posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 06:30 AM
same as you don't ask a murder suspect if he murdered someone and expect a reliable answer.
Actually that is one method that investigators use . And the question is asked
in several ways.
given the logic of your statement and the events here i can only conclude
ALLxians of
All sects and denominations are psychopathic,
child molesting,alcholic,drug abusing, baby eating, rapists, and murders. As
ALL of these accusations have at one time or another throughout the
history of the pauline church been laid at their feet and even on occasion,
some proven to be fact.
By that same logic It could be said that Thomas Crowne is guilty of these same and other offences as he professes to be of the same sect as people
like Jack Chick,Texe Marr, Fred Phelps, and of course the world famous
dynamic duo of lies and bovine feces Dr Lawrence and Michelle Pazder
which of course culminated in the good Dr. banging the patient on the comfy
couch, and getting some really good memories. I wonder If Michelle really does remember? That could be construed as prostitution she was getting
screwed and paying for the experience.