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F-117 Shot down in 1999

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posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 01:37 AM
all the f117, tornado, f15e, etc, hits were done after these radars were blowed by the apaches, btw tomahawks helped a lot

the first f117 strikes werent done in bagdag, but anyway, remember that without early warning radars there is a complete desorganization, actually the f18 downed by the mig25 in the war wasnt done by central coordination, but because the 25s pilot saw the fire stela of the 18 HARM, lol

[edit on 6-12-2005 by grunt2]

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 01:39 AM
And the F-117s went in well before the F-18s, Tornado, and all the others into Baghdad. They flew directly over the city, including the SAMs, AAA guns, and buildings, without a shot being fired at them, until they started dropping bombs.

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 01:42 AM
man you are drunk, there first targets were comunication nodes miles away from bagdag

the bagdag problem was that were blinded by the lack of these blowed radars and the comunications relays, they didnt know what to shoot, so the reason of the AAA "rain" in bagdag

they didnt shoot many sams in the first night, because, as sometimes happen in the banks....they didnt had

[edit on 6-12-2005 by grunt2]

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 01:52 AM
I'm drunk huh? Nice try.

At H-hour, 3:00 a.m., another stealth pilot positioned his cross hairs on a telecommunications center in downtown Baghdad. This was the building that General Horner's chief planner, General Glosson, had dubbed the "AT&T Building." As soon as the first bomb fell in Baghdad, the Iraqi air defenses opened up, full bore. Millions of viewers around the world later saw the awesome display on television. Streams of deadly red tracers and hundreds of SAMs rose up in a blind barrage.

F-117 pilots still refuse to give specifics on targets they bombed in Baghdad. However, one F-117 pilot (who did not fly over Baghdad on the first night but who later attacked targets in the city) described a typical attack.

"When you're still several miles out, the city is an indistinct collection of infrared splotches. With a fingertip you slew your cross hairs over the general location of your target, which might be the northeast quadrant of the city. As you approach the IP, you can see the city much more distinctly on your MFD, just like a black-and-white photograph.

"Getting closer, you can see major boulevards and the river on the MFD. You know your target--let's say it's a command bunker--is east of the river and north of a main boulevard. You refine the cross hairs' positioning."
From the same page.

In fact the F-117s were the ONLY planes allowed over Baghdad during the first Gulf War.

[edit on 12/6/2005 by Zaphod58]

[edit on 12/6/2005 by Zaphod58]

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 02:10 AM
ahhh, the first system that you need in the anti-air war is in fact the early warning radars, without them you are blinded, they were destroyed by apaches to open the operation for the f117s, in the radar "black-out" area

hundreds of sams????lol, that was AAA

the first attack of the f117 was against a info node miles away from bagdag, obviously also attacked the city, but actually the city itself wasnt the most defended target, also the city defences were very busy with the tomahaks

the military bases bombed by the tornados were the most heaviest defended targets in the war, really in aface -to -face against the sams, but also easy cake by the radar-comunications first strike

you can bomb anything when your foes dont have radars or communications centers

[edit on 6-12-2005 by grunt2]

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 02:24 AM
The com node, and Baghdad were hit simultaneously. The first bombs were dropped over Baghdad at H hour, which was the start of the war. Read any Desert Storm history that talks to the 117 pilots and you hear them talk about being over Baghdad when the war started. If you bothered to read that page I linked to, an F-117 pilot, Major Feest, dropped a bomb right down the roof of a com building outside Baghdad. AT H Hour, which was the start of the war, the first bomb was dropped ON Baghdad.

The moon had set. Layers of clouds blanketed much of Saudi Arabia and swirled northward into Iraq. The "execute" order for Operation Desert Storm had gone out to the coalition air forces. H-hour was 3:00 a.m., Baghdad time, January 17, 1991.

The opening attack took place not in Baghdad but far to the southwest of the city. There, Army and Air Force helicopters and F-117s combined to slash open a gap in western Iraqi air defenses [see "Apache Attack," October 1991, p. 54]. At H minus twenty-one minutes--2:39 a.m.--helicopter Task Force Normandy, comprising Army AH-64 Apaches and USAF MH-53 Pave Lows, knocked out two Iraqi radar sites just inside the border. The Apaches employed Hellfire missiles.

Minutes later, Major Feest would drop the first bomb, destroying an Iraqi Air Force interceptor operations center (IOC), about 150 miles inside Iraq. That IOC was a key link between border radar sites and the air defense headquarters in Baghdad.

On the leading edge, flying far ahead of the main strike force, the ten F-117s from Khamis Mushayt knocked out Saddam's command-and- control centers and key air defense points. Most of these targets were in and around Baghdad. Flying single-ship missions, the F-117s caught the Iraqis by surprise. Minutes earlier, when Major Feest and the helicopters knocked out air defenses to the southwest, the batteries in Baghdad had filled the night sky with hot metal. Soon, however, they fell quiet again, evidence that the incoming F-117s had not been tracked.

Read my previous quote from there. The first target was the com node MAYBEl 20 minutes at the MOST ahead of when they hit Baghdad.

I hate to tell you this, but the Tomahawks hit Baghdad AFTER the first 117 did. The first 117 dropped AT 3am. The Tomahawks were programmed to hit from 3:06-3:11 Baghdad time.

[edit on 12/6/2005 by Zaphod58]

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 02:28 AM
ahhh, well whatever, so what???, bagdagh wasnt the heaviest target, and the apaches were actually the key in all the attack

and wasnt minutes later, the f117 attack was almost an half hour later

actually the guys that done the real job were the apaches pilots, but again by all that sci-fi stealth stuff, the cool guys are the 117 pilots

[edit on 6-12-2005 by grunt2]

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 02:35 AM
The 117s were already across the border when the Apaches took out the radar. Feest dropped the first bomb within a couple of minutes of the Apache strike, 150 miles inside the border. The Apache strike was 21 minutes before H Hour. If the 117s waited until then, they would have had to travel 150 miles to the first city, drop the bombs there, AND all the way to Baghdad and be there in 21 minutes to drop there at H Hour. The F-117 just ain't that fast.

The attack on BAGHDAD was half an hour later. Major Feest hit the com node within minutes of the Apache strike.

[edit on 12/6/2005 by Zaphod58]

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 02:37 AM
at M0.9-0.8, you are

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 02:40 AM
The TOP speed of an F-117 is 0.8 mach. They're not going to be travelling at top speed the entire mission, or they wouldn't have enough fuel for the round trip, not to mention that the engines can't handle being run that long at full throttle.

[edit on 12/6/2005 by Zaphod58]

[edit on 12/6/2005 by Zaphod58]

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 02:42 AM
ahhhh zaphod, zaphod, zaphod, zaphod, the cruiser speed of the 117 is arround 650 mph anyway look this .....

F-117 HIGHLIGHTS (17Jan/Day 1):v At 02:51 local, the 1st bomb from an F-117 flown by Maj Greg Feest who later also droped the 1st bomb in JUST CAUSE) hit the Radar Integrated Operations Center, also called Iraqi Air Force Interceptor Operations Center

it wasnt a simultaneus attack

[edit on 6-12-2005 by grunt2]

[edit on 6-12-2005 by grunt2]

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 02:45 AM
And the Apache attack was at 2:39. That's 12 minutes to go from inside Saudi Arabia, 150 miles into Iraq, find the target, and hit it. That means the F-117s were across the border before the Apaches hit the radar.

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 02:54 AM
do some maths, 12-15 minutes 1/4 of hour, 600 miles, then 1/4 of 600/650= around 150 miles, a well coordinated operation -that not considering the factor id the planes were already 30-50 miles inside counting by the apache attack

you can always enter some miles before the info organitation and shoot response

[edit on 6-12-2005 by grunt2]

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 02:57 AM
Yeah, they were 30-50 miles inside Iraq when the Apache strike hit. If they were in Saudi, they would have had to have been far enough back to not be detected by the Iraqi radar systems, which would have put them a LOT farther back than 12 minutes flying time to the first target.

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 03:01 AM
you must consider the time of enemy responce, is not as you think, i mean your f117 are showed in the green screen, then all the sams shoot them??, you have seen too much top gun , there is time of responce, target confirmation, iff verification,etc.. and also to wait the planes get into the missile range

the funny thing is that these radars were blowed by apaches, not your holys f117

anyway the maths are clear

[edit on 6-12-2005 by grunt2]

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 03:05 AM
You REALLY think that the Iraqi missile batter commander didn't already have orders to shoot at anything crossing the border from Saudi, without having to go back to headquarters? Good god, they KNEW the strike was coming, they're not going to sit there and go "Oh look, here come some planes from Saudi Arabia into our country. We'll just let them go by."

And when have I EVER said the F-117 is some holy plane, or stealth is some magic invisibility shield? I NEVER said that. I only pointed out that it's not as crappy as you would have everyone believe.

[edit on 12/6/2005 by Zaphod58]

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 03:08 AM
man, this isnt as you think, by your stupid way of thinking you could lose friendly planes

also one thing is the detection range and other the missile range

no the plane isnt crapy, i never said that, but in a enviorement below 9Ghz is better not act as maverick

again i said that the plane have use in some spectre of radio, but is useless in others

[edit on 6-12-2005 by grunt2]

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 03:16 AM
So what, the Iraqi radar went to the border and magically stopped? You're telling me that there were Iraqi planes flying in Saudi Arabia? It's going to be pretty obvious to the radar operator that they're coming in from over the border. Not to mention if they have no planes on radar, then suddenly there are, and they're coming from the wrong direction, they're not your planes.

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 03:21 AM
isnt about arabia sauidi is about iraqi territorie

hell, man if the radar operators would have such way of thinking we would have more patriots-tornados incidents

they had planes in the sky, bombers,transport, etc remember that one f18 was downed by a foxbat, there were other planes around, the air control isnt as you think a precise an exactly stuff, it always takes some time for the confirmation in the iff and warning survenlance radar phase

[edit on 6-12-2005 by grunt2]

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 03:24 AM
Apples and oranges grunt. Iraq KNEW that planes coming from Saudi Arabia were coming to attack them. The Patriot sites knew that it COULD be planes coming to attack, so had to take longer to identify them.

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