posted on Feb, 24 2006 @ 03:44 PM
Be thankful it didn't work, throw it away and don't play with them !
I never beleieved in the Ouija board. Then one day this girl came over and made one out of cardboard, talked us into playing it. It answered alot of
questions. Still I was convinced it was a load of crap. That she was making the ponter move. So I asked questions no-one else in the group could know
the answers to, it answered them. Still convince she was dong this, after she left I played it with just one person. It kept answering questions,
giving correct spellings, etc. Suddenly after asking it a certain question, it became nasty. It said it's name was "Foe".
It said horrible things to me, that to this day scares me. I am telling you wahatever operates this thing, has an intelligence , and is demonic. like
it knows your most inner secrets.
Still, I think possibly my own sub-conscious was making the pointer move,. The pointer would move if you barely touched it. It would even move very
fast to the "yes" or "no".
I was so scared by it, called a friend and asked her what to do and she said to burn it. So I did.
The girl who had made it, gave thse insructions about it.
NEVER play it on your own !
And that homemade ones are best.
When you are playing it with others, all must take the finger off the poiinter at the same time, or the spirit will go into the person who last
touched it.
If you rub a Bible across it, it will stop working. We tested this and it wouldn't work for a few hours.
When it pauses over a letter, this signifies a double letter.
I had another freind who was addicted to playing it on her own. She began to have strange happenings in her house. Then one day whilst she was having
dinner in a restaurant, her husbnad suddenly begann to be choking on his food, said he didn't feel right. He wasn't choking, but was having a brain
anuerisnm. He died. He was a young , healthy man, this was very shocking.
I really don't know if this thing was summoning evil spirits, but since that time , alot of paranormal stuff has gone on.