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Just Disgusting!

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posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 05:11 PM
Ok this is my ultimate pet peeve, the thing I think I hate most and it's just plain irritating. I cannot stand people who eat and drink LOUDLY. You know the slurp slurp, glug glug, crunch crunch. And then there are those that eat with their mouths open, that is just gross. I know I have sensitive ears, I eat slowly and quietly and so do my children. But some people are just plain pigs and have no consideration for others.

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 05:14 PM
ohhh U and me both!!! I also can't stand when people smack their tongue against the roof of their mouth, whilst eating or otherwise (sleeping)
It's enough to make me gag

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 05:20 PM
YOu know that sound you make, when you are tasting something?
just tasting it, not eating it..

I work with this guy, who makes that sound ALL THE TIME..
It's like he's just tasted the roof of his own mouth for the first time..
I want to fire a whole tube of Krazy Glue in there..

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by spacedoubt
YOu know that sound you make, when you are tasting something?
just tasting it, not eating it..

That's the sound I meant! lol I can't stand it. My ex-best friend used to do it in her sleep and it would drive me MAD lol hence her being an ex best friend
(well that was one thing ....)

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by Zaimless
Ok this is my ultimate pet peeve, the thing I think I hate most and it's just plain irritating. I cannot stand people who eat and drink LOUDLY. You know the slurp slurp, glug glug, crunch crunch. And then there are those that eat with their mouths open, that is just gross. I know I have sensitive ears, I eat slowly and quietly and so do my children. But some people are just plain pigs and have no consideration for others.

you'd porbally kill my brother then

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 07:10 PM
I know a who family that eats like that except the wife. The husband is older man and he schlups away at his food, chewing with mouth open and his three children and their children do the same. It really is quite gross sitting there watching and listening to them all Schlugging away. Its no wonder I don't eat much when I'm invited for dinner, its all I can do to stop from barfing all over the place.

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 09:47 PM
Even worse is when someone calls you on the phone and they are crunching on potatoe chips thru the whole conversation.:shk:

I have a couple of people who call me as they eat.

Then there are the tooth pickers who use their tongue to suck their teeth...

Then there are the drunks who if you watch them, they dont care if they eat good food or a bowl of cereal with water. Its all tasty to them!


posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by Mayet
I know a who family that eats like that except the wife. The husband is older man and he schlups away at his food, chewing with mouth open and his three children and their children do the same. It really is quite gross sitting there watching and listening to them all Schlugging away. Its no wonder I don't eat much when I'm invited for dinner, its all I can do to stop from barfing all over the place.

Their last name wouldn't happen to be Simpson would it ?

Originally posted by dgtempeI have a couple of people who call me as they eat.

I hang up on people who do that, I have even told custoemrs in my past work places who do it (politely) that I will call them back once they are done if they won't stop
lol I cannot tolerate that ughhhhhhhhhhh

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 11:43 PM
Schlup Schlupper Schlupping.

What is a Schlupper you may ask, well a Schlupper is one of those people that Schlups their food. You know the ones, chewing on their food with their big fat mouths open, masticated food clearly visible from within with a loud Schlup Schlup Schlup noise.

Schlupping is a newly researched phenomena and scientists have now discovered that the affliction of Schlupping is hereditory. Scientists at the University of Obnoxious noises in Loud-Bang have yet to agree though on whether Schlupping owes the passing on of the affliction to offspring as being genetic based or whether the disease is environmentally impacted from birth.

The scientific team is excited to discover other previously hidden precursers to Schlupping Syndrome and disease including gross flatulance, burping or regurgitating wind and loud noises emitted by the Schlupper when sleeping. The team were further amazed with the connection between Schlupping disease and the victims also producing porcine like noises while watching television.

Most Schluppers studied by the researchers were found to be grossly overweight with bad dress sense and a habit of using toothpicks at the end of a meal. The worse cases of Schlupping syndrome use the toothpicks to find more tasty morsels in their teeth to Schlup on and will often examine the contents of the said toothpick before returning it to the Schluppers mouth..

Leading researcher Professor Julius Peabody is currently working on secret studies in the effort to conclude just how contagious Schlupping is by using test subjects personally known to the Schlupping victims, including spouses and friends who are also suspected of contracting this inisidious affliction from their loved ones.

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 01:55 AM
I hate also when people drink water from a cup and its like they can't have it fast enough lol! They suck and it makes this stupid childish sound. Whenever I hear that I look at the person and they look at me with innocence and they look like they are four years old! I do it sometimes but rarely only on a really really hot day. I take my time to drink and I don't make a sound.

I hate when people ask you a question when your eating food. I always make a 1 sec hand gesture. My mom does it to me all the time its so annoying! Sometimes I think she does it on purpose!

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 09:06 AM
How about people like me this past week who are hocking up phlegm 24/7 because of the flu? I have to keep an empty diet Coke bottle with me at all times inside the house so I have somewhere to spit my industrial strength loogies. My g/f won't go within 10 feet of that bottle.


posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 11:03 PM
I hate that too.
I was having dinner at a returaunt (however you spell it), and then I hear this HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHH, from some lady.
I felt like yelling, "would you shut up!11"

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