posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 10:28 PM
There are a lot of people who confuse moderate/centrist views for "weakness" and think that simplistic, extreme views (at either end of the
left-right spectrum) represent "strength."
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The fact of the matter is we live in a very complex world and nuanced, realist-based reactions that move beyond simplistic ideology are called for.
The best decisions are those rooted in a firm understanding of human psychology and history. Sometimes moves made in this vein will seem "leftist"
and sometimes they will seem "rightist." But if done correctly, what they really are is amazingly effective.
People who cluster at the ends of the ideological spectrum and shout and bluster are usually simple-minded fools who abdicate their own reasoning
ability to follow a party line because its easier than actually, you know...thinking thing through n' stuff. All that "using your brain" stuff
really wears you out! Far simpler to puff up your chest and shout slogans. Two legs good, four legs bad, and all that.
If you really take the two-party platforms apart, you'll see they are, for the most part, incoherent cobbled-together ideas that have no inherent
relationship. Gun restriction and environmental protection have no logical connection whatsoever, but they are both considered "left-wing" ideas.
Smaller government and Christian Fundamentalism also have no logical connection, but they are somehow both considered "right-wing" ideas. How did
these mishmashes of ideas come to be put together in the first place? Think it through carefully for yourself and you'll see that ideologies are
empty shells. They are "divide and conquer" strategies.
Real strength and effectiveness does not come from staking out an extreme ideological position and "holding your ground." Rather, it comes from a
firm committment to achieve the maximum effective outcomes for the good of the nation, and the mental agility to switch from strategy to strategy and
tactic to tactic as needed.