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Planet X hits earth again 2012

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posted on May, 15 2009 @ 02:44 PM
what ever happens will happen as long as we believe in god.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by ironjello
I have been reading on how a nother planet in our solar system hit eatrh, split it in half and is going to do so again Planet X orbit

This site also talks on how the Sumerians knew and predicted this

what do you think ?

Another waste of internet bandwidth with this BULL5H1T story thats all 101 of these threads on here WHY make another!

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by ironjello

I think the OP's original question pretty well sums up what Zechariah Sitchin's been screaming for years. This idea is NOT new...

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by wmd_2008

Another waste of internet bandwidth with this BULL5H1T story thats all 101 of these threads on here WHY make another!

To be fair, the OP's thread is 4 years old.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by Implosion

lmfao!! I dont want angry women chasin me down for money I dont have. hahahahahahahahah. Ah man that was great. Thanx for the laugh

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 06:27 AM

We can see clear proof that the continents were all once connected by simply looking at a map of the Earth and seeing how the pieces fit. That would only mean that at one time, Earth was basically half a planet.

Where did the other half go? Why is Earth only half a planet? The diagrams shown here are descriptions from the Sumerians explaining how our Earth came to be... They state that the satellites of Planet X (Nibiru) as they called it, collided with our primitive Earth in the past. Creating the asteroid belt and forever becoming another member of our solar system in a comet like 3,600 year orbit around the sun.

Well, the expanding earth theory fits much clearer than this Pangea theory.
All the continents on one side ? What is under the water on the other half then ?

No, the earth was smaller and expands out like blowing up an balloon.
But the water, the Water bothers me , is the water an result of an moon of planetX that could be water smack into us ? like the moon on jupiter.??

Our moon is from planet X, placed there or an planetary accident ?
The Moon is older than Earth=FACT, is it Enils (Allah) s worldship?

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by wmd_2008

I like hard science. I'm weird that way. And the only reason i'm taking this 2012 stuff seriously is because of supposed sitings of Nibiru. Basically, i'm only taking the Nibiru sitings seriously because of Sitchin's research on the more than 50,000 clay tablets they found in Iraq. There's one problem with that: according to Sitchin it'll take at least another 70 years for Nibiru to come by. While looking into this stuff, however, i soon ran into Alan Alford's theory that Nibiru's cycle isn't 3600 years at all. Sumerian math is not like our decimal math and needs to be translated. According to Alford 3600 should be read as 2160. Taken with some other clues found in the Sumerian texts and cosmology, this should then be seen as 2148. And in this way we DO end up with Nibiru coming again in 2012. Neat and yet scientific. I like it.

Because Sitchin sticks to his 3600 years he has never connected the Sumerian culture and the Anunnaki to 2012. Alford bridges that gap. As anybody who's read Sitchin knows, the destruction only takes place every other time Nibiru passes, so the last time the sh*t hit the fan would've been around 2284BC.
We know one thing for sure: all modern cultures have their roots AFTER this date. Even the Chinese started from scratch around this period. Where are the cultures that started thousands of years earlier? (Let alone the cultures that started tens or hundreds of thousands of years earlier...) Apparently there's even climatological evidence that something big happened around 2200 BC. Something about sand deposits through the years.

I just quoted from another dude on the internet.
Something striped the air right of mars, and Venus is a new planet.

So, eveidence SAY something comes to the hood and rearenges things here..Look at the Kupier belt, there are huge holes in it suggesting some, ofcourse Huge has passed thru it more than once.

One can not blow of this like a scarytale...
Heads up.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 12:13 PM
The thing is, if the planet is/was real. It would begin to become visible by now. If it's big enough to do the damage it is said to have done, then someone here could see it. At the very least, will begin to within a year or so.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 11:05 AM
Seems to me that a chaotic world is where we are at right now and it will only get worse in the years to come.... not sure if all this has happened because someone is playing a computer game and we are trapped in it or the people who have the control are pulling the strings according to their plans or what is written in the bible........ guess we'll just have to wait until the hands of time reach 12am or 12pm on December 12th 2012.... TICK... TOCK... TICK... TOCK


posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 01:03 PM
well i signed up to this website to post on this. 2012 yeh well its a movie, its also "the end of the world" arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! oh well they made a movie, to show what will happen? or to show its a joke? well there was the 2000 bug, they didnt make a joke movie out of that...oh wait a minute they did, the simpsons did too, oh and family guy, i think south park did im not too sure, but its a myth, a belief, a story. and to answer some people, it has been visible haven't you seen the "fake" videos on Youtube. Haven't you noticed that most of these predictions have no proof except for blurry videos and strange theory's that don't add up that all end up with "the government isn't telling us" "wahhhhhhhhhhhh" "wahhhhhhhhhhhh", well f*ck you Emos! give us your dooms day tidings when we need them! because now's the year 2009 see you in 3 years. Then tell me if the world will end cause we'll be in the F*cking middle of it!

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 05:10 AM
There is much that we do not understand about the universe, so even us making predictions about something so complex as the exact date of the end of the world (or even an estimate within thousands of years) is out of the question. Let alone a far less advanced culture, such as the Sumerians. We can use astrophysics to calculate things that the Mayans may have never even thought about, but there are so many missing pieces, that most of physics ends up being theory and not solid law. Science answers many questions, but with every question answered, more are sure to arise. So it becomes difficult to say that life will surely end in 2012. If our civilization, and race is obliterated, than we are lucky in a way to be able to be on the earth to witness the end of humanity.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 05:22 AM
I cant believe anyone seriously believes this. Really. It shows how gullible some people can be. The world was supposed to end in 1995, with a comet, then again in 2000 with the millenium bug and then 2008 according to nostradamus and now 2012. Do you really think we will all be wiped out by some make believe planet, or do you think your predictions will just be another date on the list of laughable failed doomsday events.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by Implosion

Que sera, sera,
Whatever will be, will be,
The future's not ours to see,
Que sera, sera,
What will be, will be,

A wise statement.

Clean out the 'Soul' today and keep it clean because that is all that matters/counts you are living a short/finite/temporal existence and it means nothing in the eternal long-run/perspective of things. Forgive everyone, make amends with everyone, let go of all the hate, envy, burdens, weight on your shoulders. Clean out the 'Soul' today, make yourself light and Free your 'Soul'. Live each day as it could be your last day and enjoy it because it very well could be your last day as anything can happen to any soul at any given time. Never pass up the opportunity to tell your family you love them and share that love with them. Death is an inevitability so accept it/realize it and take it bravely with no 'Fear' knowing that 'Eternal'' is the goal and all that matters otherwise what would anyone's life really mean in the first place if dust is where you come from and dust is where you go THE END?

Death is Life and Life is Death and there is no such thing as beginning or ending. Figure it out, is it by chance, accident or coincidence that you somehow live and exist here/now on Earth and that everything perfectly is set in place for you to exist? Zombies fit into such categories or those who believe in such things. Dice are not being rolled though they appear that way from human perspective/perception/understanding/consciousness. WAKE UP smell the fresh coffee, prepare and CLEAN OUT THE SOUL today. You won't regret it because I know and have personally seen/been and testify that life is waiting for you on the other side and 'DEATH' is what this life is in comparison to the other. Be prepared otherwise you will sadly regret and experience a painful reunion with your higher/true self upon remembering who you really are and why you are here now on Earth. Regardless of what can possibly happen to you in the physical such as 'Death' it all means absolutely nothing from an 'infinite perspective', think "Eternal' not 'Temporal' you will only take with you one thing. Your 'Soul' and all your unfixed memories/regrets/mistakes/flaws and all the stuff you need to get rid of now. Clean out the SOUL TODAY and MAINTAIN IT until the day you leave the 'Flesh' - the day you are set 'FREE'.


posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 06:49 AM
That was a long post with pretty words but what are you trying to say?

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 11:11 AM
Very Touchy Subject, this 2012. A lot of people seem worried about it. alot don't. If something like this is going to happen where another planet or brown dwarf star heads into earth’s orbit path or within the same distance as the moon there isn’t nothing we can do about it. Nowhere would be safe anyway. Life would simply begin again. The Earth will be here long after the human race falls. Anyway, enjoy life and live it to the fullest. Is all you can do in the here and now. Peace.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by Demonis
The thing is, if the planet is/was real. It would begin to become visible by now.

I heard Nibiru will actually come in fifty years, not in 2012.

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by sphinx551

There is no evidence of planet X/Nibiru. It's made up. A large body on such an elliptical orbit won't be able to make repeat visits to the solar system, as it will be flung out after it enters the solar system for the first time.

Please stop perpetuating this nonsense. It's not helping anyone.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 08:01 PM
just check this out.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by ChemBreather

"Because Sitchin sticks to his 3600 years he has never connected the Sumerian culture and the Anunnaki to 2012. Alford bridges that gap. As anybody who's read Sitchin knows, the destruction only takes place every other time Nibiru passes, so the last time the sh*t hit the fan would've been around 2284BC.
We know one thing for sure: all modern cultures have their roots AFTER this date. Even the Chinese started from scratch around this period. Where are the cultures that started thousands of years earlier? (Let alone the cultures that started tens or hundreds of thousands of years earlier...)"


The Australian Aborigines have had an "uninterupted" habitation and culture in their land for at least the last 40,000 years. The longest surviving continuous culture on the planet I have been led to believe. Some would argue, with some weight I would say, that their arrival in Australia quite possibly begins around 100,000 years ago. Why were they not wiped out? European settlement on this continent in the last 200 plus years seems to be the only apocolyptic event they have been subjected to.

[edit on 9-4-2010 by Cogito, Ergo Sum]

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by whiteboynolan
just check this out.

My god, that 10 minute youtube video proved it.
Packing my bags, going to hide in the sewers till 2012 now.

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