posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 12:34 PM
Sure, World War 3 is coming, sooner or later.
It's obvious that Iran is trying to acquire nuclear weapons, I think they'd want it as a deterrent, seeing as how US foreign policy has worked in
the past 4 years and the US has Iran virtually surrounded.
However I'm not sure if Iran is a threat to the US, if they attacked it would be pointless and suicidal, but to Israel Iran could be more of a
threat, but if they'd attack Israel the US would retaliate.
So I think the concern about this matter from the US is largely because of the powerful and intimidating Israeli lobby.
Israel did almost get the US to turn Cairo into a bowl of glass when Israeli fighterjets and gunships attacked the USS Liberty, they could only send
one mayday message, that basicly only said they were under attack, and the US assumed that the Egyptians had attacked the ship.
I'm sure they'd try it again if they had the opportunity.
But if the US/Western economy starts to waiver, maybe because the prices on electricty and heating are possibly going to be a tad bit higher this
winter, it's possible that Iran could attack Israel because the US would then be pre-occupied with other problems.