Something Smells. Come to Hungary anytime, because it's a friendly country. Also it's one of the nest of the Indigos and Crystallines. You also
should come here, because the U.S. is still in one peace due to the natives of my country. Hungarians invented many things, which helped your country
in the 20th century (Atomic bomb, computers, helicopter with the cooperation of the soviets, founded most of your major film studios, etc, etc...).
Just to tell you, many of the Hungarians are also Crystallines and Indigos. That's why the people of a false religion want to destroy my country no
matter the cost. My nation is one of the oldest and our past has many secrets. And the people of the other religion(s) knows this. But the truth is in
our past, in our culture, and the people of my nation knows this (Even many of the Japanese are knows this too, while they're thousands of miles
away.). But there are also many, whose are on our side. Our religion is not depending from race, from where to you born. It's depending from
something else.
I just found an article...
Don't search for our religion here, because it will not be mentioned here, or anywhere on the net.
We're one of the very few, whose are making these festivals for in and outsiders too to present the Indigos and Crystallines to those ones, whose are
afraid from us, but want to know us (No. I'm not participating in it, because I have different duties. I also wasn't in any of these festivals. So,
before someone would tell that I'm advertising this, I'm not doing it. I just found this on this net. But as I see the couple who written this
article are from the U.S.). Before you would say, angels and other things are fake... just to tell you, Budapest is one of the very-very few city,
which is protected by Guardian Angels (Budapest is maybe the only city, which has hundreds of angel statues around the city and Hungary is one of the
country, which as hundreds of angel statues in the country. And Hungary is also one of the country, maybe the only one which symbol is representing
angels, whose are guarding my country and her people too. Many are tried to annihilate my nation, no one ever succeed thanks to this.). In my country
there are different known religions, but people are believing in our Guardian Angels and not in these known religions.
You're saying thanks that I'm educating you? Well. You're welcome. As I see you should learn many thing... well, learn at least one plus language
Maybe the Chinese are going to "conquer" the U.S. if the senate is going to approve that damned immigration bill.
And you may thank you anything, but who is a Crystalline or Indigo and read my responses knows that I written the truth. That's why they're not
interfering into this nice conversation. And you also presented yourself very well. Thank you in the name of the Crystallines and Indigos that you was
in our small personality research, where you presented that average people are envy (Don't take it personally.), opposing anything and cannot handle
things at all, which is not in their life. You're fear from the unknown and we know that. You have a life, where you know the answer for everything,
what is surrounding you, but in the reality you never dare to step one ahead to search and see the possibilities of the unknown. We're not meaning a
threat to you, but you're handling us as a threat without any real reason and immediately attacking us, trying to discrediting us no matter the cost.
The one who started this thread wanted to know who is the opposite of the Indigos and Crystallines. You presented it very well. Thank you very much.
And sorry that I insulted you, but that was necessary to bring your true nature to the surface (See your previous description.). So, mashup, if you
want to see the opposite of the Crystallines and Indigos, take a look at the comments of something smells. You see the answer there for your question.
It's sad, because I'm strongly believe that he is a good young man. But unfortunately he doesn't want to see beyond his frontiers and he is really
fear from the unknown. From the unknown that he doesn't want to know at all in his fear. Maybe it will change on one day.
So something smells, thank you again that you're participated in this research and shown your true nature. That's helping us to see who and what
sort of people is that what we need to avoid in the future. And sorry again for that insult, but as I written above, it was necessary to give the
answer to mashup. Well. Crystallines are love to use harmless tricks to achieve what they want.
Oh. And one last thing. When you're insulting our religion, you're insulting your religion too, because it is also including you and everyone else
on this planet, even without your own knowledge. Believe me. I know why do I saying this.
[edit on 19-8-2007 by Dark Crystalline]