posted on Jul, 8 2006 @ 03:49 AM
Springer.... Great site...
I have spent 25 years in the US military, so naturally I would have a few insights and mindful comments. Yes, I do get flustered with the on slaught
of the conspirators of war. But, alas, I have learned that profanity is an uneducated mind trying to express itself.
Being in the military, profanity is a prereq. I dont condone it but I use it at times and understand that we as humans let our emotions run
I have been on another site, that makes me laugh. They bash each other like a grape stomper.
It is amazing to me that people can get worked up over words. By the nature of the beast I am a conservative republican. I do however see points in
all parties. I, myself try not to get worked up, but there is that occasion, when people actually test the last THREAD of reason.
I never held forums as a legitimate form of expression. Facts offered are often misrepresented and for the most part are biased opinions. Your forum
seems to try and regulate the tirrades of the less informed trying to in-flame responses of an un-intelligent mind melt.
I look forward to reading and contributing to your forum.
"The extension of one's reasoning is their willigness to listen"