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Why is USA working with terrorist organisations like Mojahedeen Khalq?

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posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 11:03 AM
Altough they have a small army of some 2000 units, the Mojahedeen Khalq Oraganisation still are one of Irans terrorist groups of this era. The IRI governemnt are fighting against this Islamic-Marxist terror organisation who once were working together with Islamic Republic of Iran after the 1979 revolution. Two years later they became the wurst nightmare of Iran and joined Saddam Hussein during the 1980-88 Iraq-Iran war and stole million of dollars and scaped to Iraq.

During the Shah's regime the MKO killed many American, Iranian military officers and scientist. After the revolution they killed many Islamic Iranian military offiecers.

In the 90s they attacked Iran and captured many Iranian soldiers and Chieftain tanks and sent them to Iraq and forced the POW's to cooperate with them otherwise they will face the death.

The MKO is now protected by US government. The question is why are you protecting those who killed your soldiers in the 70's?

With the money they stole from Iranian banks and business in Iraqi oil they could afford themselfes this T-tanks.
With their actions many innocent Iranian civilians were killed.

A picture before a military training

A MKO military parade, this women are active in killing many Iranian soldiers!

[edit on 29-11-2005 by aria]

[edit on 29-11-2005 by aria]

[edit on 29-11-2005 by aria]

[edit on 29-11-2005 by aria]

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 11:28 AM
Alot of people who have killed our soldiers in the past are now our friends. The world is a crazy place that way I guess. Besides, they have plenty of time in the future to turn against us, just be patient.

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 11:31 AM
This guys even torture their own guys. Also this organisation like IR Iran believes that USA is the Great Satan.

I just don't get it!

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 11:48 AM
I think alot of governments in general (although at this point in history mine gets the most scrutiny) make allies out of completely evil people as long as it suits their purpose. Then, as soon as they're done using them, they either list them as enemies or cut ties and that usually pisses off whatever evil group was manipulated, then they blow up your things. Human nature sucks.

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 12:07 PM
I agree with that.
In case of any US invasion in Iran, the US government will use the MKO to attack and behind them US troops will follow.
For now The White House are using the MKO for intell.
Many of the MKO guys are working in the Islamic Republics political system.
They can easilly gather information about IRI.

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 12:19 PM
Exactly. Just like we used the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, and the Kurds in Iraq. We learned from the Soviet Union's mistakes, but alot of times those we ally with are just as bad as those we're trying to overthrow. I just can't wait til 2008 is over, my government will still be corrupt, but hopefully it will scale back a little.

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 12:28 PM
The US does a lot of things that don't make a lot of sense to different groups of people but there is a an old saying that should explain it all...."politics makes strange bed fellows". That is, sometimes a group or government finds it necessary to co operate with people or groups that it otherwise would have nothing to do with. I am certain that this even happens in Iran.

Politics keep people apart and sometimes makes enemies of people who, otherwise, have no animosity towards each other.

Likewise, religions have kept people apart and have created enemies of peoples who, likewise, have no animosity towards each other.

A case in point is Islam and Judaism.....they both have the same, one, true God. Yet, in spite of having the same God they are enemies. Iran, for example has announced that they would exterminate Israel from the Earth.
This is an odd statement for Iran to make as Iran also espouses peace. Like I said, politics and religion can both be very confusing.

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 12:35 PM
Yes, I agree. Organized religion will probably be one of the driving forces of man's extinction if it ever comes to that. That's why it will really suck if Iran gets nukes, no country solely governed by religion should have doomsday weapons (no country should at all, but that cat's out of the bag). Can you imagine Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell in control of the U.S. nuclear arsenal?

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 12:41 PM
27 jd and benevolent tyrant,

You both are right.

politics stays a strange thing. While making an announcement to whipe out Israel from earth, the Irans president Ahmadinejad did not read Irans history. If he did that, he should know that Israeli and Iranian nation were good friends from 538 B.C. till 1979 officially and unofficially till today.

Mr. Ahmadinejad has forgotten that during the Iraq-Iran war every single Western and Eastern country were helping Saddam and only Israel did help Iran.
The Israeli F-16's attacked many times Iraqi military objects to help Iran.

I saw a documentary on BBC some 2 a three moths ago about CIA and Saddam. In one of its part they talk about Iraq-Iran. The former officials said that we did everything to make sure that Iran could not win the war. If we were not helping Saddam, Iraq had lost the war within 3 months!

Ahmadinejad is forgotten all these things!

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 12:44 PM
Iran Shouln't have nuclear weapons. If they did they will use it at once and will test them on Israel! If Iran had a democratic regime which was chosen by its people, then it was ok. But not when the crazy islamic clerics run the country

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by aria
Iran Shouldn't have nuclear weapons. If they did they will use it at once and will test them on Israel! If Iran had a democratic regime which was chosen by its people, then it was OK. But not when the crazy Islamic clerics run the country are so very correct, at least in my humble opinion. Plus, you have, in a very real sense, corrected my own view of Iranians (I assume that you are Iranian). It is certainly fine for one to be proud of their nation, their country, their motherland but not for actions that lead towards war. There are quite a few Iranians on these very boards who are rightfully proud of their country but, unfortunately, proud for the wrong reasons. Neglecting the positives that their nation has accomplished, they praise the negatives -- the war making apparatus. You correctly, again in my opinion, point out that Iran is not very democratic in it's form of government and you clearly state this while there are too many other Iranians on these very boards who ignore this injustice of her people but, instead focus upon Iran's' developing capability to wage wars.

There is an acceptance growing throughout the world that people CAN live together -- peacefully. But this can only be brought about by turning the focus from a nations' -- all nations -- military accomplishments towards what a nation can do for ones people, ones neighbors and the entire world. When I was a young man, like many young men, I was proud of the US for it's military strength, it's military capabilities, it's military technology but I totally ignored the problems that America had and that needed solving. But now, I am proud of the US for what it has accomplished in technology, in medicine and in the sciences and that arts. This is what every "patriotic" person has to be proud of their prospective nations. Someday, I hope, I dream, that we can all be proud of our planet, Earth, for it's accomplishments towards wiping out global hunger, disease, poverty and injustice.

Strangely, this is the area where Religion should, perhaps must take the lead. Islam is especially noted for its' compassion for the poor. Christians are likewise noted for its' charity as is Judaism and Zoasterism. Buddhist and Hinduism are also faiths or belief systems that can be and are compatible with followers of the Book towards bringing a sense of global justice.

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 03:39 PM
benevolent tyrant,

Nice speech. I like the way you told it. I agree with you. You're correct.
clerics can indeed help people to make that step of change. The steps to wipe out the poverty etc...

But I think if we want to achieve that we need a good guy who is a super power, like U.S. to be like a godfather, a policeman who cares about everybody. To achieve that we have to get rid off dictators like Afriqan, Asian dictators.

I hope we will live in a peacfullllll world

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 03:48 PM
Getting rid of every dictator on the planet, if it can be done at all, will require decades and decades of constant warfare.

Which pretty much rules out a peaceful planet.

As far as supporting the MeK, it's a glaring reminder of what a crock the "War On Terror" is. We're perfectly happy to support terrorists (and brutal dictators for that matter) as long as it suits our purposes to do so. The MeK is currently only using terrorism against our opponents, so they're OK.

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by xmotex
We're perfectly happy to support terrorists (and brutal dictators for that matter) as long as it suits our purposes to do so. The MeK is currently only using terrorism against our opponents, so they're OK.

So, what about those Americans who were killed by the MKO? Are they forgotten? And how about their famillies? their kids who grew up without a father?

Although the enemy of my enemy is my friend, we should not protect MKO. Once they become successors of the islamic clerics they will turn their back to USA!

[edit on 29-11-2005 by aria]

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by xmotex
Getting rid of every dictator on the planet, if it can be done at all, will require decades and decades of constant warfare.

Which pretty much rules out a peaceful planet.

I don't know....I must be in a really idealistic state of mind today....but all it would take to eliminate every dictator on this planet is for all of mankind...all of the citizens of every country -- citizens of the to to say ENOUGH!

Gandhi showed us how, Jesus showed us how, Mohammad showed us how, Buddha show us how .... to rid the world of dictators and tyrants (not benevolent ones of course, heh heh) -- through LOVE. Before I start sounding like a religious cleric on a dais, let me point out that the opposite of love is usually thought of as hate but if you think of hate as fear you can see that all we need do is to stop being afraid.

No dictator rules through love....a dictator rules through a regime of fear. All we have to do is stop being afraid and, in one voice say Enough, every dictator will fall. We need to simply, as Gandhi most profoundly showed us in times so recent, to simply refuse to comply with an unjust government. Such a time is coming closer and closer as more and more people have access to the internet and greater communication. But then, I'm not a preacher and I'm certainly not Gandhi and this idea will probably never work....but I can dream. And If I dream this and someone else dreams this......hmmmmmmmm

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 07:29 PM
Thats a good idea, lets dream that. 1 million people with the same dream....

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by aria
This guys even torture their own guys. Also this organisation like IR Iran believes that USA is the Great Satan.

I just don't get it!

You know, I am not up on this topic, but I do know how short-sighted the U.S. government has proven to be over the many years.
The enemy of our enemy is our friend, even if they hate us. We're fighting a bunch like that right now, that we aided during the Cold War.

Some habits seem to be simply too hard to break.

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 07:47 PM
Are you sure that we are helping this group? Maybe you got it wrong on how the U.S. intends to use this group in the first place.

How is it that [the MKO] get the Geneva Convention, and the people in Guantánamo Bay don't get it? It's a huge contradiction," says Ali Ansari, a British expert on Iran. "This will be interpreted in Iran as another link in the chain of the US determination to move onto Iran next" in the US war on terror.

For months, Tehran has quietly signaled that it would turn over high-ranking Al Qaeda members in exchange for MKO members now in Iraq. The MKO's new status likely puts an end to any such deal.

The shift also comes as momentum builds in Washington to take some action against the Islamic republic. Wednesday, it was reported that Tehran has broken United Nations inventory seals and may resume work on constructing centrifuges - the machines used for enriching uranium.

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Some habits seem to be simply too hard to break.

You are right. In my opinion we have to deal with our enemies, even the enemy of our enemies! If we don't take them down they will take us down in the future! Like Islamic Republic of Iran

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by 27jd
I think alot of governments in general (although at this point in history mine gets the most scrutiny) make allies out of completely evil people as long as it suits their purpose. Then, as soon as they're done using them, they either list them as enemies or cut ties and that usually pisses off whatever evil group was manipulated, then they blow up your things. Human nature sucks.

I completely agree with 27jd. This is what is know as an unholy aliance. It is like the old adage "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

You have to do what you have to do to get the job done.

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