Hi this is my first ever post on here after reading ATS for a long long time.
I want to ask this question please without being mocked,as it's about my sister who died when I was 17, and she was 22.
It's therefore not an imaginery story, but a real event, and I feel somewhat awkward asking this, however there is nowhere else this sort of question
CAN be asked, certainly not with friends or family.
So here we go:
What would cause this?
To put in blunty, after my sister died, which was 100's of miles from my home. We had to do the inevitable and ofcourse clear up her things in her
bedroom, for various reasons...
On returning home, and then to her room in the house we noticed something strange. We had been away from home due to visiting the Hospital etc and
lots of dramatic things happening (where she didn't stay as she was at University) we basically all noticed a horrible SMELL coming from her room.
I hate to say this, but it was like something had died in there, like a rat or something, like a meaty sewerage smell/cheesy. So we searched the
ENTIRE room and found nothing. It was really bad, we had to open the windows and shut the door. I really did think the cat had left a dead bird or
This stayed for a long time and eventually went, probably within a week.
Now it's a difficult thing for me to discuss as I want to be respectful to her and feel somewhat guitly even mentioning it, but do any of you think
this is a 'paranormal' thing, e.g connected to her passing, or do you think it is coincidence and just an everday weird thing most people have
heard of? Then again what is coincidence? Who knows...
It bothered me, as this has never happened before, never happened since, only my family experienced it like this, and we found no food, animals,
shampoo, nothing that could have been left to 'rot' and it wasn't doing it before we left the house to get the bad news...
I just found it very strange. I am sure there is an explanation, I just wondered if others here have personally experienced it, or heard of this as
some sort of weird phenomenon, as in the ghost 'cold room' thing that of course is debatable x10 over. This is feel is less so, as a smell is your
brain detecting a chemical of some sort.
Thankyou, and I apologise for such a morbid first post on ATS, it's just something that has bothered me for a long time.