posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 11:04 PM
I think that it was in February of 2003 when Undersecretary of State John Bolton told Israeli officials that after defeating Iraq, the United States
would "deal with" Iran, Syria, and North Korea.
The current administration also insists that their right to act preemptively and unilaterally, with or without the international community's formal
approval, rests on the need to protect American lives. But with the exception of al Qaeda, most terrorist organizations in the world, and certainly in
the Middle East, do not target Americans. Hamas certainly doesn't. Hezbollah, the most fearsome of terrorist organizations beside al Qaeda, has
killed American troops in the Middle East, but not for some years, and it has never targeted American civilians on American soil. Yet like Hamas,
Hezbollah has an extensive fundraising cell operation in the States (as do many terrorist organizations, including the Irish Republican Army). If we
target them in the Middle East, can't we reasonably assume they will respond by activating these cells and taking the war worldwide?
I doubt very much whether Hezbollah will go out of its way to attack America...heck, I remember when the Bush administration was praising the Syrian
government for cooperating in the war on terrorism, and opposing congressional efforts to impose tough sanctions on the country.
My, how times change.
Well, not really.