What do you think about the conspiracy theory that many/most conspiracy theories are actually disinformation to keep people off the trail of the real
I think there is a very tangible 'conspiracy', of greed and power. Those with power want to keep it and increase their share of it, whilst keeping
everyone else as their little worker bees.
I think such a conspiracy takes in politics, commerce and finance - and thus it is proveable (however difficult) - As the saying goes "follow the
money trail" - That is, if you want to know what's really going on look at who is profiting from whatever event you are questioning (a war for
Less tangible and proveable conspiracies, such as Aliens, are disinformation, put out to keep inquisitive people occupied, and away from the real
Disinformation, in the context of espionage, military intelligence, and propaganda, is the spreading of deliberately false information to mislead an
enemy as to one's position or course of action. It also includes the distortion of true information in such a way as to render it useless.
I'll give an example of a possible disinformation scenario..........
It's widely know that German scientists were transferred to the US to work for the military/intelligence agencies.
Operation Paperclip)
Soon after this, we see the upsurge of UFO activity, flying saucers. The Nazi's were working on saucer-shaped craft
If zero-gravity craft has been developed and in use for all these years, it's clear those in power do not wish the general populace to have access to
this technology - One possible reason for this is because it would mean our reliance on petrol, for cars, would rapidly decline. Since oil is a BIG
money spinner, they keep the technology to themselves. Again, greed and power is the motivation.
In order to explain any sightings of these craft, the story of Aliens is disseminated. Before long a whole host of crack-pot theories about Aliens are
thought up by people - Greys, Reptiles, Nordics, Cat people!.......... The list goes on. Hollywood perpetuates and crystalises images and ideas about
Aliens in the public consciousness.
Now to explain abductions - I don't follow abduction stories, so excuse my lack of knowledge on them, but I'm under the impression that reported
Alien abductions went through a sort of 'boom' in the 60's and 70's, with far fewer reports these days (same goes for catal mutilations) - Could
this be because military/intelligence
black operations were doing the abductions, for progressive
genetic science? The drop off in abductions means they no longer have need for the experiments/samples carried out because either a) They no longer
have an interest in that area of science, or, b) They can now have the technology to breed/clone people, thus don't have to rely on abducting
Abductees reports of 'greys' or 'reptiles' are meerly products of
mind control false memories
implanted in them by the real abductors, and their reports perpetuate the Aliens myth.
Not to say I necessarily think Aliens are not real, but could this a viable theory? That the only conspiracy is the rich and powerful want to stay
that way?