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NEWS: "Mad Cow-like" Prions Possible in Sheep Milk?

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posted on Dec, 7 2005 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
Sofi does that mean that our cows can be infected and passing infection in the milk?

Yes. It looks like a mammary gland infection triggers the prions to get into the immune system, then the prions hitchhike on the viruses to get into the milk. ...Mammary gland infections are common in dairy cows - they're not considered transmissible to humans, so the cows are just shot up with antibiotics and their milk is shipped along with the rest - laced with antibiotics, viruses, and possibly prions.

If one cow's milk was contaminated with prions, then the whole shipment would be contaminated.

With all the process do to the milk products in our nation can that help?

No - it actually makes it worse. When prions are exposed to temperature changes and/or chemicals, they adapt to the exposures by shapeshifting to create new strains. So you end up with the original strain, plus God knows how many more new ones.

...In theory, all you need is one prion contamination ever. Prions can't be killed by standard sterilization or decontamination procedures - they stick to stainless steel, which is what most machines and facilities are made of - they shapeshift when they don't like the environment - and they multiply on contact with other proteins, by turning them into prion replicas.

So if a vat held a contaminated batch of milk 50 years ago, it's still spewing out prions - probably a whole collection of different strains.

We don't know much about the type of research is been done to our cattle, all I know is that UGA is doing mad cow diseases research but nothing more.

There was a study about prions in milk being done in the USA - but I can't find the links any more - and my sources say its been cancelled.

Any study of prions in milk would need to look for a huge variety of different strains - not just the standard BSE's and TSE's. It would need to use the new, sensitive tests. It would have to test cows that had a secondary viral infection - and it would need to test all the facitilites, including processing plants.

As far as I know - there is NO study that comprehensive in the works. BUT - the biotech industry is working on GM cows that are immune to prions. Which looks like a dead giveaway IMO.

[edit on 7-12-2005 by soficrow]

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 08:00 AM
I think what bothers me most about this whole situation is not the rampant spread of prions, but the clamping down on freedom of information.

I personally don't care how complicit the government was in this affair. What matters now is mitigation and research to better understand the extent of the problem. That can't happen as long as the government is in damage control mode, covering their butts.

Putting up an iron curtain isn't accomplishing anything BUT damage control, and in my opinion we've had quite enough of that already. People need to be made aware of the fact that this country may be severely contaminated (nearly ever inch of it), and when they've grasped that concept we can move on to stage two, remediation.

The bioterrorism language needs to be re-examined to make exceptions for situations like this one, where the public's need to know outweighs the national security interest. I'm much less worried about arab boogeymen terrorists than I am about selfish, careless corporate criminals.

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
I think what bothers me most about this whole situation is not the rampant spread of prions, but the clamping down on freedom of information.

When it comes to sacrificed the economy over the safety of the people, guess who is going to win.

See people are expendable, our economy is not.

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
I think what bothers me most about this whole situation is not the rampant spread of prions, but the clamping down on freedom of information.

The lid is clamped tight to prevent the public from learning the full extent of the problem. And it is extensive.

I personally don't care how complicit the government was in this affair. What matters now is mitigation and research to better understand the extent of the problem. That can't happen as long as the government is in damage control mode, covering their butts.

Putting up an iron curtain isn't accomplishing anything BUT damage control, and in my opinion we've had quite enough of that already. People need to be made aware of the fact that this country may be severely contaminated (nearly ever inch of it), and when they've grasped that concept we can move on to stage two, remediation.

The corporate-government alliance already has done the risk-benefit analysis, and has concluded that there's no point trying to do remediation. The big plan involves GM, tissue engineering and transhumanism - for those who can afford the procedures. Ill-conceived and doomed to failure, IMO.

The bioterrorism language needs to be re-examined to make exceptions for situations like this one, where the public's need to know outweighs the national security interest. I'm much less worried about arab boogeymen terrorists than I am about selfish, careless corporate criminals.

Erm. Who do you think wrote the text?

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 06:11 PM

The lid is clamped tight to prevent the public from learning the full extent of the problem. And it is extensive.

Well, we're talking about the issue here, so obviously this isn't a closely guarded secret. It's just another in a long line of conspiracies that are known to a few and serve only to single those few out for public scorn.

The byproduct of having infinite information at our fingertips is that critical information gets lost like the proverbial needle in the haystack. The issues are clouded by half-truths and widespread lies, not to mention a bevy of mindless entertainment options to fuzz the judgement.

It sucks, but it has to be said: Anyone who trusts this government will get what's coming to them. That's the harsh reality. If you put your trust in something, it makes you vulnerable to that thing. Just like 'live by the sword, die by the sword', except in this case it's 'live by the government's word, die by the same.'

The corporate-government alliance already has done the risk-benefit analysis, and has concluded that there's no point trying to do remediation. The big plan involves GM, tissue engineering and transhumanism - for those who can afford the procedures. Ill-conceived and doomed to failure, IMO.

It makes no sense to them to fix the problem because it's not profitable, perfectly understandable. The American people, on the other hand, care more about their own lives than they do about the profit margins of corporate ghouls, so our decision should be clear.

Since this is ostensibly a democracy, I think it's safe to say that the needs of 300 million outweigh the needs of the elite. I don't care who their daddies were, and I know I'm not alone in this opinion.

People have always had the power to put a stop to this, they simply lack the will to act. If people stopped supporting this insane, crooked state, it would cease to have power over them.

posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne

The lid is clamped tight to prevent the public from learning the full extent of the problem. And it is extensive.

Well, we're talking about the issue here, so obviously this isn't a closely guarded secret. It's just another in a long line of conspiracies that are known to a few and serve only to single those few out for public scorn.

Yep. It's called damage control and population control via media manipulation.

The byproduct of having infinite information at our fingertips is that critical information gets lost like the proverbial needle in the haystack. The issues are clouded by half-truths and widespread lies, not to mention a bevy of mindless entertainment options to fuzz the judgement.

Agreed. See above.

It makes no sense to them to fix the problem because it's not profitable, perfectly understandable. The American people, on the other hand, care more about their own lives than they do about the profit margins of corporate ghouls, so our decision should be clear.

Since this is ostensibly a democracy, I think it's safe to say that the needs of 300 million outweigh the needs of the elite. I don't care who their daddies were, and I know I'm not alone in this opinion.

I don't care who their daddies are either.

And yeah, the needs of 300 million most definitely outweigh the needs of a few trust fund babies.


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