posted on Sep, 26 2003 @ 12:52 PM
This could be it.....the cutting of oil production as a predesessor to currency shift, to weaken us before they smack with the Euro.
It might be a blessing in disguise. The collapse of the economy would throw about fat chaos, perhaps, a total destruction of our current system, and
forcing us to take back control of our own fate, instead of linking it with something as unstable as middle eastern oil.
Forcing us to bring out the clean tech that has been hidden for years by oil companies. And maybe, force isolationism, who knows?
Im actually, for once in my life, having hope for the US. The collapse of the economy would be the best thing that could happen to us. It would give
us something we havent had in a while: a chance to take back what has been stolen: our own future. Even a less than prosperous but isolated America is
better than any of the other alternatives.