posted on Dec, 12 2005 @ 05:40 PM
I came here on the recommendation of a friend. Previously I was a regular at the IMDb Soapbox, but recent changes there regarding freedom of thought
and expression have greatly tainted a forum that was, at one time, entertaining and wide open and even occasionally instructive and intellectually
Anyway, I've heard some good things about this place from the above mentioned poster whose cerebral skills I respect, so I hope to find a home
I'm a musician and actor by trade and find my politics have become almost entirely libertarian over the years(In my experience there are apparently
few problems in this world which expensive government intrusion can't exacerbate). Whether I've been basically self-employed for most of my adult
life because of my libertarian tendencies or whether I tend to be libertarian because of my lifetime of self reliance is anyone's guess.
At any rate, it's good to be here and I'm looking forward to the experience.
[edit on 12-12-2005 by TheCentralScrutinizer]