posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 12:45 PM
I'm always skeptical when I see Top Secret written at the top of any document. Something about that always seems odd to me. Also, why didn't JFK
sign this document? If it were signed by JFK then this case would be closed.
Last thought, didn't the government coin the term UFO? Before UFO they were called Foo Fighters right? Before that they were called Chariots of
Fire. So the government needed a technical term instead of Foo Fighter and came up with Unidentified Flying Object. Which would be a legit concern I
would imagine.
Point being this, there really are a lot of unidentified flying objects out there. Problem is, a lot of them are ours. I don't think anyone can
deny the government is working on advanced flying technology. This is why I say we need a mass sighting before everyone just accepts ET's exist.