The com node, and Baghdad were hit simultaneously. The first bombs were dropped over Baghdad at H hour, which was the start of the war. Read any
Desert Storm history that talks to the 117 pilots and you hear them talk about being over Baghdad when the war started. If you bothered to read that
page I linked to, an F-117 pilot, Major Feest, dropped a bomb right down the roof of a com building outside Baghdad. AT H Hour, which was the start
of the war, the first bomb was dropped ON Baghdad.
The moon had set. Layers of clouds blanketed much of Saudi Arabia and swirled northward into Iraq. The "execute" order for Operation Desert Storm
had gone out to the coalition air forces. H-hour was 3:00 a.m., Baghdad time, January 17, 1991.
The opening attack took place not in Baghdad but far to the southwest of the city. There, Army and Air Force helicopters and F-117s combined to slash
open a gap in western Iraqi air defenses [see "Apache Attack," October 1991, p. 54]. At H minus twenty-one minutes--2:39 a.m.--helicopter Task Force
Normandy, comprising Army AH-64 Apaches and USAF MH-53 Pave Lows, knocked out two Iraqi radar sites just inside the border. The Apaches employed
Hellfire missiles.
Minutes later, Major Feest would drop the first bomb, destroying an Iraqi Air Force interceptor operations center (IOC), about 150 miles inside Iraq.
That IOC was a key link between border radar sites and the air defense headquarters in Baghdad.
On the leading edge, flying far ahead of the main strike force, the ten F-117s from Khamis Mushayt knocked out Saddam's command-and- control centers
and key air defense points. Most of these targets were in and around Baghdad. Flying single-ship missions, the F-117s caught the Iraqis by surprise.
Minutes earlier, when Major Feest and the helicopters knocked out air defenses to the southwest, the batteries in Baghdad had filled the night sky
with hot metal. Soon, however, they fell quiet again, evidence that the incoming F-117s had not been tracked.
Read my previous quote from there. The first target was the com node MAYBEl 20 minutes at the MOST ahead of when they hit Baghdad.
I hate to tell you this, but the Tomahawks hit Baghdad AFTER the first 117 did. The first 117 dropped AT 3am. The Tomahawks were programmed to hit
from 3:06-3:11 Baghdad time.
[edit on 12/6/2005 by Zaphod58]