posted on Dec, 1 2005 @ 09:20 PM
what about computers or cross planet travel, or how about the means to destroy or deflect an asteroid that in the past would have obliterated our
existence faster than any of mans nafarious creations, or what about that progress comes at a cost, for every lethal and sinister creation we as a
society have also created things and ideas that allow us to live longer and pursue our dreams.
You both are right that maybe I came off as being crass I do have family members who have died from cancer but I also have 2 family members who have
died from a drunk driver. All one can hope is that in death our goodness or lack there of will be exposed and justice will be served.
soficrow Poison, contamination, pollution, radiation, prions, bacteria-prion-virus hybrids, extinctions. Excellent achievements! Not.
yes it is our pollution and consuming in an unsustainable manner that will come back to hurt us all as a species if not properly addressed, on the
bacteria-prion-virus hybrids you speak of I have never heard of such things, i will look them up but if you have some credible informative links on it
i will much appreciate it.
Apologies to anyone who I offended, i just think that our numbers multiplied by our consuming is not good for anyone or anything except maybe the
wealthiest of the wealthy(short term anyway)