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alien abduction anonymous

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posted on Dec, 25 2005 @ 05:54 AM
im recalling an abduction that i saw on ufo files on history channel where three men were in a boat and were abducted lost abuot 3 hours and not one of them recalled any of the events of the abduction. only through hypno therapy were they able to recolect any of the events.

the question at hand would be, are these time distortive techniques they retain psionic in nature or technological?

i know from first hand experience these beings have overwhelmingly adept psionic abilities. so they might just have the power to erase someones mind, which in my book woudl give them a hefty hand of authority.

this is why they have a third frontal and far more powerful lobe on their brains.

posted on Dec, 25 2005 @ 05:58 AM
..i heard a rumour..

Full Body Scan (FBS)...
CT 256
mri hires
get a copy of the data on CD/DVD

buy a dog
burglar alarm

posted on Dec, 25 2005 @ 08:01 AM
Ok, i've been reading this thread, and i felt like telling my experiences that i joined together after reading the 58 signs.

From my memory, i don't recall having any contact with UFO's.But there are some signs that are on the list that may mean something.

It's a fact that since i was pretty young, i always liked UFO's.But it was strange, because i loved to read about them, on the day light, but when the night came, i got pretty scared, and i would cover myself with the pilows and other stuff, close the windows and the blinds all the way down, and close the door, and i always had a hard time to fall asleep.
Other thing that i find strange is that, sometimes when i go out at night, i see weird balls of lightning.I have my dog near my house, and i feed him everyday, at around 7 PM.It's night, and when i'm there, i always tend to look up to the sky, to see if i can spot an UFO.Sometimes i see a ball of lightning, that flashes in several coulours.I know it is not a plane, because it is not moving, and i know that, and planes don't have pink and blue blinking lights right?
Other thing is that i sometimes hear the ringin', not a ringin' of a telephone, but something that beeps on my right hear i think, and coincidency or not, i have a small bump that appeared some months ago.It's inside the ear, and it is kinda solid.On my left year, i tend to have some solid stuff on the ear lobe, on the low part, but it comes and goes.
Other thing, i have a strange feeling that makes me antecipate several things that happen on the daily routine.Example, i'm waiting for a sms from my girlfriend or somebody else, and i can be like, 1 hour without touching the cellphone, but when i grab it, i receive the sms. Or predicting that something is going to happen. One time i called a guy by his name without even knowin it.
And maybe this is nothing, but when i look at the clock, i always look at the same time, ether 12:34, or 20:05, or other year.

I don't know if this means something, but well, i just felt like sharing this to you.

posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 05:25 AM
Also, i have a small bump on the tip of the jaw, right below the bump on my ear.Is it coincidence?

posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 06:42 AM
Thats weird, this use to happen to me. Well I guess it still does. Whenever I look at the clock and its the hour of 11:00, I always see 11:21. I know thats Chris Carters birthday (x-files creator) but one day I sort of wanted to see it. Then I went on to this random internet site and it said my lucky number is 11. I can also have conversations with myself. I can't do it when I am bored. I can only do it when I think no ones around and I am comfortable. Well at night I just get into a really deep thought sort of. Mostly about videogames. Ideas for em. Like how to beat a level on Rainbow Six: Lockdown. Or making a map on FarCry: Instincts.

posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 06:48 AM
Yeah, i also talk to myself lol.I just like it.I'm also remembering that i sometimes guess the next song of a playlist. You may find this stupid, but my playlists are always on shuffle mode, and i find myself thinkin about certain song, and it is next song played. But it only happens when i think about the song, but i'm not really thinkin because i want, it just came by my head, poped out of nowhere.This is hard to explain.This also happens sometimes when i predict something that happens in the future.It just pops out on my head, and i enever give it much importance, but then it happens.

Maybe this is just crazyness of my, or i'm just dumb, but well, it is strange.

posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 11:19 AM
Ive had a couple similar experiences...when i look at the clock i see 9:11 or 11:11..and sometimes when i wake up in the morning..i think about a certain song/video...then i turn on the tv, and that song/video i was thinking about will be playing,i agree, its strange

[edit on 27-12-2005 by MagicPriest420]

posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 02:20 PM
Wow. I thought I was the only nut. I talk to myself at times usually when I'm arguing with myself whether to do this or not or what I really think about the thing I did last night. I'm trying to get myself to shut up though because umm what if I say something personal and someone overhears it?

The time thing also happened to me. I don't look at the clock anymore really but yeah I'd get like 1105 or 0515 (Matrix Dates).. 911, 1111.. etc and the weird thing is when I would look at the clock and the number was slightly different like 1110 instead of 1111 I would know I was behind.. that I should know something right now that I don't. Same for being ahead. Strangely.. it was true.


posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 02:55 PM
mabye its just a unique ability to preform chronilogically deductive assumptions, like timing things in your head/subconcious, then knowing the time to a t. ive done that many a time, where i just tell my self how long something is going to take and i time it perfectly, and as for talking to ones self, yeah im guilty there too lol, its mostly just yelling at the computer when my teamates on halo arent pulling their weight.

now for something a little off topic but highly signifigant regarding trying to make sense of all these alien situations. dun dun duuuhhh


and its aplications towards are extraterrestrial biological entity countparts, they have extremely sensitive, and advanced levels of telepathic communication abilities. if you can master the art of mu, thats the meditative state of clearing your mind of all energy, thought, and being then you too can master the art of remotely tracking their ships and being able to telepathically channel their thoughts. over the last month i have been meditating daily, and have seen signifigance increases in telepathic activity, among humans and extraterrrestrial biological entitys alike. now the really exciting part is that once you have really practiced this ability, your level of channelling coherency will dramatacize signifigantly and you will be able to directly channel, lock on and aim your mind in the direction of which you so choose, so that you can intitiate in conversasions with whoever you like. although infitismal and very discretely subtle the resonance for me as beyond the shadow of a doubt prevelent. you can seriously feel your entire frontal lobe vibrate when a level one telepathic communication has been achieved.

so good day and good luck ebeaa fellowship!

ps they still hold their secrets of technology very closely and have yet to disclose to me any amounts of data.

[edit on 27-12-2005 by sturod84]

posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 06:25 PM
Can you explain more about how to speak to extra-terrastrials using the Mu technique

mod edit: removed quote of previous post

[edit on 28-12-2005 by sanctum]

posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 07:07 PM
it helps with the ability to track and locate specific targets in the universe, with out the mu you would literaly be huntin blind. the mu gives a sense to feel whats there with your minds eye. the trick is you are spose to be able to sense what they are thinking, and if you have cleared your mind correctly you can become part of their thinking pattern, zero in, and commence telepathic resonation. i have about a million theories floating around in my head about what the mind is excactly and will get back to you when ive crafted my conclusion. here is an a post i posted on the indigo (telepathic) child thread about my theory on how telepathy works excaclty.

with yet to be distinuished energetic string wavelength theoretically manifesting itself into the quantifiable material properties we know and see, the information created by the string equalibrium would adhere to an exchange of quantum bits of matter. if a particles can be in the same spot at the same time and seemingly pass through matter unhindered, this could mean the string energy leading up to those particle reactionary impulses can do the same thing. the information contained in these wavelengths of string energy would be directly connected to the mind via the persons skill to subject itself to the energy resonance of this string fluxuation. thus creating a synchronious electrical synaptic supplantion between subjects.

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 03:59 AM
Okay, I have tried to meditate before and I do know how but I don't really know if it works. This is how I was taught to do it. Okay you think of this neutral place which is your "home" or whatever. Then you travel like anywhere you want and make up a story. Then you go back to your "home" and its done. I think I could be good at it if I tried.

Anyway, so this telepathy thing. I have always wanted to do it. Its been like a superpower I have wanted to have sort of. You know instead of flying or laser eyes. That would be cool to be able to read minds and stuff. I don't know if the people (or aliens) who abducted me gave me any powers like telepathy but sometimes I wish they did. Like one day they would just happen or something.

This is extremely random. But I have weird eyes. Or gaze or something. Like I can't look at a person too long before they notice I am looking. This makes it hard to look at hot girls for too long.

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 01:39 PM
I believe we all have the ability to be telepathic but we're not evolved enough to or humans are too stupid to understand it.


posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 07:28 PM
mabye gravity has to do with it, and the engery the mind is comprised of this resonates exchanges and reacts to this energy.

yes it takes evolution

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 05:50 AM
So are you (meaning Sturod84) evolved? I mean this is getting to be pretty complicated. One point my mind played tricks on me. Like it looked like I could move door handles with my mind. But it wasn't really happening but my mind is so good at making stuff up. Its scary. Like because I have the gift of being able to rotate around any object in my head but it was projecting my thoughts onto the door knob and when I blinked it wasn't really happening it was just my brain and imagination.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 06:38 AM
joseph mcmoneagle went through a near death experience(NDE), which removed his mind from his body, he said he felt a hyper power which was a light. then heard a voice that told him your not dead yet, at which point he returned to hover over his body, and travlled with as they took it in the ambulance. flying over it for miles. he is the original remote viewer operative for the CIA who headed their soviet infiltration mission, to seek out and discover their objective technological projects. with the power of his mind.

last night i saw a man appear out of nowhere! he was white, and looked tall. for a split second, and told me that we can always see you. i dont know if it was a ghost or rv'er or astral projector, or outter body experience, but it was vivid. like a real entitie travelling apearing to me through dimensions.

[edit on 29-12-2005 by sturod84]

posted on Dec, 30 2005 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by playguy
Ok, i've been reading this thread, and i felt like telling my experiences that i joined together after reading the 58 signs.

From my memory, i don't recall having any contact with UFO's.But there are some signs that are on the list that may mean something.

It's a fact that since i was pretty young, i always liked UFO's.But it was strange, because i loved to read about them, on the day light, but when the night came, i got pretty scared, and i would cover myself with the pilows and other stuff, close the windows and the blinds all the way down, and close the door, and i always had a hard time to fall asleep.
Other thing that i find strange is that, sometimes when i go out at night, i see weird balls of lightning.I have my dog near my house, and i feed him everyday, at around 7 PM.It's night, and when i'm there, i always tend to look up to the sky, to see if i can spot an UFO.Sometimes i see a ball of lightning, that flashes in several coulours.I know it is not a plane, because it is not moving, and i know that, and planes don't have pink and blue blinking lights right?
Other thing is that i sometimes hear the ringin', not a ringin' of a telephone, but something that beeps on my right hear i think, and coincidency or not, i have a small bump that appeared some months ago.It's inside the ear, and it is kinda solid.On my left year, i tend to have some solid stuff on the ear lobe, on the low part, but it comes and goes.
Other thing, i have a strange feeling that makes me antecipate several things that happen on the daily routine.Example, i'm waiting for a sms from my girlfriend or somebody else, and i can be like, 1 hour without touching the cellphone, but when i grab it, i receive the sms. Or predicting that something is going to happen. One time i called a guy by his name without even knowin it.
And maybe this is nothing, but when i look at the clock, i always look at the same time, ether 12:34, or 20:05, or other year.

I don't know if this means something, but well, i just felt like sharing this to you.

I've had experiences very similar to you. There was a point in my life where I was VERY obsessed with UFO's, and aliens and whatnot (to the point where it was starting to get unhealthy) I don't remember when exactly it started, but it was around 1998 or so I think, because that's the year I saw a UFO for the first (and as far as I can remember the only) time (might have been before that though...I just can't remember... And Whenever I would read about them, night or day, I would just get extreamly paranoid and scared (for example, one night I locked myself in the bathroom for a very long time because I was convinced there was something out there). To this day, I am afraid of certain parts of my house, namely the hallway that leads up to my room, and I get extreamly nervous when I pass by the door to the bathroom that is halfway inbetween my room, and the other end of that hallway(thats the one I locked myself in).I've always had cuts and bruises that I can't explain, but that could be any number of things. I've also had a little bit of a sleepwalking problem, I'll wake up in diffrent places then where I went to sleep (although it'd almost always be the couch that's located in my family room, that's right next to the enterence to that hallway I mentioned earlier). And my younger brother has some problems of his own. for the longest time he's had a lot of anxiety related to UFO's and aliens. For example, his worst fear since we were little kids was of being taken during the night from out of his room. When we watched the movie 'Fire in the Sky', When the abduction scene came on, where it showed the aliens examining the main guy, my brother freaked out so badly, that he ran from the room, and for the next three months , slept with his lights on, and made me sleep in a sleeping bag next to his bed in his room. Even when he got the guts to turn his lights off, he still made me sleep next to his bed for a little while And he had terrible, vivid nightmares when he was a small child. I don't know what they were, he'd always say he couldn't remember specific images, just colors, and feelings.

Now am I saying that me or my brother have been abducted by aliens? No, not at all, I have absolutely no recollection of anything even remotely like an alien abduction happening to either of us, I just felt like sharing some oddities in my past that I can recall. We were, if anything, just paranoid.

posted on Dec, 30 2005 @ 02:55 PM
When I was young (about 12 or 13) me and my grandparents were driving to a friends house in Mesa AZ back before it grew so huge. The sky was very dark (as we were still in the desert) and there was a bright light streaking across the sky. Then there was a bright flash and it broke up to 2 lights and traveled away from each other at 90 deg angle, traveled for a few miles (hard to tell exact distance) then did another 90 deg turn back to wards each other.

Once they meet up there was another bright flash as the two objects rejoined and then shoot straight up and disappeared.

Both my Grandparents nor I could explain it and have tried to figure it out ever since.

Any one else ever see anything like this?

posted on Dec, 30 2005 @ 04:42 PM
That sounds pretty cool man,i dont think any technology we have on earth,could have done ,what you saw

posted on Dec, 30 2005 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by MagicPriest420
That sounds pretty cool man,i dont think any technology we have on earth,could have done ,what you saw

Yeah, I called my Grandmother to see if she remembered it and if she remembered when it happened.

We had just moved there a year earlier so that would put it in 1987 between June and August ( I was on summer vacation).

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