posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 08:19 AM
The rules for this game, as based on the excellent rule set suggested by member QuietSoul are as follows:
This will begin with Naval Engagements ONLY and develop as we work the kinks out of the system. Please note, this does include Naval Aircraft
and Coast Defence units.
The attack sequence:
1) Phase 1
Attack phase 1 consists of all players deploying assets within the location in which the battle will occur. This is as requested in my post above.
We will assume that both sides will be properly mobilized. No surprise attacks allowed.
2) Phase 2
After all sides have sucsessfully exchanged positions, the attackee supplies an attack route(s).
A description of Vessel used, equipment used, and attack used must be supplied.
c) Engagement Imagination
This is where the engagement takes place. This process is to be communicated via public posting to this thread.
Every attack must be agreed upon. Players will be required to supply troop deaths, equipment lost, and land gained/lost. If a player contests the
amount of loss, a judge may be asked for review/decision.
During the engagement, players will take the reigns.
They will agree or disagree on troop loss, equipment loss, and land gained. If the players can not agree, they can request a judge who will make the
final decision.
Ancillary Rules
1. This thread is for players only. Other members posts are to be ignored.
2. Time constraints apply. In not supplying the info neccessary in the 24hr window required, that side forfeits their go.
3. Pauses can be requested.
4. All requests to be made by U2U to all Judges.
By virtue of names drawn from a hat, the sequence of play is as follows
1. China (First move is the inciting incident as described by the Judge)
2. US
3. Russia
4. Japan
5. N. Korea
6. S. Korea