into swimming, computer games, camping, astronomy, and girls. So not much as really changed there, other than growing up and moving out for college.


Hmm... nope! Unless... /grabs sledgehammer

It wasn’t like that when you were a child was it?

Growing up and maturing seems to have that effect on people, but I guess you wouldn't know about that, would you?

Is the occult, demonology, and new forms of evil, war, horror, terror, and political corruption accelerating and playing an ever increasing role in your REALITY?

See my last statement.

Was there really as much DEATH-WORSHIP in the media when you were still young and ‘innocent’?

I donno, I was only 10 back then... G.I. Joe sure did kick a lot of butt though. So did the Power Rangers and Captain Planet. Plus Pinky and the Brain were bent on world domination.

Did the video games you used to play require endless shooting and slaughtering in the name of fun?

Hmm... I grew up playing the Commander Keen series... So yes, but they were aliens and stuff. Does that still count?

Do you REALLY trust the ‘third-gen’ super consoles that are being released – even subsidised! - And do you really think 10 consecutive nights of 6 hour ultra-realistic slaughtering rampages will have zero affect on your ‘state of mind’?

If my state of mind is that I'll be having SO much fun doing just that, then I don't mind.


I'm smart and have planned ahead. I bought the Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead, read it, and took action accordingly. So I'll be set if that ever happens. If that's your fear, I suggest you do the same.

Where they’re ever so many movies about serial killers, monsters, and terror from other dimensions? Every time you go to blockbuster does it seem like they managed to materialise about a hundred new and ever more shocking horror movies from somewhere!

If you look up some of those titles though you'll see that they're mainly straight to DVD "b" movies. Horrors and comedies are fairly easy and cheap to make. For example, the cult-classic "The Evil Dead" was a college project and made on a very miniscule budget.

Are unreachable corporations poisoning your environment, your food supply?

Probably, but think of it this way... Evolution is a friend mankind hasn't heard from in awhile. Maybe that'll help us get past that. You should be thanking those companies for their high motivation to make the future of mankind better!

Didn’t you used to eat good food all the time and enjoy lots of family days out in nice places like woods and fields and beaches?

I did! And I do!

Did you used to actually enjoy the TV series ‘Happy Days’ but now think it’s ‘junk’ and would much rather watch something ‘darker’?

I never watched Happy Days, so no... And i'd love to have the X-Men cartoon from the early 90s on DVD . That would be awesome!

In short - Is a highly organised collective projecting soul corrupting information, ideas, images and ‘lifestyle clues’ into your mind night and day by incredible technological media systems in order to INVITE and SEDUCE YOU INTO ACCEPTING AND ENTERING A TERRIFYING ALTERNATIVE PARRALLEL DIMENSION?

No, I think it's just the fact that sex, drugs, and violence sell. Rock 'n' Roll, baby!

Is this then creating a 'feedback' loop of supply and demand, so that the general public as the 'mirror' are accelerating this effect.

Huh? Maybe you could explain that one, please?

Didn’t TV used to be fun, enjoyable and exciting instead of endlessly creepy and weird?

You know, there are more channels than Sci-Fi, right?

Do ‘friends’ send video clips to your mobile phone showing you real-life atrocities in order to de-sensitise you to visual trauma?


Has your ‘tolerance’ for gore become so vast that you can even watch real-time death and no longer be shocked or traumatised?

Again, nope...

Are you in fact capable of ‘waking up into a BETTER OR WORSE Dimension EVERY DAY depending on how you LIVE YOUR LIFE and what your ‘soul’ desires.

I'm not sure what you mean again... Are you asking if we do what makes us happy? Well, if that's the case, then yes, I do!

It is said that what you do in your ‘dreams’ is what your ‘soul truly desires’. If it’s receiving programming during your waking hours what kind of changes are taking place in you over the years? Aren’t YOU responsible for ‘monitoring’ what is injected into your subconscious – are you making good choices ?

So you're saying that playing video games and watching what I want on TV is bad for my soul? Well, that's a new one. I think I'm fine in the decisions I make for what I watch. Then again, I can seperate fantasy from reality.

Sounds incredible, but its only DANTE’S INFERNO in’ real-time’.

Um... Have you read the Inferno before? Because from what you've said so far, I don't draw any sort of comparison. Maybe I've just been TOO desensitized and I just accept it.

How do you live your life?
Do you love life and things that celebrate life, help life?
Do you consciously ACT to remove suffering from those less fortunate around you or have you been seduced by the DARK SIDE and have you slowly slipped into a technological vortex of selfish greedy indulgent behaviour and probably unknowing death worship ?

Answered in order asked... The way I want. I try. Do I give money to bums? No. Do I offer them the advice of getting a job or at least attempting to make something of what's left of their lives? Yes.

Perhaps each night your soul is weighed and balanced and it determines which reality you occupy. If you’ve been good you might slip a few degrees back towards a ‘happier nicer place’ if you’ve ‘indulged in the dark side’ you may slip a few more degrees towards a place filled with terror and more horror.

Yeah, I'm going to have to disagree with you there...


Ah... So if someone were to worship God, he/she/it would be their Heaven and Satan would be either Hell. And likewise if someone were to worship Satan, he/she/it would be their Heaven and God would be their Hell?

Did you come up with that on your own?

Do you know which SIDE YOUR REALLY ON?

Well, I'm on the east side of this computer terminal... But it rotates so I can view all the classroom without moving or anything. So, in practice, I can be on any side of it. Is that what you mean?

Have you consciously chosen yet or are you allowing ‘THEM’ to ‘trick’ you?

Wait, who are "they?" My friends who don't send me gorey videos? We play tricks on each other all the time! It's a lot of fun, really.


No, I don't believe so. But who knows? Maybe they're seeking my rise!

Do you really want to wake up to find the world your inhabiting in your so called ‘entertainment fantasies’ has become REAL!.

This just goes back to having that incredible skill to seperate fantasy from reality... I think I'll be fine.

EDIT: Aliens who were seeking my downfall screwed up my quotes... They made me type poorly! They did, I tells ya!

[edit on 12/14/2005 by cmdrkeenkid]

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 02:40 PM
i heard a neat thoery last year pertaining to this, i forget the source but this is an excellent ploy "by the aliens" to create all this corruptness in our minds so we can accept the fate of most of us into a dimensional shift. apperently the "draconians"(lizardmen who live on a lower frequency so we cant see them) are controlling and minipulating the forces in power ie...illuminati and elite into evil deeds and the "aleins"(supossed angels (its all supposed to tie with the bible)they live on a higher frequency). now these angels or aleins are supposed to be taking the world into a higher frequency to kill the draconions and us humans can survive the frequency change because were in the middle but spaning higher and lower but not all of us but like i said it was a thoery i heard a while back and it kinda made sence even though theres no proof only speculation but it does tie with alot of theories like rael movment find out more there i find it also ties in alot with our spiritual history removing angels or higher beings of some sort and replacing with aleins and removing devils demons ect... for draconians
so i belive it to be of some truth

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 04:02 PM
That's the whole point isn't it cmdr - your 'tolerance' levels are relative to your generational exposure. As you get older you will find this happening to you (even though you won't believe me now - but when your 30 or so you will remember this day ( perhaps - no strike that very unlikely)).
When that day comes you will find that whilst technology, invention and social welfare progress are genuiely welcomed, (fyi I love tech) and embraced that the 'nasty' side of things which has really only reared it's head in the last 10-15 years is not a good positive direction for society as a whole to take. (I remember when ''evil dead' was actually a banned video nasty in the UK! but now public tolerance of it demonstrates it's widescale acceptance. In fact it's considered horror comedy!).
So are YOU the reason that widescale video nasties are filling the shelves off my local blockbuster?

[edit on 14-12-2005 by KnightStrider]

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 04:30 PM
Good thread, I think that this is a scary isea that seems probable. I am in my early 40's and things have changed into a very wierd place. People only care about being entertained, and it seems the shock level just keeps on rising. This is the point though that societies fail. You get to where decadence is so out there, you have a hard time trying to come up with the next taboo. Just because you can, doesnt mean you should.

Most young kids just dont care about anything but how cool they think everyone percieves them. This is something that has been around for a long time, but most kids now are like sheep following the crowd.

Is it all a hideous plot? Lord have mercy lets hope not!

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 04:55 PM
Well, here's what we do, then!

We organize before the evil dimension can envelop the good!

The Evil dimension feels no fear, so why should we? It gives them an advantage over us!

Blades don’t need reloading, and evil dimensions are resistant to bullets!

Ideal protection = tight clothes, short hair. Men should wear an additional baggy protective layer.

Get up the staircase, then destroy it. If the evil dimension doesn't see how you can escape, it will leave you alone.

Get out of the car, get onto the bike. Evil dimensions know how to blow up gas tanks, that's why there are so many explosions in today's movies. Bikes don't have gas tanks, so as long as you don't wind up in National Lampoon's Evil Dimension, you should be safe from exploding.

Keep moving, keep low, keep quiet, keep alert! If you see the evil dimension coming, dive behind the nearest bush and hold your breath. If it sees you, time for that blade!

No place is safe, only safer. So lock yourself in the safer.

The evil dimension may be gone, but the threat lives on. Never lay down your sword, and always stay low destroying staircases.

Thanks, Max Brooks, for the outline!

[edit on 12-14-2005 by junglejake]

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 06:40 PM
I will start by saying that I like the general flow of your statement NightStrider. It is important to hold onto 'good' things and not allow ourselves to degenerate into a society which strives on violence and gore as our entertainment and our 'soul food'. But... I dont think 'change' can be attributed to alternate planes of reality.

Someone who is 40 years old may look back to his childhood and remember an age of innocence, times of happiness and an ascence of evil. This 40 year old may transpire through life and find that things around him are becomming increasingly violent and miserable. He may think that 'kids today' are corrupted and that the world has gone bad. I experienced childhood about 10-15 years ago, when our 40 year old was around 30 and starting to think of the world as an increasingly miserable place in which I am one of the 'kids these days'. I found my childhood to be very pleasant and innocent too. I remember when Mom and Dad were perfect entities and rainbows were magical and my safety at home was unquestioned. For me too, times are 'changing', I am seeing ever increasing amounts of violence and am seeing the world as a much more grim place than I did when I was a child. I also look at children today and wonder to myslef what the world is comming to.

For thousands of years people have been experiencing these feelings. An excellent example of mankinds general tendancy towards this are our continuous predictions of the end times. For centuries people have felt that mankind has degenerated to such an extent that the end our very existence is nigh.

Change is inevitable. I feel that attributing this change to parallel planes of existence is a sign of our fear of this change and shows a longing for the good times we experienced as children and a reluctance to accept the dissolution of times passed in our lives.

But then again, maybe thats just what 'they' want us to believe...


posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by The_Modulus
For thousands of years people have been experiencing these feelings.

Then again, it would be interesting to know if the kids today still see it that way. I'm starting to think not.

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 08:16 PM
Good points KnightStrider.

Perhaps we have all passed into a darker alternate reality.
People and events have definitely taken a turn for the worse since the new millenium, with innocent people dying everyday from human events and natural disasters.
I can relate to your sense of the past being a time of innocence in comparison to today's harsher atmosphere, where people have become so polarised, that racial riots are breaking out in civilised countries, torture is starting to become an accepted form of security and lies are so common place, that the lines that divide basic morality have become blurred to people of good conscience.

There is this idea called fantastic realism, that suggests that reality is so fantastic and amazing and unbelievable, that we have created a buffer to prevent ourselves from being distracted from what it is we need to do in order to survive.
I think we have forgotten what that was somewhere along our journey. . .

We are truly lost, well I am anyway

If only it was as simple as thinking positive thoughts to make the planet a better place for everybody; because at the end of the day, isn't that all we ever really want?

[edit on 14-12-2005 by shanti23]

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 09:20 PM
While some of what you say is theoretically possible, if we're to believe in Alternate Realities, I disagree with some of it.

I see a lot of this, as the Media, the Government, the Military, desensitizing us to things, to dumbing down America.

There's the fact, that you can't discipline your kids by paddling them, because that would be "child abuse", which is stupid. I know there's been cases of people going too far, but I got paddled when I got out of line & I'm fine.

Let's see, the fact that violence on TV is being blamed for just about everything in the Media, while it's not being lowered at all. Not that I'm saying it should be lowered, that's not the problem, the problem is that kids are being taken from their parents by things like this, parents not being able to discipline their kids. TY

Then let's not forget about the "spend spend spend, work work work" ethic that's been pushed into Americans minds, so they don't save money, but are too busy to think about what's going on. The people of the US are kept busy with working, watching TV, & running the kids to soccer practice to see that their nation is being slowly stolen away from them.

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 11:27 AM
The downward slope seemed to really get steep after the turn of the century/millinium, and people said Y2K didnt happen! Looks like something happened and I am pretty sure there is some kind of plot behind it all...

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 04:53 PM
My world seems fairly solid to me (I'll check again later, if not superglue rocks).
That is one heck of theory, though. Feel free to explore its perameters to your hearts content. Who knows, it might even be true. Just remember, they didn't believe Cassandra either.

posted on Dec, 16 2005 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by KnightStrider

Look around you…see how things are changing and not for the better…look at how you live - what your 'into' now as as pose to even just ten years ago...


It wasn’t like that when you were a child was it?

Ya one word for you scooter "Walmart"

posted on Dec, 16 2005 @ 01:55 AM
it's still here

we all are

however , reality has been spun

agendas are afoot

blingbling has been dangled in front of our eyes

many are distraced with stuff/things

lies [ such as war is freedom ] are spun as truth

and shoved down our throats as good for us

we are slaves of the power elite [ stuck in the ratrace ]

will enuf of us break free for the rest to notice

more change is forthcoming

seek info and prepare for disasters and enlightenment

posted on Dec, 16 2005 @ 11:55 AM
i dont know about any of that stuff, but as for the zombies? YES! zombies will rule the earth and we should get ready for the zombie holocalistic apocalypse.

but seriously. yea all that stuff does seem possable, to me at least.

posted on Dec, 17 2005 @ 06:47 AM
i agree with you there

'happy days' was good and TV does suck and i do kill 100's of people a day on games.

why not break off from society and live where you belong, in the wilderness where ever that may be

posted on Dec, 18 2005 @ 10:29 PM
i'm pretty sure i'm still on the same planet, but then again it took me a few months to realize dnL was 7up upside down...

posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 10:07 AM
a few randonised points :

1 - most of you observations can be equally applied to the perceptions of your parents , frand parets etc - were they " world shifted " too ?????? . your children will make similar observations too - is YET ANOTHER new world neing prepared for them ?????????

2 - there are people who see most of your observations as a good sign of progress - they dont want to live like thier parents - they WANT accelerating change , and some are preoared to go to extremes to acheive this goal

3 - if , and thats a BIG IF your observations are true - can you produce any emperical evidence for your claim - face it the hypothisis of "" last thursdayism " must be considered it your ideas are to be .

PS - last thursday ism claims that the entire universere was created " as is " last thursday by an unspecified creatror enity and all evidence to the contrary was created too , to obsucate this event


posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 10:13 AM
Let's see... A growing culture of decadence and "free love". A general distrust and cynicism about the American government. A President who secretly tapes American citizen's conversations. An increasingly unpopular war fought mainly by the working class kids. A growing casm between the have's and have nots. A skyrocketing of oil prices and dependence on an unstable region of the world to fill it... God I miss 1974... er 2005... hmmm.

I was born in 1971 and I don't really see much difference in the "innocence" of the world. I always cringe at talk of "Good Ol' Days." To my parents the good ole days were the 50s when cars were cool and the music was hot... but it was also an era of lynchings, sexism, and political witch hunts. There are no good ole days.

I think two things contribute to the feeling that the world has gone to hell.

1) As we get older we become more aware. In 1972 terrorists murdered 11 Israelis in the Olympic village at Munich. That's something that doesn't even register for a kid. But as we get older things like that become milestones in history. The first one I can remember really hitting me was the Challenger disaster when I was 15. I was 10 years old when the Iran Hostage Crisis happened and yet it didn't really resonate in my world. I was busy playing Atari (River Raid was my favorite) and reading comic books. So, I think some of it has to do with as we get older the horrors of the world become clearer. We begin to process the information in a way that makes us realize the true brutal nature of the world around us. Nostalgia is looking back on our days before this clarity and thinking things were better because we assume we had the same clarity at the age of 10 that we do at the age of 30. You'll experience this most clearly when you see a TV show you loved as a kid and discover that it's really a peice of crap. We can call that "The A-Team Factor."

2) There is actually some fault to be laid at the doorstep of technology. I don't believe the violent video games are making us into a race of Enders, desensitizing us to violence. I think kids like to play cowboys and indians or cops and robbers like they always have. Where technology has hurt is the almost immediate sharing of information worldwide. I love the internet. I love the fact I can watch a live broadcast of BBC Wales from the comfort of my Southern US home. However, with all the 24 hour news channels and the instant sharing of data worldwide, we hear about EVERYTHING that goes on. (It's really a golden age for conspiracty theorists) If a kid shoots up a school in Alaska, we hear about it within minutes with live chopper footage and wall to wall 24 hour coverage on 5 different channels. That's the major detrimental difference between my life now and 30 years ago: Cable news.

I started limiting myself to Jim Lehrer and Jon Stewart for all my television news.

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