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Full Video: Explosions Before Both WTC Collapses and before WTC7 Collapse - You Will Believe

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posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 01:33 PM
I never offered you a file?


It's at 1:20:00 in the video - onwards. Your partly right in that he used CNN footage I think for that comparison, but it's still in his DVD all the same. I was criticising the inaccurate analysis, not the footage. I'm glad you made me watch it again though because I saw an excellent example to help me prove my point when I can be bothered so thanks.
And anyone who has English as their first language can understand the context of the statement on his forum.
If you want to break the language down into that of 'The Riddler' then you could argue it, but i thought it was best to be clear and concise?

Oh and in your emailed reply:

"The posts on the 911eyewitness site is from the researchers on the team to debunk ATS material including Agent Smith, not to authenticate it as our material."

It should be are not is. I know I make a lot of mistakes so I can't really talk, but are you sure they wrote it?
I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one and say no..
Come on, is someone telling porkies?

Maybe you should have finished watching it before wetting yourself thinking you'd caught me out. You won't catch me out ever conning anyone because I don't - I do make mistakes though, but this isn't one of them.

But believe what you will anyway...

Have a grrreat day!

[edit on 10-2-2006 by AgentSmith]

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 05:16 AM
Oh and you'd better get on the case with this site, they seem to have the same screenshots as me:

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 12:44 PM
I see.... the future... I see... you coming back because your little pal told you to..

I'll save you the trouble:

Originally posted by 911eyewitness
Here is the point:

Look how he is embarrassing himself cuz it's now so obvious to anyone who looks at the debunking that the top debris falls close to the side of the tower and he said it went 600 feet by skipping to the end frame and avoiding the middle of the sequence where the top debris clearly hits the ground first close to the side of the tower.

So he gets a failing grade on his disinfo. Time to retire Agent Smith

We all know how Rick likes to drag attention to the pieces that fall close to the tower from the top. Well someone give Sherlock a medal because no-one would work out that due to the different sizes of the material being ejected and the varying forces some would fall nearer than other pieces..

It's a shame that as usual, I have to do all the bloody work because some people can't use their eyes, they have to listen to some authorative, monotone voice to help them decide what to think..

Here is a little gif I knocked together to help you understand:
It's nearly 2 meg I'm afraid so may take a while to load.

Note the debris falling furthest away coming from the top as shown by the arrow.

Note the debris cloud being sucked down causing the arc effect the green circle highlights an area where you can see the effect clearly.

Note Rick's deceptive overlay trying to imply the debris is ejected upward and outward.

It's all very well trying to show it with stills, unfortunately this is one of those instances where you need to see the moving video. It still shocks me that anyone is so blind that they can't see what is happening, or rather not happening, just because someone says they are your friend and describes something completely different than what's happening on the screen at the time!

So those middle frames good enough for you Mr Eyewitness?

[edit on 12-2-2006 by AgentSmith]

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 12:58 PM
"Sucked down"? That's gravity at work, and it's affecting the whole arc uniformly. See fireworks for example - spherical detonation manifests in an expanding sphere of burning alkalic metal compounds, which is uniformly accelerated downwards by gravity, sustaining its shape on the way down.

Of course there will be some more or less significant temporary underpressures after detonations, but they'd pull towards their center, not strictly downwards. Falling floors would generate turbulence rather than uniform underpressure.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 01:02 PM
As the building fell, air rushed in to take it's place, it's not exactly rocket science. What do you expect some sort of self contained vacuum?

Let me put it this way, let's just pretend the building actually fell without explosives (ha ha) - what would you expect to happen instead?

[edit on 12-2-2006 by AgentSmith]

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 01:18 PM
Aren't you suggesting that overpressure from falling floors shattered and propelled significant portions of the structure outwards? Wasn't the building ~90% air? What happens when something moves through air? Turbulence!

Of course that does involve dynamic pressure gradients all over the place, but the general downward flow following the falling building would be mostly localized within the footprint, thus only affecting a small portion of the arc. However, we can see a nice, parabolic arc, suggesting the effect you're proposing was minimal.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 01:27 PM
wow. you can really tell that that's an explosion. cool gif, smith.

ps. there is no vacuum created by compression. the lesser air pressure would be at the TOP of the building, because that is what 'moved out of the way' of the surrounding air, the falling debris would compress air underneath it, not 'create a vacuum'.

you're concentrating on ONE arc that rick pointed out, and trying to pick apart his logic, yet, in your fancy gif(thanx for doing all the work), or any other one of a gazzillion pictures, you can clearly see 'comet tails', 'upwards ejection', 'lateral ejection' 'squibs', etc.
of course, you've forgotten about the SOUND of an explosion before the second tower (to fall) fell. (oh, it was just the wind, right? and the wind sounds exactly like the buildings sound a few seconds later while they are exploding)

i don't know how you guys can keep making more and more excuses for something that is becoming more and more obvious the more everyone looks at it(more).

[edit on 12-2-2006 by billybob]

for missing text and incomple dangling modif

[edit on 12-2-2006 by billybob]

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 01:48 PM
Fine, believe what you want. I used to think people wanted to know the truth but it's becoming painfully obvious it's a just a game of sides. At least I have the guts to admit I'm wrong when it's proven and I don't swan around trying to make a quick buck out of every gullible person I meet.
I even know one person on here who is pro-demolition who has said that they cannot see these arcs, not that they have come forward - hence proving the 'game of sides' statement.

Have your dumbass theory, at the end of the day your either wrong and wasted all that time for nothing when you could have been having a life, or your right in which case your screwed.

Have a nice day.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 02:36 PM
Judging by your activity on here, you've been wasting much more time trying to be "right" instead of pursuing your life than most people.

Shot in the foot.

If you supposedly have no problems admitting when you've been wrong, now would be the right time to confirm it.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 02:39 PM
When Theories Collapse

For what it may be worth, and let's assume “not much”, I love this sort of back and forth, despite (and I must confess, sometimes because of) the rancor that can go with it.

If nothing else, these exercises allow us to hone our analytical skills and help stave off intellectual apathy.

However, as best I can tell, there's nothing anywhere in this thread, from first post to last, that even comes close to “proving” this issue either way, which is why the controversy continues.

People believe what they want to believe.

What would provide proof? I imagine whatever proof there may be of a real conspiracy has been carefully sanitized for your protection by now, except perhaps for some minor oversights.

Ah, but there's the rub: what oversights?

In this doth the heart of conspiracy theory reside.

My advice is to keep an eye open for such clues, but to avoid embracing any theory to the point of being willing to sacrifice all in its defense.

Conspiracy theory makes a wonderful hobby, and a terrible religion.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by Lumos
Judging by your activity on here, you've been wasting much more time trying to be "right" instead of pursuing your life than most people.

Shot in the foot.

If you supposedly have no problems admitting when you've been wrong, now would be the right time to confirm it.

Your right, I should spend more time with my life than wasting it on here. I don't mind admitting it, I have to keep costs down to pay for the new kitchen, holidays, etc so I don't like to go to the pub much. I also find this strangely addictive for some reason, god knows why.

Don't expect me to admit I'm wrong on the collapse though, because I don't believe I am.

I've come to some conclusions I'd like to share;

Most of this is a waste of time, you have a mix of people on here:

1) People who are educated that are generally pro-official to an extent

2) People who are educated that are pro-conspiracy

3) People who have a deficit in their lives and a chip on their shoulder, they will blindly follow the conspiracy path (You don't get people like this on the official line as they usually blame the 'system' and are against it).

4) People out to make money

Unfortunately it's 3 and 4 that cause most of the disruption when 1 and 2 should be having a civilised discussion and actually achieving something. Like most cases it's 3 and 4 that disrupt everything and end up pissing everyone off so much that 1 and 2 can't even get along.

I've pretty much got fed up, you'll be glad to hear, all I ever used to be interested in was sharing my knowledge and intelligence with like-minded people who want to know the truth. I lost the interest of proving conspiracy theories right years ago in favour of just finding out what the facts are. Sadly there are a lot of dickheads out there who are still in the infant stage and I just don't have the patience anymore, not that I ever really did anyway. I've suddenly realised that out of the last few years I've been on here I've spent 99% of my time arguing points with people who don't deserve my attention, or getting crappy with people that don't deserve it just because I've still got a chip on my shoulder from speaking to some retard 1/2 hour ago. There are people on here (on the conspiracy side) I should have been having serious collaboration with but instead I've spent most of my time locked in some sort of conflict because I'd convinced myself that they are as dumb as the tosser I was just speaking to.
I'm sick and tired of some crappy accusation because I believe in science and more importantly experience, including the ability to apply every day observations to scenarios, rather than subscribing to some idiot's latest blockbusting masterpiece.

You'll be glad to hear that I frankly don't give a toss anymore and I don't think I'll spend much time bothering to argue any points with you, feel free to entertain your dumb theories as much as you want. While your busy doing that your precious world will fall apart around you and there is nothing you can do to stop it!

I frankly don't care, because if I'm right then I don't have as much to fear as you and I won't exactly be up for treason charges. If I'm wrong then I still have nothing to worry about, because I was on the 'right' side all along.

If your right... then your screwed... If your wrong... Then you could be up for treason and you will have wasted all your time for NOTHING!

All I was interested in was getting to the facts, I already have a good idea of what the big picture might be but I wouldn't share it with half of you for all the tea in China, not that you'd listen anyway because it doesn't include your precious explosives, holograms or laser guided planes.

People like some of you don't deserve to know the truth, it's because of people like you that everyone else has to suffer and be demoted to the same subterranean level.

Have a nice day and be #ing well.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 03:33 PM
Ye Olde Pic And Whistle

Originally posted by AgentSmith
Your right, I should spend more time with my life than wasting it on here. I don't mind admitting it, I have to keep costs down to pay for the new kitchen, holidays, etc so I don't like to go to the pub much. I also find this strangely addictive for some reason, god knows why.

Probably because, except for the beer (and many ATSers make a point of having one in hand while cruising the board), ATS is basically on online pub.

After all, what does one do at the pub? Hoist cheer, throw bull and argue about this or that.

I'm not seeing any meaningful difference.

I like ATS because it's not only entertaining, but genuinely educational.

To the extent it isn't, I wouldn't blame ATS itself, but the attitude that it is more than it is.

And hey, a huff and a puff here and there is all part of the fun.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 03:52 PM
ah. poor smithy.
you've brought a tear to my eye.
so well intentioned, this one is.
and so misunderstood.

i don't believe you, though.

and, if you're refering to me as being treasonous, i would make good use of the 'quote' (not verbatim, but from the top of my head) that goes something like, 'when the government is lying, telling the truth becomes an act of treason'.

i would once again point out that i'm not american, and so, i may be an 'enemy of the state', but not treasonous, and i may be exposing myself to danger from three letter secret forces, but i fear more for the future of humanity than my own measly, irrelevent future, and so willingly 'risk it'.
the 'voice' is one of the few real deterents 'we' have against the onslaught of a bought and sold reality.


Dear Mr. President,

When first did standing up before a crowd
crowd out the truth? When first did Americans
become consenting addicts to deceit?
Did it start with FDR’s feigned surprise
in his famous day in infamy’s speech,
or back with Wilson’s “war to end all wars”?
Or did it begin with our own sinking
the Maine and blaming it on the Cubans
so that the American Empire could
set its ramparts out from Puerto Rico
to Hawaii and the Spanish Phillipines?[/ext]

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 03:54 PM

3) People who have a deficit in their lives and a chip on their shoulder, they will blindly follow the conspiracy path (You don't get people like this on the official line as they usually blame the 'system' and are against it).

I disagree. A lot of people towing the official line can't come to pass with the notion that the system might be corrupt beyond what they can imagine. The closest they get to blaming the system is calling incompetence. And so they tow, blindly.

I never got the impression you were venturing out to find facts. You post pictures of blatantly obvious explosive destruction featuring parabolic arcs and want to convince people that the debris going ballistic was only ejected horizontally. Honestly, I've never seen you entertain "conspirative" notions regarding 9/11, only ridiculing them. But maybe that's just my infantile perception...

You'll be glad to hear that I frankly don't give a toss anymore and I don't think I'll spend much time bothering to argue any points with you, feel free to entertain your dumb theories as much as you want. While your busy doing that your precious world will fall apart around you and there is nothing you can do to stop it!

See? "Dumb theories" - and you have the audacity to claim you were in for civilized debate. And what's with my "precious world falling apart"? Care to elaborate?

I frankly don't care, because if I'm right then I don't have as much to fear as you and I won't exactly be up for treason charges. If I'm wrong then I still have nothing to worry about, because I was on the 'right' side all along.

If your right... then your screwed... If your wrong... Then you could be up for treason and you will have wasted all your time for NOTHING!

Wow, you can even get more obscure. So, if you're right - that'd mean there is no conspiracy, I assume - I have something to fear? What? And if you're wrong - i.e. there is a conspiracy - you were still on the "right side"? Speaking in terms of being conformistic CoIntelPro?

If I'm right and there is a conspiracy, I'm screwed? By? Best part: If I'm wrong and there is no conspiracy, I "could be up for treason"?

it's because of people like you that everyone else has to suffer and be demoted to the same subterranean level.

Yes, people like me are the scourge of humanity. And you're the friendly guy just seeking fair debate about the truth. Am I wrong in assuming you see a connection between the "end of my precious world" and demotion to sub-terra? Appears imminent, the way you put it. Got access to the bunkers?

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by AgentSmith
Fine, believe what you want.

Look at the giant avatar crying!

Originally posted by AgentSmith

I used to think people wanted to know the truth but it's becoming painfully obvious it's a just a game of sides. At least I have the guts to admit I'm wrong when it's proven

As it seems time and again as I look through this board. You are quite full of yourself and bring a lot of made up, bogus materials with no backup at all. Look at yourself now!

Originally posted by AgentSmith
Have your dumbass theory, at the end of the day your either wrong and wasted all that time for nothing when you could have been having a life, or your right in which case your screwed.

I like that one Smitty,
either you are wasting your time looking to find the guilty, or if you do you will be screwed.

Well said soldier.

You certainly know how to put things in poetic fashion. I do thank you for getting that here before me, as you can see I have a life and am not paid to stay here all the time as you appear to.

Since you can clearly see the debris falling and the extra explosions (somehow your gif was a master work of more debris and made up gumbo) why do you destroy real works to make up your own reality? Do you like to change things to fit the boss’s agenda?

Your fabricated evidence is admittedly self-fabricated to make your story, while the actual video is there and shows something you are trying to say is not there. Why is a regular member here allowed to fabricate fake stuff and call it real?

Mr. Smith, as 911eyewitness said, "time to retire."

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by Lumos
"Sucked down"? That's gravity at work, and it's affecting the whole arc uniformly. See fireworks for example - spherical detonation manifests in an expanding sphere of burning alkalic metal compounds, which is uniformly accelerated downwards by gravity, sustaining its shape on the way down.

Of course there will be some more or less significant temporary underpressures after detonations, but they'd pull towards their center, not strictly downwards. Falling floors would generate turbulence rather than uniform underpressure.

Well, his fabricated evidence, creation out of lord knows what, still shows him diverting attention. Note the top debris falls, he follows it only until the second explosion, then he follows outward (notice the outward movement of his arrow showing you this), then watch under that new explosion the dark upper parts of the top floor are already under the upward moving newer explosion.

As the Agent carefully now guides you on the new explosion you can see the dark upper floor debris falling under it (darker mass) as it creates the arc he shows exists on the exploding debris. Note that the little circled exploding upper portions are way at the beginning of his gif.

Now, since this is a bogus file from an admitted corrupter of real evidence, there is no reason to discuss it.

I have the real deal and it is very explicit material and there is no wonder in my mind why the Agent here works so hard to try and find some way to put a dink in it. How he butters the jam on his kids bread with a smile in the morning on his way here to work, keeping the slaves ignorant of why there was no investigation into the deaths of 2000+ humans in NYC that day, must be something his heart does not feel.

Nice try, but retire while you have a fan somewhere still, somewhere out there.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by billybob
ah. poor smithy.
i don't believe you, though.


Or did it begin with our own sinking
the Maine and blaming it on the Cubans
so that the American Empire could
set its ramparts out from Puerto Rico
to Hawaii and the Spanish Phillipines?[/ext]

Billy Bob, why do some see it and others ignore? Was the Spanish American war not the first steps out for the new empire once the banks had them in their grasps? I know of not 10 Americans that knew they stole the Hawaiian Islands from the native people, imprisoning their queen while the US government knew, helped the bankers and US Armed forces take over the island ignoring the sovereigns pleas. When you see the Spanish American War and what happened in the Philippines with the "annexing" of islands that Japan clearly claimed, you do not wonder why the Japanese went back to take what was theirs and punish the heathens that did that.
I have the US Civil Code on the Hawaii Atrocity, they did make apologies inan educational code.
But never returned the land to the people they stole it from.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 05:16 PM
I think the last few posters prooved AgentSmiths' Points.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 07:52 PM
Ignorance On Parade

Originally posted by ihatescifi
I think the last few posters prooved AgentSmiths' Points.

Indeed. A pathetic display.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 09:03 PM
Okay, I give.

I think the buildings were blown.

*Valhall goes to get the salt*

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