posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 01:18 AM
Decide which political party in the UK reflects your personal political views and march down to their office and volunteer your services. In the
meantime, depending on your age, get thee into a college and get a degree in one of ONLY THESE TWO areas:
Law or Finance. Knowing the rules of either makes you the FIRST choice for a candidate in the future.
Keep working on a volunteer basis for your political party headquarters. Many offer summer internships with established members of Congress (or in
Upon graduation, STICK TO THE FIELD your degree falls into by working either for a Law Firm, or a Bank. Start making friends....LOTS of friends in
these areas. Learn to memorize names (yes, you MUST learn this.)
It's not important that the public know you YET. What is important is that people in politics know you and will, when the time comes, indorse you.
It's also very important that your business ties will, when the time comes, back you financially.
Other Businesses and Government organizations will fall in line. They always seem to do that when their bank or favorite politician asks them to.
That's all I got for now.