posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 09:27 PM
Try looking for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Immune Disfunction Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. Short forms are CFS, CFIDS, FMS.
Do a google search and I guarantee you'll find more than you ever wanted to know about being tired. If the symptoms seem to match your own you can
bring it up with your doctor, just be warned than many doctors still do not believe in these illnesses and think you are just lazy as you have
I have had CFIDS since 1991, its a pain in the____ insert word here.
There currently are no tests for finding if you have CFS, it is a diagnosis of exclusion. There are also many other illnesses that could cause
fatigue as a symptom. eg. Lyme Disease. Go to your doctor and get a full panel of blood work done to rule out other illnesses.
CFS is classified by WHO as a neurological disease, so if you have it, it is in your head, but not just in your head. There are a great deal of
doctors in the world who treat this illness, try to stay away from the ones who offer Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, because they believe it to be a
mental illness.
Hope you feel better soon.