Extra dimensions are easy to understand. For example, the past isn't here, isn't physical, but somehow exists. The future is also another dimension,
and the universe also. In an extra, fifth dimension, you can exist in more than one place at a given time. Quanta (discrete packets of energy like
atomic particles) can be in more than one place at a time. Every single nitrogen duo in our air is like a two-slit experiment in that different
nitrogen atoms share an electron that is in both atoms at the same time.
An extra dimension can exist inside of you, as well as you inside of it. The most obvious premise for extra dimension is that it must be partly
constructed of nearly (or maginally) faster than light fluctuations, or it must underly much of what we see in strange ways. For example physicist
David Bohm, one of Einstein's contemporaries, was convinced that all electrons in the universe are really the same thing, just seen from different
perspectives. And photons? They could easily be massless because they are also the same phenomenon being teased in and out of existence across a
deeper dimensional, universally shared kind of event horizon. They appear just along the fringes of a strange event horizon of sorts (those deep inner
depths of the nucleus that we can't tease out because they are too tightly sunken into a deeper curvature of gravity, in a sense).
In a fifth dimension your mind would be more airy, not so physically thing-like, more ethereal seeming. But in order to be that way it would have to
be premised on a kind of duality: on the one hand it is premised on bizarre deeper inner nuclear curvatures AND on vastly larger universal gravities,
while at the same time it also teases out into a kind of hyperspace of elusive, virtual qualities (i.e. the new "negative energy" that you can read
about here:
www.physics.hku.hk... )
In the fifth (and conceivably higher) dimensions your mind would be cycled into both larger cosmic, and finer sub-quantum quantities. How so? It might
be pulsed inward by the negative energy of inner nuclear gravities, while at the same time spanning far out into space-time. It would be like you can
be in two places at the same time, mentally/psychically. Indeed, there is a concept called Culberson mindspace (see Nick Herbert PhD's book Elemental
Mind) in which your memory ACTUALLY VISITS THE VERY PAST that it remembers. It's weird, but is premised on the idea that those seemingly singular
event horizons in time are actually permeable, within certain limitations. To the extent that you aren't concretely physical, i.e. like your atomic
quanta, that is possible.
Indeed, quantum physics proves that no quanta are concrete; they aren't thing-like but are, instead, wavy and fluctuating, always strangely moving.
In a fifth dimension, part of your mind is literally fluctuating into a seeming singular dimension (cycling INWARDLY into those nuclear depths that
connect out into and across space-time due to "negative energy" fluctuations that exist all around in seeming empty space). Physicist Paul Davies
writes that any moving membrane (i.e. every quantum's "outer" membrane) should produce negative energy fluctuations. That opens the door for your
existence to be in more than one place at any one time. Indeed, in a fifth dimension even time is bendable and elastic. It can flip and invert and
fold in upon itself, as can seemingly empty spacetime.
In a fifth dimension, telepathy is easily possible because we are all connected, sharing the same underlying weird physics. As such, we'd all be part
of a universal network of mind, but our backward physics has some of us on training wheels, in such regard. We aren't all ready to interact so
transparently. In a fifth dimension, you sense someone looking at you from behind, you have no secrets, hence you need not feel ashamed. Instead, in a
fifth dimension you would simply learn to assimilate within a more social order of transparency. It would be more decent, not less so.
[edit on 27-12-2005 by gl2]