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They moved Area 51

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posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 01:35 AM
Just thought I'd mention, a few years back I read in Popular Science or Popular Mechanics, that they actually moved Area 51. I don't know if this has been posted here before since I'm new to the site.

I thought it was odd that it was printed in a higly publicized mag like that. They said they moved it to White Sands, & that they'd closed up Area 51 totally. I still have the mag somewhere, along with all the others with interesting articles.

There was another article around that time, where a retired Sergeant, from both the Army (may have been Marines) & Police Officer....he was 20 years retired from both...made a Urban Combat Suit, to try to sell to the Police & Military. He said he saw Urban combat being something that the US woul dneed to be prepared for in the next 20 to 30 years (that mag was maybe 7 to 10 years ago). Well, I thought this was both odd & cool & spooky all at the same time, because it smelled of NWO propganda to Me.

Well, guess what....6 months the same mag....there was a Army ad, introducing "An Army of One" & guess who the bad mofo advertising the new motto of the Army was on that page? It was that Sergeant, in the Urban Combat Suit.

I've still got the mags, & pull them out to point out New World Order to friends who are skeptics.

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 02:11 AM
There's been an awful lot of new construction, and expansion, and activity around Area 51 for it being closed. Just in the last year or so they've REALLY started expanding the base. Not to mention that security has become tighter lately from what I've heard.

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 02:35 AM
Lol I am stupid but, Where is White Sand?

Also take into mind that...

Why would the Gov let this publish.

Lol lol
Why would they tell you where they are going! LMAO!

and how could they move the base?! Without being noticed! That means all of the employees have to move too? I think they would complain.

They did not move. No way in heck they moved.

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 02:37 AM
White Sands New Mexico. They landed a Space Shuttle there once. It's WAY too open for them to put something like Area 51 there.

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 02:44 AM
Remember how the X-Files movies ended, cancer man was in a desert and they started making another corn field. Looked like sand dunes in backround.

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 03:18 AM
Pardon Their Dust

I just drove by there Friday before last, and if they moved Area 51, they didn't waste any time replacing it with something at least as interesting.

I stopped in at Rachel, NV that afternoon and had a traditional Alien Burger at the fabled Little A'Le'Inn, and during the course of my short meal counted no less than six LOUD sonic booms. They shook the place so violently that I thought at first a delivery truck had backed into the building.

According to co-owner Pat Travis (who fixed the burger for me), it's like that almost every day out there, and sometimes at night as well.

She said one of the booms was so loud earlier that day that it almost knocked one of the TVs off its shelf. Considering how concussive the “soft” booms were, I was duly impressed. The place was shaking and rattling like an earthquake at times.

While those were probably just “mundane” military aircraft doing the “usual” training out of Nellis (she referred to the booms as “her kids” learning how to fly their planes), and Rachel isn't positioned such that Area 51 air traffic (which I imagine flies mainly at night) can necessarily be distinguished from “conventional” military air traffic, it was quite clear to me based on Mrs. Travis' descriptions that the Nellis Range as a whole is very, very busy these days.

Chuck Clark wasn't hanging out there when I stopped in (he was there last time I visited Rachel), but I inferred from what Pat was saying that there has been plenty for him to study out at Area 51 these days, and unless it's all just commercial hype to drum up business, my sense is that rumors of the death of Area 51 are greatly exaggerated.

I took some pictures while I was at the Little A'Le'Inn, and may do a photo essay about it for fun.

Of course, these are just my impressions gathered from light conversation (and several sonic booms) in a nearby town and hardly authoritative, but it will take a lot more than a Popular Mechanics article to convince me that Groom Lake has been shut down.

On the other hand, I hear the skies over the Australian Outback are quite something these days.

And um, shouldn't this be in the Area 51 & Other Facilities forum instead of 9/11 & 7/7 Conspiracies?

[edit on 11/28/2005 by Majic]

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 09:49 AM
I don't know why the mag published that they'd moved Area 51, but that's what the article said. I've still got the mag. I was shocked as Hell that they actually had a story about it in there, & that the guy reporting on it was acting like he'd actually talked to a high up government official.

I don't think they moved it, but that's what the article said, lol. I do know, that there's supposed to tunnels networking all the government facilities out there, & also that there are military truck convoys out there all the time, & that they wouldn't be advertising what what in them like a Ringling Brothers Circus convoy.

I thought I'd start a different thread & see if anybody had heard about this, like I said the article was from years ago. White Sands New Mexico is out where they test all kinds of Nuclear Weapons, & I believe that's where they dropped our first atom bomb, so it's perfect to move Area 51 to, if they did, since the ground has been glowing for years now.

Yup, the employees would probably bitch, but then again, the government doesn't always do what is best for its employees (say it ain't so Joe) & you can look at the group that sued over deaths happening when they were burning stealth equipment.

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 12:55 PM
IF, i say if, that would be true, we maybe could try checking it out with Google Earth ?

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 08:37 PM
The author of that ridiculous article in Popular Mechanics magazine obviously didn't do his research. If he had spent even part of a day at the actual entrance to the Groom Lake facility, he would have seen plenty of traffic in and out of the base.

The story was debunked almost instantly by people who had done their research, yet it won't die because people keep spreading it on Internet discussion forums.

And people buy into it even though there have been numerous observations of air and ground traffic into Groom since the article was published. Hilltop observations and satellite images show increased construction of facilities at the base. New runways and hangars have been built at great expense. The same organization is operating the facility now as before. The base isn't closed.

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 08:51 PM
Popular Science was WRONG. It hasn't been moved. It's only expanded. AFFTC Detachment 3 out of Edwards AFB manages the Groom Lake facility.

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by Groggy
IF, i say if, that would be true, we maybe could try checking it out with Google Earth ?

Speaking of Google Earth, can anybody give me the coordinates of area 51. I can't find it. I have found Rachel, NV and the little ale'inn or whatever but not Area 51.

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 01:24 AM
Argh.. Popular Mechanics strikes again

Curse them and their disinformation

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Conspiracy Theorist06

Originally posted by Groggy
IF, i say if, that would be true, we maybe could try checking it out with Google Earth ?

Speaking of Google Earth, can anybody give me the coordinates of area 51. I can't find it. I have found Rachel, NV and the little ale'inn or whatever but not Area 51.

Rachel isn't much of a town at all, but if you have the right place to be Rachel, then follow the road south until it bends sharply to your right. Off to the left (Down a gravel road) will be the main base portion.

Let us know when you find it. A little further southwest will be S-4, if you can see anything of it at all.

As for closing Area 51, I doubt it. However it would not surprise me at all if some resources were scattered in order to have more availability to ascertain some components true purposes. I find it hard to believe all such assets would be in the same nest.

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
Rachel isn't much of a town at all, but if you have the right place to be Rachel, then follow the road south until it bends sharply to your right. Off to the left (Down a gravel road) will be the main base portion...

Check your math. You're sending them the wrong direction.


posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 04:01 PM
It's how I recall it.

P.S. Thanks for taking the bullet for me.

[edit on 29-11-2005 by Esoteric Teacher]

I see the confusion!

If you are looking at a map of Nevada (like on Google) and follow the main road southbound (with your eyes, not actually on the road) when the road bends sharply to the right (as you are looking at the map) off to the left (as you are looking at the map) is a gravel road, light colored rocks. Follow that road until you find an area with a real long flightline.

[edit on 29-11-2005 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 05:01 PM
Man eventualy the US goerment is going to get rid of google earth were finding all there bases!!!

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 07:07 PM
Nothing they can do. Satellites are in space. It's legal to take pictures of anything from space.

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 07:30 PM
They dont have to get rid of it. Ever notice that you cant zoom in too far in some places. I tried looking for the HAARP array and couldn't get close enough to the general area.

posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by SpartanLeonidas
I don't know why the mag published that they'd moved Area 51, but that's what the article said. I've still got the mag.

If you still have the mag as you claim then I would like to know the date it was published so I can go to da library and find a copy so I can read it.

Thank you

posted on Nov, 30 2005 @ 02:30 AM
Esoteric you gotta see these pics I am gonna put links soon...

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