posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 12:28 PM
Quick note on Vowles' post--the image stuff on that page isn't full. An image "tag" should look like this:
<img "url to the image">
Also, the H1 and H7 tags should have the proper (/H1 and /H7) closing tags (with the surrounding angle brackets.) I don't know if what was on
that link will work or not, but it's better to make sure your HTML is "well-formed".
For formatting, the font tag is a good stand by if you're not using styles:
<font size="absolute or relative size" color="named color or RGB hex value">Text Text Text blah blah blah</font>
On size, you can specify an absolute size, like 12pt, or a relative size like +1 or -2 or whatever.
Most of your common colors have predefined names that most browsers will recognize, like White, Black, Blue, etc., or you can use an RGB hex value.
RGB will look wierd when you type them in, but you have more control over the result. The RGB stands for Red Green Blue, and you put in values like
#000000 for Black, #FFFFFF for white, #FF0000 for Red, etc. It's in hexadecimal, so you use values 0-9 and A-F, with F being the highest.
The first two digits represent the value for Red, the second two represent Green, and the last two represent Blue. The higher the value you put in
one of those sets, the more of that color you'll have (FF is the highest possible value, gives you a full blast of that color, and 00 means
absolutely none of that color is used.)
Hopefully that made some kind of sense, and I hope it helped out some too.
EDIT: Vowles (and whomever), if you want to display HTML tags in the posts use the "entity" names for the brackets (<TagName>).
[edit on 11/28/2005 by MCory1]