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Originally posted by Fromabove
Does any know if Islam has had any prophets after Muhammand ? I am a Christian, and I don't think all Islamics are bent on killing. But they have their scripture and I just wanted to know if it is subject to revelation by a prphet or council etc.
Originally posted by Nakash
It's illegal to practice Christianity (or any other non-Islamic religion) in most Islamic countries. Nuff' said !
Originally posted by Nygdan
This blog, I beleive, has the cartoons. However the link to fullsize pics timesout.
I'd like to see the cartoons to see if they are racist.
Originally posted by babloyi
Islam is less often discussed at ATS because most people who frequent ATS are not very knowledgeable about Islam.
Originally posted by dbates
Now for those of you who choose to shrug this off as just funny, think about it a bit deeper. We have a religion that does it's best to hide women and separate them from the men, not just physically but visually as well. Then they turn around and offer these poor female deprived young males a house full of virgins if they will wage war against the "infidels". If that isn't a conspiracy I don't know what is. Sounds like a perfect control mechanism.
Originally posted by dbates
And this is only my opinion, modern Islam is akin to a cult, not a religion. For starters... What kind of religion requires you to worship a non-God, a prophet. He is only a man, not God. Worshipping ANYONE other than God is idolotry.
Originally posted by andersonr
Cartoons - some were funny i have to admit.
Religion - Damm - You guys really get sucked into this don't ya
Look at yourselfs (shaking head) Muslim this Christan that Us this you that
Where's the PROOF for any of it. - If i said no Aliens made it all -
You would call me crazy and ask for proof.
Well do the same for your beleives and i think you may be a little dissappointed.
I don't buy any religion/cult in any way shape or form -
I beleive in good and bad - right and wrong and that all are equal and SHOULD be entilted to equal rights ----
As for a GOD/CREATOR - Open minded. - - -
Happy New year 'Humans' - Remeber we ALL have one thing in common
...I have to tell you that Islam and those who follow it do respect the rights of the people.
Originally posted by babloyi
...I think it's only Saudi Arabia (certainly not a country I'd call Islamic), that doesn't allow public worship of any religion except Islam.
Originally posted by Boatphone
Are you blind? According to Islamic law women have no rights! According to Islamic law all other religions are outlawed. You can be killed for just drawing a picture?
They do not respect others rights, because in their view non-Islamic people are sub-human!!
Originally posted by Boatphone
Saudi Arabia is not a Islamic country?!
For your information Saudi Arabia is the home, and heart of all Islam.
Originally posted by junglejake
An example...Let's see. We have a UN investigation on charges of racism for drawing cartoons regarding Islam...Next door, in Sweden, we have a pastor being arrested for preaching the Bible. Granted, he's been aquitted, there has been no UN investigation of any sort. Interesting...
But it was how he described sexual practices like homosexuality that brought the charge against him: Green told us, "What I said was that sexual abnormality was like a cancer of the society." In more precise English, a "cancerous tumor."
Incorrect, for those laws to be a part of Islam law they have to be in par with the teachings of the Qur'an.
They are not allowed to force their religion onto others nor kill them if they turn away from it.
In his opnion he doesnt see it as an Islamic country, I hold the same opnion regarding that matter, Saudi Arabia is run by an corrupt government that only sees Islam and its Holy cities as a way to control their already frustrated people.
Qur'an (9:6): "And if anyone of the pagans seeketh thy asylum (O Muhammad), then give him asylum . . . and afterwards convey him to his place of safety . . ."
"If then they have recourse unto thee (O Muhammad), Judge between them or disclaim jurisdiction; if thou disclaimest jurisdiction, then they cannot harm thee at all; but if thou judgest, Judge between them with equity; lo! God loveth the equitable. How can they come unto thee for judgment when they have the Torah, wherein is contained the judgment of God? Yet even after that they turn away; such folk are not believers. Lo! We did reveal the Torah, wherein is guidance and a light, by which the prophets who surrendered (unto God) judged the Jews, and the rabbis and the priests judged by such of God's Scripture as they were bidden to observe, and thereunto they were witnesses; so fear not mankind, but fear Me, and barter not My revelations for a little gain; whoso judgeth not by that which God hath revealed: such are disbelievers. And We prescribed for them therein the life for the life, and the eye for the eye, and the nose for the notes, and the ear for the ear, and the tooth for the tooth, and for wounds retaliation; but whoso forgoeth it (by way of charity) it shall be expiation for him; whoso judgeth not by that which God hath revealed: such are wrong doers. And we caused Jesus, son of Mary, to follow in their footsteps, confirming that which was revealed before it in the Torah - a guidance and an admonition unto those who are God-fearing. Let the people of the Gospel judge by that which God hath revealed therein; whoso judgeth not by that which God hath revealed; such are evil-livers. And unto thee (O Muhammad) have We revealed the Scripture with the Truth, confirming whatever Scripture was sent before it, and a watcher over it: so judge between them by that which God hath revealed, and follow not their desires away from the truth which hath come unto thee: for each We have appointed a Divine law (Shari'ah) and a traced-out way; had God willed, He could have made you one community, but He may try you by that which He hath given you (He hath made you as you are); so vie one with the other in Good works; unto God ye will all return, and He will then inform you of that wherein ye differ." [Qur'an 5:42-48]
Holy Qur'an (5:2) " . . . and let not the hatred of a people who have stopped your going to the Inviolable Mosque (of the Ka'bah) incite you to transgress; but help ye one another unto charity and piety. Help not one another unto sin and transgression. Lo! God is severe in punishment."