posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 05:25 AM
G'day Monkez,
Cheers for your post mate. I can assure you the white dots you're seeing aren't tricks of the eye. They're behaviour is unbelievable. They're
flying around up there, hovering, the whole bit. You're right in your description...white dots. I have seen one which was literally as bright as the
brightest star in broad daylight. The weirdest one was the black orb I saw, which I outlined before. My wife and I watched it with our jaws dropped
I haven't seen anything all week, perhaps they've moved on to another part of Sydney or the country. It seems weird that the day I contacted a good
friend of mine that is a journo for one of the major newspapers over here, the sightings have stopped. My son keeps explaining bizarre deams to me
though. I've never mentioned anything to him about ufo's, rockets etc, I mean, why would I want to freak my 3 year old son out with that stuff?? But
he said to me the other morning..." Daddy" A rocket flew into our bedroom and and then...smash against the wall, then a monkey jumped out??????I
thought, bloody hell, what next, Darth Vader will turn up on my driveway. I've been told that visitors ( aliens ) can project themselves ( screening,
or somehting like that ) to make themselves look like stuffed toys, animals, clowns. Things kids like and find friendly. My son LOVES animals. I'm
wondering if any of this is true and not just one big damn coincidence, perhaps these alien guys are changing themselves to look like zoo animals so
they don't freak my son out??? Who knows? One thing's for sure, he's having a steady stream of dreams which included triangular shaped planes,
rockets, rhinos ( possibly aliens ) monkeys ( possibly aliens) and going up in a rocket with 'Mummy'.
This may or may not make sense, but I read somewhere that aliens ( when it comes to abductions ) abduct blue eyed and greened eyed people
predominantly. I have blue eyes, my son has blue eyes, my wife has green eyes, my daughter has green eyes. We can only speculate that this has
anything to do with it, but like I mentioned before, I'm not ruling anything in and I'm not ruling anything out. I can't.
To my mate in the U.S. I was completely unaware of the U.S site for sightings. I've reported mine to the Aussie equivalent. Thanks for the tip
Everythings pretty back to normal, until Darth Vader shows up in the Chrysler ofcourse.
Thanks for dropping in guys, post posting here and reading your posts, it's helping me get sheet off my chest.