I do hope the numbering of the podcasts does not reflect the actual number of posted podcasts or this would mean CPR has created the 1000th Pod.
Someone please tell me this is not it.
Is our little chatbot turning into a podbot? Is this wise? Is this an example of what happens when ATS is raising your children?
ummmmmmm........................ya don't REALLY KNOW the words there.......... But your effort at showing LOVE to the Councilors is
duly noted. We love you to cpr
Thank you TRG. Much love! I thought this song fit the councillors really good cuz they all like to have big balls and all. (not those kinda balls)
They are also very powerful and stuff... mmhmm
Two very important questions, how do you podcast. Not just "plug in ur mic and go" I want the whole answer. and also where do you get the special
effects? Like when you sang really lightly on this podcast. Or on another one you sang deep. Did you have to pay for the FX or was it free?
I downlaoded the program audacity it's free and easy to use. Downlaod it plug in your mike hit record record your podcast then look through the
effects and experiment.
Hey, I have some problem with downloading it !
I just get the intro and then it hangs.
Whats the prob? Is it me or is their some problem with the link ?