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You Know Something Is Up In Washington They Don't Want Us To Know When ________________.

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posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 07:42 AM
What I mean is, I have noticed on and off, and usually right before some sort of a scandal becomes known to the world, that there is usually a period ranging from a day or two, to maybe close to a week, where the so called "news" ceases to exist.

Meaning that it still comes on, but contains nothing newsworthy. For example, a few things that I have noticed is that often there will be such "fillers" as repeatitive stories regarding pythons in the Everglades, or extensive lessions in how to properly dress for the cold weather, or what celebrity is doing what. One of my favorites was not too long ago, when Nightline featured the life and times of Charlie Chaplin. And it is always news you can't miss when they can't give the weather report without showing elephants grazing at a zoo in Washington DC.

Point being, that when they are through with the "fluff", usually a scandal breaks. But, I think that the scandal has already happened, and they are stalling in order to do as much damage control, changing of the story, etc.... before the public finds out about it.

Anyway, I was just wondering if any of you have noticed this same phenonamon, and what indications to you get that they are in the process of covering up another blunder?

Thank you. Any contributions would be welcome.


[edit on 12/13/2005 by CyberKat]
mod edit to shorten ___

[edit on 13-12-2005 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 08:40 AM
Well, yes. Not so much "no news" as news to divert our thoughts to something else!
Happens all the time and you are right.
The probervial shoe will fall.

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 09:11 AM
Oh, boy have I ever noticed this phenomena

It goes ahnd in hand with the fact that there is little follwo-up to news stories.

FWIW, I think this is more about conspiracies in Education & Media (the news outlets) and less about actual politics. Moving to ATS Education & Media.

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 09:24 AM
Yes, I definitely have noticed this.

You Know Something Is Up In Washington They Don't Want Us To Know When:

- Another Top Al Qeada leader is captured
- The Bird Flu epidemic is the top story of the day
- News is too happy or funny
- The 'news' of someone's death lasts 8 weeks

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 10:49 AM
The media is pretty powerful these days. They probably get worried after a period of nothing being newsworthy and feel the need to 'create' something newsworthy. Their goal is to get people watching the news after all, and nothing like a good disaster to do that, who wasn't glued to their TV set/news website/radio after 9/11 or any other big disaster after all?

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
It goes ahnd in hand with the fact that there is little follwo-up to news stories.

Thanks, DontTread, I knew that when I wrote the post there was another important thing that had really been bugging me about the "non news" I was referring to, and you nailed it. There is rarely, if ever, any follow-up! Thanks.

Moving to ATS Education & Media.

Oh, and thanks also for moving this thread. I really couldn't figure out at all where to put it.


posted on Dec, 17 2005 @ 01:13 AM
I sense that the feeling is that there has to be something bad happen in order for the world to turn. That its not possible for our day to be complete without some major tragedy being reported on FOX or CNN. This seems kinda backwards from common sense. There are gonna be days when the biggest news is old news. Some days are boring. These boring days make the major news days seem more, well, major. Someone hiding something. Hardly. The only thing being kept from us is the quality of the reporters.

posted on Dec, 17 2005 @ 02:23 AM
You have made a good point. For instance, the Bush admin. asked the N.Y.Times to withhold a story from printing for a year. And what happens yesterday? We find out via the N.Y. Times, that the Prez. has been(or has given his perrmission) to snooping on Americas for over a year WITHOUT any warrants. No judge signed any papers or even gave his head a nod. Now is that some news! This current administration gives all outward signs of being above the law and doing just what in the hell they want..regardless of laws that state different. Does anyone really know the true course of which our country is going?
And talk about the media..they seem to weild more power than the crooks we put into the both the house's. They in my H/O have far more weight on the politicle scale than anything or anyone out there. They are the ones who have been doing the digging and trying to find as much dirt on one person or another and they also appear to time the release of this material when there is a lull in the same mundane stamped out news. So on that issue I'd have to agree with CyberKat.

posted on Dec, 17 2005 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by FLYIN HIGH
You have made a good point. For instance, the Bush admin. asked the N.Y.Times to withhold a story from printing for a year. And what happens yesterday? We find out via the N.Y. Times, that the Prez. has been(or has given his perrmission) to snooping on Americas for over a year WITHOUT any warrants. No judge signed any papers or even gave his head a nod. Now is that some news! This current administration gives all outward signs of being above the law and doing just what in the hell they want..regardless of laws that state different. Does anyone really know the true course of which our country is going?
And talk about the media..they seem to weild more power than the crooks we put into the both the house's. They in my H/O have far more weight on the politicle scale than anything or anyone out there. They are the ones who have been doing the digging and trying to find as much dirt on one person or another and they also appear to time the release of this material when there is a lull in the same mundane stamped out news. So on that issue I'd have to agree with CyberKat.

Thank you, FLYIN HIGH. When I heard that "news" myself yesterday, and the fact the the NY Times had just broken the story, and even more shocking I found was that Congress also seemed to have had no idea of the whole thing!

Now, I wish that I was better at using the "search" here on ATS, but if my memory serves correctly at all, I seem to recall an article that was posted probably at least about 2 months ago, I think it was by a Mod, I'm not quite sure, but it was dealing with the NSA and their newly given powers to track anyone (US citizens, too) at anytime on the Internet...........I wish I could remember more of the content, or find the article, but it sure reminded me of what I was hearing on the news yesterday.

Perhaps I am wrong, and they were two different subjects (although I am pretty positive that the NSA was involved, and so was spying on US citizens). I was thinking that if there was an article here on ATSNN about 2 months ago regarding the same, then how could it be possible that Congress didn't even know about it? I could see the NY Times being pressured or something into withholding the story for a certain length of time, but Congress being totally in the dark??????

I am still looking for that article, or a link to it. Maybe someone has it?


posted on Dec, 17 2005 @ 04:38 PM
I've long said that deciphering the true story of politics is much like watching a professional magician. Whenever a magician makes some sort of grand flourish with one hand, the canny observer knows to watch his other hand, because that's the one that's doing something interesting.

posted on Dec, 17 2005 @ 06:37 PM
The ability of the government to monitor what Americans are doing is known by me back as far as twenty years ago.
What has changed is the use of computer ability to catalogue and record trends in how people do it. Thus allowing micro monitoring of public trends or if necessary individuals. This has always been if governments..state local or federal want to do so.
One of the chief ways of monitoring on a local level is the US Post Office. Your postman knows quite a bit about you by knowning the trends of what mail you get to your address or P.O. Box. This is often one avenue if you are singled out for particular monitoring. Most peoples never think this far ..something as simple as your postman.
The monitoring of public librarys..contrary to modern public panic on this topic has always been around. Computer catalogue techniques makes this much easier from afar. Same thing with computer inventorys in grocery stores. With the advent of MVP cards and the like it makes it possible to tie your purchase right to your door step even if you pay in cash. You didnt honestly believe they put this card out there to help you ....did you??????
How about this little address sticky on your tax the mail..they didnt put this sticky out there to help you?? ..did you think it was that difficult to manually address a form??? Electronic filing makes this just that more convenient ..not necessarily for you!!
The ability to monitor the public has only gotten better. It has always been is not a new thing.
The only peoples I know about who are not that easily monitored are people like the Amish ...without social security numbers or computers..etc etc etc. They are not in the controlled monitored system.
What can you people possibly be thinking about.

THe whole of Washington D. C. lives on this deception mode..they have the rest of us being in a system that can be monitored and they play deception games with us and themselves....this is not a new phenomonon. It is just not called by its proper name...Feudalism. Class warefare. We in our ignorance ..through the media and public education call this democracy.
What can some of you possibly be thinking??
THis buisness of snooping is not new news to matter what administration is in office.


posted on Dec, 17 2005 @ 08:04 PM
I think some of you took me out of context. Here is what i am saying in a nut shell...

If the government couldnt successfully cover up the Watergate scandal, what makes you think they can watch your every move and manipulate the press, making it seem as though they are doing nothing. If they screwed up watergate, they cant cover up anything.

posted on Dec, 19 2005 @ 05:48 PM
I think your being a bit naive(the poster above). They can't control everything, but they can control some things. Assuming you've been to a libary lately, and looked in "Statisitics" section you would see books talking about how the TV, Newspapers, and some MAJOR magazines, allowing for "control" by certain groups(like Time, NY Times, etc.), these books are also in some suburbianPublic Grade School Libaries. Just because the goverment may allow for a scandel doesn't mean that's what's really going on. Odds are it's something much more serious, we won't be postive about for a year or more.

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 06:48 PM
This is an interesting thread and I have noticed things along the same lines before and have noticed it with other stuff besides the govt and politics. For instance at a job before someone gets fired there is usually a period of time where management is quiet and not much happens, and then wham bam someone is fired. I like to think of it as the calm before a storm

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by CyberKat

Originally posted by FLYIN HIGH
You have made a good point. For instance, the Bush admin. asked the N.Y.Times to withhold a story from printing for a year. And what happens yesterday? We find out via the N.Y. Times, that the Prez. has been(or has given his perrmission) to snooping on Americas for over a year WITHOUT any warrants. No judge signed any papers or even gave his head a nod. Now is that some news! This current administration gives all outward signs of being above the law and doing just what in the hell they want..regardless of laws that state different. Does anyone really know the true course of which our country is going?
And talk about the media..they seem to weild more power than the crooks we put into the both the house's. They in my H/O have far more weight on the politicle scale than anything or anyone out there. They are the ones who have been doing the digging and trying to find as much dirt on one person or another and they also appear to time the release of this material when there is a lull in the same mundane stamped out news. So on that issue I'd have to agree with CyberKat.

Thank you, FLYIN HIGH. When I heard that "news" myself yesterday, and the fact the the NY Times had just broken the story, and even more shocking I found was that Congress also seemed to have had no idea of the whole thing!

Now, I wish that I was better at using the "search" here on ATS, but if my memory serves correctly at all, I seem to recall an article that was posted probably at least about 2 months ago, I think it was by a Mod, I'm not quite sure, but it was dealing with the NSA and their newly given powers to track anyone (US citizens, too) at anytime on the Internet...........I wish I could remember more of the content, or find the article, but it sure reminded me of what I was hearing on the news yesterday.

Perhaps I am wrong, and they were two different subjects (although I am pretty positive that the NSA was involved, and so was spying on US citizens). I was thinking that if there was an article here on ATSNN about 2 months ago regarding the same, then how could it be possible that Congress didn't even know about it? I could see the NY Times being pressured or something into withholding the story for a certain length of time, but Congress being totally in the dark??????

I am still looking for that article, or a link to it. Maybe someone has it?


I posted it on some BSB sites, I'll U2U it to you!

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 09:29 PM
You Know Something Is Up In Washington They Don't Want Us To Know When _ famous people on plane flights mysteriously end up dead, or the flight ends up being shot out of the "mistake"__.

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 09:46 PM
One of the greatest and most effictive techniques to manipulate the American people is to have an attractive, young white girl to go missing.

This scenario is played so frequently and the public never seems to tire of it.

Meanwhile the puppet masters pull the strings in their evil tableau.

It's a brave new world.

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 10:12 PM
True, here ATS fans, the infamous Article Cyberkat wanted that I posted on 7 BSB boards on the" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">,

Not that that's news to some ATSers like myself, but to some BSB fans it could be a revelation so I post it hoping I can them to care about Politics and THEIR GOVERMENT, and maybe the public can start to try and take back thier Constitutional Rights, if you don't try to inform people outside ATS about this. How could people ever see it or consider it, it's ridiculous to just complain why doing nothing, isn't it? It didn't work for Joss Whedon in 'Buffy', odds are just as good it won't work for us either.

So next time you catch the media doing a "filler Big News" story, make a point to find something else that may be going on. So we won't have to whine on ATS anymore, unless we want to, to talk about are fave music acts.

[edit on 12/21/05 by bsbfan1]

posted on Dec, 22 2005 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by bsbfan1
True, here ATS fans, the infamous Article Cyberkat wanted that I posted on 7 BSB boards on the" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">,

Not that that's news to some ATSers like myself, but to some BSB fans it could be a revelation so I post it hoping I can them to care about Politics and THEIR GOVERMENT, and maybe the public can start to try and take back thier Constitutional Rights, if you don't try to inform people outside ATS about this. How could people ever see it or consider it, it's ridiculous to just complain why doing nothing, isn't it? It didn't work for Joss Whedon in 'Buffy', odds are just as good it won't work for us either.

So next time you catch the media doing a "filler Big News" story, make a point to find something else that may be going on. So we won't have to whine on ATS anymore, unless we want to, to talk about are fave music acts.

bsbfan1 has an excellent point. It is something I have thought about quite a bit in the last year or so. It's one thing for us to share info that's not on the mainstream news with each other. And the same goes for complaining about how screwed up it all is, debating it, etc...

But, if we ever exepect to truly make a difference, and just because the members of ATS happened to find this site, for what ever reason, doesn't mean that we are the only ones that can see through the B.S. & the propigada. Granted, there are many who are still living in the midst of an unthinking herd, but more an more I believe are begining to see the light.

We all know that there are more (many more) of us than there are of them. It seems as if we would do so much more good than we are now, if we could somehow find a way to get in contact with all or most of the American population that also thinks like us, and somehow organize. I don't personally believe in violence, I don't mean that, but changes could be made, I'm sure of it, if there were just enough people working together in an organized movement. (And I don't mean Cindy Sheehan - living in the 60's still - type of movement either.) I don't have all the answers, obviously, but enough collaboration by enough people, well......we just might come up eith something feasable.

posted on Dec, 22 2005 @ 05:38 PM
YAY! You agree with my ideas cool, I also gotta post a "CT Update" on some BSB boards tonight. I'llbug ya'll later.
Anymore ideas,etc. Post them.

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