posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 02:57 PM
I'll admit one thing. It is expensive to build a well 40 000 feet deep. It is not impossible in fact it should be done.
The well may be expensive for that depth but since it has been established by NASA scientists that Oil is not a fossil fuel, and it has also been
established that Oil does not run out like the Oil Corporations will have us to believe. Eugene Island proves that fact.
So again. The price of the well is deep but for the Oil corporations that well is pure profit. You only need to dig a well once. After that it is pure
profit for the oil companies. And as they continue to jack up the price that expensive 40 000 foot well that refills itself somehow through a natural
process in the earth doesn't seem so expensive or impractical.
And on top of that the new generation of water carborators, and water/gas mix engines which the auto industry could build would effectively put an end
to the peak oil scam.
As an added bonus the Oil corporations could invest in biodiesels, battery electric cars a, cars that run on vegtable oil. Even if only a handful of
alternative fuel plants are created every effort could be made to put peak oil to an end.
Folks. Peak Oil is only what we make it. If the corporations wanted to they could do it in a relatively short time. The oil corporations have more
money then God yet they don't invest any of that money into our future. These organizations are running the world; they claim to be fair and honest
yet they don't invest in our future. Our childrens future. These things can no longer be ignored.
Deny Ignorance folks or keep watching your Fox news. Truth is prevailing throughout the nation and the world. The Neo-Cons have lost the iniative in
the battle for truth.
Carborated engines that can get 200 MPG! Water/Gas mixture engines that are efficient and do not pollute. All of this has been suppressed by the Oil
companies for roughly 100 years. Think about it for a second.
Are some people starting to get the message? Peak Oil is a hoax. The Oil corporations greed is taking us for a ride.
[edit on 10-12-2005 by Huabamambo]