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NEWS: Polls Show Arab Nations Mistrust USA

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posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by Mayet
Seventy-eight per cent of people questioned believed that the Iraq war had resulted in more terrorism than before, while 58 per cent it had brought less democracy, with only nine per cent believing it enhanced democratic development.

I guess they didn't bother to ask the Iraqis themselves about Iraq:

Here is an ironic finding I brought back from Iraq. While U.S. public opinion polls show serious declines in support for the war and increasing pessimism about how it will end, polls conducted by Iraqis for Iraqi universities show increasing optimism. Two-thirds say they are better off than they were under Saddam, and a resounding 82% are confident their lives in Iraq will be better a year from now than they are today. What a colossal mistake it would be for America's bipartisan political leadership to choose this moment in history to lose its will and, in the famous phrase, to seize defeat from the jaws of the coming victory.

Opinion Journal

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 01:46 AM
Its funny how if you kill 50,00-100,000 innocent Iraqis (estimates vary) and support Israel (Newsflash!! Most Arabs aren't down with the Jews) that 80% of Arabics wouldn't trust the good ole U.S. of A.? Hmm glad we got that poll out, would've of never guessed that one.

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
I guess they didn't bother to ask the Iraqis themselves about Iraq

That might have something to do with the topic of the poll being Middle Easterners views of the United States. Diverting off topic is never really useful

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 05:06 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof
This report is dubious and slanted towards one particular audience.
Furthermore it is not alarming news or even mentionable headline news.

In fact, this report is meaningless and redundant.

[edit on 2-12-2005 by Seekerof]

Of course its meaningless and non mentionable, because it doesnt fit your sick view of world politics. When will you get it into your over inflated head that America, and americans like yourself are hated.
Od course people like you defended the US soldier executing the injured Iraqi, you made lies for the UK soldiers caught setting up civilian bombings, you made up lies for Bush every week or so he slips up. You say this report is useless and meaningless, well if so many people didnt feel this way about the US, you wouldnt have scores of brave men and woman lining up to blow themselves up in your faces.

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 05:12 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77

Here is an ironic finding I brought back from Iraq. While U.S. public opinion polls show serious declines in support for the war and increasing pessimism about how it will end, polls conducted by Iraqis for Iraqi universities show increasing optimism. Two-thirds say they are better off than they were under Saddam, and a resounding 82% are confident their lives in Iraq will be better a year from now than they are today. What a colossal mistake it would be for America's bipartisan political leadership to choose this moment in history to lose its will and, in the famous phrase, to seize defeat from the jaws of the coming victory.

Opinion Journal

You really expect people to buy into that bull#? The Iraqi universities will report anything the US and its pupet goverment want printed. The US even pays reporters for stories showing them as good...

Im sure Iraqis now living in fear of there life, without electric and water and the ongoing war around them are much happier and safer now... Im really sure they prefer 3 hours of electric a day and the fear of bombs dropping out the sky.

Again i find you so typically American in your post, you are using a source to back up your claims, while most Iraqi universities publish reports weekly saying the US should leave, that the invasion was illegal etc, but you have no problems using 1 of there pieces of work just because it fits your view.

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 07:06 AM

Originally posted by Mayet
The results showed that Israel and the USA are the most
popular choices of countries to be a biggest threat to Arab nations

They believe that because their mis-information ministers
have been pumping them full of that for decades. Bill
Clinton and the Camp David talks would have ended most
of the problems for the Palestinians. The AMERICANS and
the ISRAELIES were the ones offering peace at their own
expense. But Arafat, a compatriot muslim, refused and
brought more suffereing and death down upon the

Their beliefs are dead wrong. But of course they are going to
believe those things because that is what they have been
pumped full of since they were born. Hate the America and
hate Isreal.

If peace were to break out, then the terrorists and the
war lords would be out of power. They can't let that happen.
So they foster irrational hate of America and hate of Israel
so they can keep their thug-god jobs.

many would like to see France as a superpower.

France as a superpower. Yeah. Worldwide appeasement
and socialism (get $$$ with no work involved). The terrorists
deams come true. Yep. I can see them wanting France as the

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 08:18 AM
Sadly this poll is redundant. But it should be seen as a reminder to American people that foreigners can only judge you on your foreign policy, which, as Kissinger said, (to paraphrase) isn't "missionary work". To the rest of the world this is understatement of sickening proportions - look at the "dawning" realisation in the US that the Gulf of Tonkin was manufactured propaganda to serve a foreign policy agenda. Sadly something which has been long established in the foreign perception of "that war". I don't want to go on but South and Central America stand as similar examples.

American people are not evil, but as long they empower people who carry out this kind of foreign policy (past and present), they must accept that they will be judged by foreigners accordingly - some of whom will act in kind.

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 08:56 AM
While it's true that it's established that Arab nations mistrust (nice word) the USA, reports like this give a quantitative view of that mistrust and dislike. It's important (to me, anyway) to know just how strongly people around the world feel about my country and its leaders.

This poll shows that 81% of these Arab Nations think that the USA in the region has brought less peace to their area of the world. That's a much different picture than, say 52%. While still a majority, it's important to know just how much these people hate us, basically.

As regards their opinion for the USA's objective for war? Only 6% believe that it's for spreading Democracy. And that's Bush's main push! That's a lot different than the president's approval rating of 44% (or whatever it is) here in the USA. If the president's approval rating was 6%, it paints a different picture than 44%.

All I'm trying to say is yes, we know the Arab people generally don't approve of us, but how bad is it? I think it's important information to have.

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 09:48 AM
What's really the point of this whole thread? Before reading it did anyone seriously think a majority of arabs (governments or people) trusted the U.S.? Of course not, especially after the propaganda they've been spoon fed from al-jazeera and 'official government sources' in those countries.

Gee, if they conducted a poll in the U.S. to see if we trusted arabs or their governments, how do you suppose it would come out? Would it be big news if it turned out that a majority of the people in the U.S. don't trust arabs or their governemnts? Would there be a thread on ATS about that poll if it was ever taken?

Of course not ...

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by centurion1211
What's really the point of this whole thread? Before reading it did anyone seriously think a majority of arabs (governments or people) trusted the U.S.?

As I said, a majority of 52% is a lot different than a majority of 96%. It's a quantitative difference.

Did people hate us before? Sure! Did they hate us this badly? No! That's all. That's the purpose of this thread.

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 10:19 AM
You kind of side-stepped my points. Again, there would be a huge difference in poll numbers on U.S. trust of arabs between polls taken pre-9/11 and post 9/11. No one would be surprised. And I don't thing the arabs would be wringing their hands over the change judging by all the celebrations we saw on TV. That tells me that not much has really changed on how arabs view the U.S. because of the iraq war.

[edit on 12/3/2005 by centurion1211]

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Bandar Paul
Its funny how if you kill 50,00-100,000 innocent Iraqis (estimates vary) and support Israel (Newsflash!! Most Arabs aren't down with the Jews) that 80% of Arabics wouldn't trust the good ole U.S. of A.? Hmm glad we got that poll out, would've of never guessed that one.

I am surprised at the low number.

I was expecting the results to be in the high 90's.

What this shows me is the effect of western propaganda.

Somehow our media is lulling them to sleep.

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by Mayet
A survey of six arab nations has found a massive 81 percent of people in arab nations believe the war in Iraq by the USA forces has bought more terrorism, less peace and will result in less democracy...

On Weekend Update, years ago, they introduced a report on the negative health effects of fat (or some such thing) with: "In a new report from the Institute for the Painfully Obvious..."

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by stumason

Originally posted by mrjones
France hasn't ever really won a war, why in the world should they even be considered as a superpower?

What an ignorant and completely untrue statement. Suggest you save you anti-french bashing for somewhere other than ATSNN.

EDIT: To back this up, here is a BBC story:

Earlier in 1805, Britain, Austria and Russia had formed a military alliance - part of a titanic 20-year struggle, which pitted revolutionary France - and its successor, Napoleon's French Empire - against Europe's other major powers.

So 200 years ago france won a war.
wow, impressive
How many have they tied/lost since?


from the page you posted:
France's president and prime minister were absent from ceremonies in Paris on Friday marking the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Austerlitz.

Ok, i'm sorry they won a battle, not a war 200 years ago
So back to my point, france has never really won a war

[edit on 3-12-2005 by mrjones]

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof
The US has been mistrusted in the Middle East for decades, but it takes a Zogby poll and an anti-war media outlet, to reaffirm what has already been established as fact? Hardly.


Some members insist that polling is a credible science. Personally I would say that it is an art; an art that some polling organizations are practicing with acute precision.

The most skilled manipulators rarely, if ever, have to resort to lies. It's simply a matter of offering the right truth in the right way at the right time to the right audience.

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 11:22 AM
Time for a new poll:

How many Americans trust Arabs or Arab Governments or Arab Television or Arab Newspapers or Arab Radio Stations.

You see people, this little thing that reached a boiling point on September 11th goes BOTH ways.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Now back to your regulary scheduled "I am so hip cause I hate America, even though I live there" thread.

- One Man Short ®

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 11:26 AM

Ok, i'm sorry they won a battle, not a war 200 years ago
So back to my point, france has never really won a war

I had to stop laughing before I replied to this post which is why I didn't get to it sooner.

For a very long time the sun never set on the French Empire.

Your ignorance of history is supreme.

It would be a bit off topic here to go into great detail so I'll leave you with just one link that covers most everything.

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by Bandar Paul

Its funny how if you kill 50,00-100,000 innocent Iraqis

How did you come to such high casualty numbers?

The Iraq Body Count project reports 24,865 civilian deaths in the first two years of the Iraq war

There is indeed a mind-blowing story about collateral damage that needs to be told, but that story is one in which we honor the extraordinary achievement of the United States military: two years of combat since the fall of Baghdad, much of it urban warfare, with less than 1,000 civilians killed as a result of U.S. action:


Logic Times: The Civilian Casualty Fable

[edit on 3-12-2005 by Riwka]

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 11:47 AM

The Iraq Body Count project reports 24,865 civilian deaths in the first two years of the Iraq war

Please read the FAQ at Iraq Body Count.

Their numbers are based on deaths reported in western media only.

They openly admit that their max number is much lower than the real number.

100K is the average estimate of actual deaths.

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by ArchAngel

They openly admit that their max number is much lower than the real number.

Where ?

I'd suggest you'd read the report - especially up from page 20 "Who where the witnesses?"

Could you provide a source for 100k?

[edit on 3-12-2005 by Riwka]

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