posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 11:12 AM
"They" don't want you to know that a 16 yr old in Indonesia has tested positive for yet another case of bird flu. "They" also don't want you to
know that his two brothers died earlier from "typhoid" and that the WHO says that we may never know if they had H5N1. "They" like to talk official
tallies and counts and dismiss all of the obvious connected deaths, like the girl in China, and many other unconfirmed bird flu deaths. Now that you
have been told a little bit, this little gem will sit obscured until the final solution is unleashed upon us. At that point, the leadership can all
come out and say, "Well, you KNEW this was coming! We were warning you about this months/years ago!" It adds to plausable deniability, which means
everything to "them."