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Here is a blurb from the description of the video:
As the cancer of terrorism metastasizes around the world, we would do well to pause and analyze how we got here - and how we might resolve the problem.
Currently, no world leader is actually addressing the roots of the problem, and presenting any meaningful solutions. To date, the US and world community have been engaged in purely tactical responses to a growing, intractable and predictable problem.
Promising developments in the area of so-called zero point energy and quantum vacuum energy, as well as more prosaic breakthroughs in internal combustion engine efficiency, have been ignored or actively and ruthless suppressed for decades. ( See ) The public, the media, environmental organizations and the international community must urgently investigate these matters and take decisive steps to support civilian efforts to bring to full application these new energy solutions.
Originally posted by bmdefiant
Maybe its just the severe Miller induced hangover i have at the moment but what does the blurb have to do with UFOs and the Disclosure Project ?
Originally posted by bmdefiant
Maybe its just the severe Miller induced hangover i have at the moment but what does the blurb have to do with UFOs and the Disclosure Project ?
Originally posted by bmdefiant
Well it wasnt pretty obvious from the blurb as its never mentioned anything about the alleged power source breakthrough coming from UFOs.As far as i know quite a few aspects of ufo technology still have not been fully understood and reverse engineered..if indeed crashed ufos have been recovered.
The technological discoveries of the 1950s resulting from the reverse-engineering of extraterrestrial craft could have enabled us to completely transform the world economic, social, technological and environmental situation. That such advancements have been withheld from the public is related to the change-averse nature of the controlling hierarchy at the time – and to this day. And make no mistake, the changes would be immense. Consider: A technology which enables energy generation from the so-called zero point field and which enables every home, business, factory and vehicle to have its own source of power – without an external fuel source. Ever. No need for oil, gas, coal, nuclear plants or the internal combustion engine. And no pollution. Period. Consider: A technology using electro-gravitic devices which allows for above surface transportation – no more roadways to cover fertile farmland since transportation could take place totally above the surface. Sounds great. But in the 1950s, oil was plentiful, nobody worried too much about pollution, global warming was not the faintest concern and the powers that be just wanted stability. The 20 status quo. And besides, why risk the tectonic changes related to such a disclosure? Let a later generation take care of it. But now, we are that later generation. And 2001 is not 1949. The Earth is straining under the burden of a growing population - now 6 billion people - all of whom want cars, electricity, TV s and the like. Everyone knows that we do not have 50 more years of oil - and even if we did, the Earth’s ecosystem could not withstand 50 more years of such abuse. The risks of disclosure are now much less than the risks of secrecy. If secrecy continues much longer, the Earth’s ecosystem will collapse. Talk about a big change and global instability... Many people will consider the technological and economic impact of such a disclosure as the central justification of continued secrecy. After all, we are talking about a multi-trillion dollar per year change in the economy. The entire energy and transportation sectors of the economy would be revolutionized. And the energy sector - the part where non-renewable fuels are purchased, burned and have to be replenished - will utterly vanish. And while other industries will flourish, only a fool would dismiss the impact of such a multi-trillion dollar segment of the economy disappearing. Certainly the ‘vested interests’ involved in the global industrial infrastructure related to oil, gas, coal and internal combustion engines and public utilities is no small force in the world. But to understand UFO secrecy you must consider what all that money represents at its core. Power. Massive geo-political power.