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The whole point

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posted on Dec, 4 2005 @ 05:26 AM
The whole point of the Republican party is to convert people to Christianity. I mean they don't like any other religion but Christian. Now I am a Christian but I am not a member of the Republican party. The constitution says that the country shall have no one religion. In the end I feel that the only amendment in the bill of rights that matters to them is that one, which happens to be the first amendment. They are using small buisnesses to help finance them, but in the end they could care less if IBM rules the world.

Sometimes it seems to me that if the Republican party really supports Christianity then why do they want the CIA to be able to torcher prisoners and why do they want a war?

Well because they are using the war to help the Christian religion dominate other countries. The 9/11 terrorist attacks were an excuse to do just that. I think that if we elect another Republican than he or she will just continue the war, eventually spreading it out further until it reaches other countries. The excuse to invade other countries is Osama bin Laden. The hunt for him. I know for a fact Condolezza Rice is just going to continue the war. She talks about it in her speeches. My only concern about her is that I think she if focusing to much on another country. She should be caring about her own.

I don't know when the Republicans plan to modify the 1st amendment. Ny guess is 2010 or 2012. That is going to be one hell of a debate. Whether you like or not, if we elect another republican in 2008 we are seriously doomed. All I am asking is just give the democrats a shot. One term only. Thats all I am asking. So we can postpone the republicans intentions. I don't care if you vote for a republican after the democrats term is over, but when 2008 rolls around, vote democrat.

posted on Dec, 4 2005 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by Conspiracy Theorist06
The whole point of the Republican party is to convert people to Christianity.

I wholeheartedly disagree. The point of the Republican Party is to use whatever means necessary to get the people to vote against their own self interest for the benefit of the few the Republican Party actually serves. ChristianityTM is just a tool they've actively perverted over the last 40 years to suit their agenda by inverting traditional morality top to bottom in their black & white hierarchical worldview where poverty is now a sin and being as corrupt, unAmerican and self serving as possible is the epitome of moral discipline.

The Republican Party is probably one of the least Christian enterprises on the planet, given it's perverted use of Christianity as a marketing tool to cloud it's evil in charged value speak. It's as Orwellian a mission as the world has seen in a millennia, this fusion of government as religion, and the complete revision of a once noble cause [Christianity R.I.P] for the purposes of a cynical power grab. This is where Big Brother comes from, the righteous notion that government can invade your personal liberty if the cause is "Christian" and the people [the dumb ones] will cheer the demise of their freedom given the purely political servants of the Republican Party that stand in pulpits across America bearing false witness in Jesus' name.

posted on Dec, 4 2005 @ 04:24 PM
I also HATE how people join the Republicans because the are Christian. That is just stupid. I mean joining a party for religion? WhereTF is there common sense? They don't pay attention to anything but the 'Christian' part.

almost everytime you argue with a Repub they'll say its for Gods sake or whatever. Then people won't question it. Hey I love the idea of the whole world being christian but I think people should be given the right to choose whether or not become one. After all, what is spirit if it is forced?

They interpret the bible as higher than the constitution. I mean the bible is a great book, but in NO WAY is it a law. We can not make amendments because the bible says so because the bible was written more than 2005 years ago!. More like 1200 years. The constitution is more up-to-date than the bible.

I bet you a million dollars that if God came down to Earth, than I bet he would surely despise the Repubican party. Though I believe that he may not completely like the Democratic side (because many are Jewish) he would still like what they believe in. I mean if you think about it, the Democratic side (at least to me probably because i support them) is more Christian. I mean it really is more. Like they want to put a limit on the right to bear arms but that is so people don't kill eachother. I mean God would support that kind of thing. I don't think God takes political sides lol, but he would be more supportive of the Democrats political point than the Republicans. And also God would support the dems because they are for choice. It says IN THE BIBLE that God did not want people to be forced to Christianity.

Believe me, the second coming of Christ, whenever that happens, will completely destroy the Republicans political point.

posted on Dec, 4 2005 @ 05:37 PM
Republican here.
Atheist here too.

Although, a few days ago. I met my wife's new boss.
She says, "I hear you are a republican" "whats up with all you right wing Christian fanatics?"

I say "nice stereotyping from such a socially conscious person"

My point?
Avoid wide sweeping asumptions about any group.

posted on Dec, 4 2005 @ 06:38 PM
Well at least you didn't join it out of the religion. Your party spacedoubt, is mainly focused on religion thats all I am trying to say.

posted on Dec, 4 2005 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by spacedoubt
Republican here.
Atheist here too.

Right. Because the GOP is a big tent welcoming of all races, creeds, sexual orientations and spirituality.

They haven't been hijacked by religious fundamentalists as members of their own party have suggested who have been targeted as RINOS for silencing.

It's more than okay to disagree with the stated positions of the GOP on the right to choose and funding religion in government and still be a prominent Republican. Because they are so open minded.

Although, a few days ago. I met my wife's new boss.
She says, "I hear you are a republican" "whats up with all you right wing Christian fanatics?"

I say "nice stereotyping from such a socially conscious person"

Just because you support a party run by fundamental whack jobs and handed them the keys to the country doesn't mean you're responsible. No way. Why should you answer for right wing Christian fanatics? You just vote for them.

My point?
Avoid wide sweeping asumptions about any group.

The homogenous group known as the Republican PARTY stands up to sweeping generalizations because they are what they are, and consider YOU a RINO. What the hell are you defending?

Being the most open minded person at a Klan rally still puts you at a Klan rally.

posted on Dec, 4 2005 @ 07:37 PM
See above:
Sweeping generalizations, yet again.

I call that Soul food for the liberally inclined.

posted on Dec, 4 2005 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Conspiracy Theorist06

Sometimes it seems to me that if the Republican party really supports Christianity then why do they want the CIA to be able to torcher prisoners and why do they want a war?

I tend to vote Republican more often then not and wouldn’t call myself a Christian. The CIA should be able to use whatever means are at their disposal to acquire information that could help save lives both here in the U.S. and abroad.

W.W.J.D. has no place in government decision-making, however, there is nothing wrong with asking a higher being to help make a tough decision.

If Christianity wasn’t the majority belief in the U.S., do you think the Republican Party would still be Pro-Christian?

It's all about the votes man... All about the votes.......

posted on Dec, 4 2005 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by LostSailor

I tend to vote Republican more often then not and wouldn’t call myself a Christian. The CIA should be able to use whatever means are at their disposal to acquire information that could help save lives both here in the U.S. and abroad.

W.W.J.D. has no place in government decision-making, however, there is nothing wrong with asking a higher being to help make a tough decision.

If Christianity wasn’t the majority belief in the U.S., do you think the Republican Party would still be Pro-Christian?

It's all about the votes man... All about the votes.......

How many lives has the U.S. Government really saved? If anything they are taking lives not saving them. I believe the death toll count for troops in Iraq is over 2000 now. Torturing prisoners won't get them info anyway. I believe that the prisoners in jail should have a normal interogation just as anyone else would. Believe me these terroritsts are trained. Plus, how do they know the language of these guys?

Oh, you mean the votes. Guess what Al Gore won. Electoral College voted, not the majority of the U.S. Millions of African-Americans votes were miscouted and the only reason Bush got elected was because of the electoral college, which is in no way a democracy at least by my standards. Electoral idiots voted for Bush because they thought it was "best for the country" which obviously now you know, it wasn't. IF anyone thinks Bush is good, well whatever they are taking I want some of it because Bush has not been good for the repubs or america. Even if Jewish was the belief in America, Republicans just use that to convince people to vote for them. Remember the Bible is not the law!

There is a problem with having a higher being ( besides God) to make decisions for us. This is our planet! This is our country! We are not gonna let aliens come in here and choose for us! Do you really think God actually supports the Republicans? Since when are any of the Republicans beliefs Christian?! Since when is having war Christian? Killing people is Chrisitian? I mean WTF are you talking about?

posted on Dec, 4 2005 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by Conspiracy Theorist06
Do you really think God actually supports the Republicans? Since when are any of the Republicans beliefs Christian?! Since when is having war Christian? Killing people is Chrisitian? I mean WTF are you talking about?

Dude… Take a big deep breath and come back to reality. Go back and read my first line; the part about not being Christian. You misunderstood what I said about asking a higher being to help you make a tough decision. What is it you do when you have a tough choice to make in life? I like to sit down with a J and try to clear my mind so I can make the best possible decision (Seems to work for me). Some people pray… Or do you think God is actually talking to Bush and telling him what to do?

Do you know how the electoral process works in this country? I’m really sorry but… Last I checked Gore was still trying to figure out what his stance is on the war in Iraq. I think he changed his mind again… Not quite sure. I’m not exactly thrilled with some of the decisions Bush has made but I will tell you this. Don’t presume to tell me what I “know,” if I had to go back and do it again I would still vote for “W.”

I’ll type this slowly just to give it some emphasis…

The Republican Party doesn’t ask “What would Jesus do?” when making decisions about war and “torture.” That’s WTF I’m talking about dude… Don’t forget to exhale dogg.

posted on Dec, 4 2005 @ 10:03 PM
So by saying "gays should not be allowed to marrry." Doesn't have anything, anything at all to do with the Bible?

I am extremely dissappointed in Condolezza right now. She needs to focus on her own country and have her own opinions not just copy whatever Cheney says. Didn't know that she was just another puppet in Cheney's rule. I mean she might be good prez if she would just stop being such a copy cat. Even though she's Republican I would still vote for her if the democratic candidate was no good. She just needs her own opinion.

If she gets elected I don't want to see her taking any advice from cheney or bush or her vice-prez. I mean it, she better not.

posted on Dec, 4 2005 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by Conspiracy Theorist06
So by saying "gays should not be allowed to marrry." Doesn't have anything, anything at all to do with the Bible?

I guess it might... The majority of this country is Christian. Therefore, the majority doesn't believe in gay marriage. Gay marriage has nothing to do with National Defense though.

posted on Dec, 4 2005 @ 10:28 PM
What I am saying is, whatever happened to abortion rights with them. I mean when Bush fear loss he quickly switches to focusing on the Iraq war and he hopes the dems will forget what they were gonna say and he quickly comes in for the kill.

posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by spacedoubt
Republican here.
Atheist here too.
My point?
Avoid wide sweeping asumptions about any group.

Right wing Athiest checking in and I only have two things to say.
You have voted spacedoubt for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.
Conspiracy Theorist06 I like your new avatar and colour scheme.

[edit on 5-12-2005 by xpert11]

posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by xpert11

Originally posted by spacedoubt
Republican here.
Atheist here too.
My point?
Avoid wide sweeping asumptions about any group.

Right wing Athiest checking in

Again. Applause to you both for independent thought, but do you not even acknowledge the hijacking of your party by single issue fundamentalists, or your own irrelevance within a party that welcomes your vote as they shove you in a closet?

Are either of you RINOS working for change at all or just glad the nut jobs are on your side and rely entirely on the liberals you despise so to keep your unholy allies in check?

The only thing the Republican Party hates more than a liberal is a moderate.

posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 06:59 AM
Maybe EdSinger or Carseller will come set you boys straight on why you're not welcome in the right wing, but feel free to read the latest post one thread down to learn your place in right wing politics today.

Originally posted by zappafan1
Very good, and well spoken. McCain might as well cross over..... he's no republican; he's a RINO.
There's no such thing as a liberal conservative. You're a conservative or yourre not. Same goes for Arlen Sphincter

You can't both be blind to the Christian McCarthyism going on in the Repubican Party. But any liberal that isn't blind to it is what again? Making sweeping generalization? Closed minded? Ha.

posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 06:22 PM

I am working for change, in that I do support some of what could be called "liberal
causes" mostly environmental related.
Some of my closest friends are liberals.

However, I don't see how the GOP guys at the top are really hijacking the party.
I just don't see anything to that effect. I see them speaking from their point of view.
But no great attempt at converting us Heathens, or even looking down on us.

I think that Moderates, like myself, can go a long way in finding common ground between the two big parties. Both sides have a Whacked, and a common sense side..Somewhere in the area of common sense, is the place
where accomplishments can be made.

This is something that I talk to people about. It's disarming, to say the least, when I can see the liberal dander start to rise, then fall. Because, occasionally
They find themselves agreeing with the "right winger".

posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 09:37 PM
Mcain is a Repub to me. I mean I love the part (do any of you live in California?) when he told California citizens what to vote for in the special election. I mean

#1 who wants three RETIRED judges to choose for Califorinia? Its like WTF?

#2 he is the senator for, massachusetts is it? Why are you telling California what to do? I say governor terminator has had a little chat with him. Maybe some money involved. To try to boost his political popularity. (which failed completely). Nobody likes him. Basically he's like a different version of Bush. Maybe a relative.

Mccain is a Repub. If he runs I am not voting for him. I'd rather vote for Condi if I had to choose between the two. He doesn't even make sense anyway. I mean when he is on TV I don't even understand him.

Thanks xpert11. Yeah my avatar is pretty cool but I am going to change it to a picture of me. You guys are gonna be shocked I am so young and into politics. In my school I got voted most likely to be a politician. (watch this people are gonna say I got no clue what poltics are and stuff just because I told people this)

Anyway. RANT, I think your right about somethings. I think maybe they are lying to get people to vote for them. Cheney is in no way a Christian. He's probably atheist. No offense Xpert11. I mean now a days what you learn in church almost has this Republican vibe to it. Its like they are trying to convince you to become a Republican.

Spacedoubt, I sometimes agree with a Repub, but not to much. I don't like how they think everything is a "marketing thing". I mean you name it, religion, war, 9/11, Osama bin Laden, whatever. Usually, (at least for Cheney and Bush this is true) everything that they do involves money. I mean Bush went to war for oil not for Osama. If he REALLY was looking for Osama, he would of asked his parents before he flew em out of the country. Some people are mentioning live being saved, but who's lives have we saved? I mean we lost more than we have saved. Bottom line is, the war is not worth it. We do not need to intervene with another countries problems.

posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 09:55 PM

Maybe we should just start a new party..

How about
M iddle Of THE Road party?

Every election, you can vote for a bunch of mothers..
Kinda like we do now..

posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by spacedoubt

Every election, you can vote for a bunch of mothers..
Kinda like we do now..

I guess I'm a RINO. The party of Lincoln has been hijacked by a bunch of holier than thou types that believe their greed and arrogance is OK because they have God on their side.

Space, Iv'e come to believe that if our votes actually ment anything; voting would be made illegal.

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