At one point I thought I could define freedom, but now my ideas of freedom do not jive with that of our law makers.
Remember prohibition people? It was, at some point, necessary to legalize alcohol so as to stop the flow of money going to the Rum Runners.
Alcohol is a drug far more dangerous than some of the other drugs at this party, and it’s fully legal to adults of the appropriate age. Alcohol is
a substance that actually shuts the brain down in ways that gov't deems okay, because it makes the average person ridiculously irrational, and easily
controlled. It somehow makes some people angry, and when drunk this anger gets out of hand. You've seen and dealt with obnoxious alcoholics
invading your comfort zone, but these people don't even remember or have a clue that their being offensive. It’s status as a depressant serves no
What's wrong with drugs? The war on drugs is a war on consciousness and human freedom, and if you really want to test your understanding of this
idea, feel free to read the link at the bottom of this post. Many of these other drugs, not all, pose a threat to our gov't because they actually
allow for individual empowerment of the mental state. Yes, I've had my fare share of some of these chemicals, but I choose to stay far far away from
alcohol. I can sense it contaminating my mind, body, and ability to control my emotional stability. On the other hand, these other substances seem
to have some sacred nature about them, and if in a responsible situation, and in a respectful state of mind, an adult with fully developed moral,
ethical, and mental states can begin a journey within themselves, in hopes of gaining a type of knowledge that would be impossible otherwise. One
should have every right to stretch your own mind, but this is a threat to our governing institutions. An understanding about yourself and the world
around you can eventually develop, and gov't wants none of it BECAUSE THE LAST THING THEY WANT IS INDIVIDUALS FEELING EMPOWERED TO ACCOMPLISH THINGS.
I am not arguing that raves containing drugs are good things for teenagers with underdeveloped mental states. This is a bit dangerous, however just
like tobacco, alcohol, and going to war, there is an appropriate age to allow for these things, and a 15 year old isn’t old enough. All drugs
should be legal to anyone provided they have a fully developed mind, and understand accountability. If you do something stupid, you should be heald
responsible weather you’re hopped up on something or not. 21 sounds reasonable to me.
In a world such as the one we live in, the only thing anybody truly owns for themselves is that which exists between the ears; Your Brain. The idea,
that freedom should allow for individual choices, and the related thought that individuals should be held responsible for those choices, is over.
We've all been taught to let others, our lawmakers, to make decisions for us, and I am so sick of it. Seat Belt laws are gross. It should by your
own choice, nobody else's.
The numbers in 1995 were thus; If hemp products were allowed in this county the gov’t could gain over a TRILLION dollars in revenue, PER YEAR. No
telling how much inflation, over a decade, would increase gov’ts earnings, given legalization. Also think about all the state and federal gov’t
money that is wasted on these half crimes through the court systems, policing agencies, and prison services. Shouldn’t our police be after
corporate liars, thieves, violent criminals, terrorists, rapists, con-artists, sex-traffickers, black market baby salesmen, and a host of other
criminal activities that actually pose a threat to the average person’s safety?
I give up.
Just imagine a world where every decision you made had to be “Okayed” by some higher authority. I choose suicide over that. This action, given
those circumstances, would be the fullest expression of my God given human freedom. Get it?
War on Consciousness
[edit on 12-12-2005 by shixta]